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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Would you like us to ask for you?????
  2. Someone let Angle know that those diaphrams that he got from me still need to be replaced with new ones. I was replacing those because they had holes and were bad enough that I noticed my bike not running right. But my old ones were a lot less bad than what he had in there. just think of his grin when he finds out just how good these bikes can run.
  3. If you are going to do a cost of ownership comparison it should be similar to similar. Compare a cheap econo car to a cheap econo bike. Compare a high end luxury car to a high end luxury bike like the ones we are riding. You have set up you comparison as if you are looking for an excuse to get rid of the bike. In most parts of the country most people NEED to own a car. there are very few people or places that you can realistically live with just a bike and no car. I know there are some that do. Based on that the bike is just a pure pleasure toy, not a necessity of life. I do not keep records cuz my bike is a toy it does have some practicality, but it in reality it serves no function other than riding enjoyment that my P/U truck can not provide better. Since it is just a toy, I dont care what it costs and all of the money that is spent on it is pure disposable income.
  4. SEAFOAM it! Have him hold the number one spark plug wire to see if there is spark..... Could just as easily be bad gas or plugged injector(s). The quick test is a small shot of ether. it will as least pop off if the ignition is working. if this still gives nothing then it is still an ignition problem. If it does run off the ether and quit then it is a fuel problem. At least this will narrow it down. You can tell by the sound if there is still some compression. Compression, spark at the right time and fuel equals a running engine.
  5. Put a volt meter from the pos terminal of the battery to the power terminal of the starter while cranking. It should show very close to zero volts. any voltage shown is power that is not reaching the starter. Do the same for the neg battery term to the starter motor case. Should also be very near zero. If either one of these tests show voltage then start tracking it down with the voltmeter by putting it across each segment of the system till you find the dirty or bad connection or wire or component. This way you do not spend money till you are sure of the bad part.
  6. I did run into that Yammer imposter, he was such a bad imposter that he even denied being Yammer. But at least that imposter did help put my bike back together AGAIN for my 2nd attempt at leaving to come home. Cept for some reason the imposter was trying to grow a collection of carb slider springs. The real Yammer would never do that. Do these come in flavors???? :moon: Traffic was good everywhere BUT Chicago. I hate Chi traffic Chi was a zoo. I hate Chi traffic I was doing 70 in a 45 construction zone and was the slowest thing on the road. I was getting flipped off and/or cut off every couple of miles. I hate Chi traffic They always try to kill me. I hate Chi traffic There was one jerk pulled up next to me, slowed down to match my speed, made eye contact, waved and then changed into my lane and was laughing hysterically as he pulled away while I was braking hard on the shoulder. I will remember him, his car, and his license plate and have now found his home address....... I will be sending him an anomonis "remember me" letter just to let him know my displeasure and to make sure he knows that I know him. He can just think about that forever. I can only hope to see him again when I am in the truck to return the Chi greeting....... Did I ever mention I hate Chi traffic........
  7. The OEM shield is no longer available. I called every dealer in the USA that I could find and there are none left in the system to be had. After market is the only option left. At least call F4 Customs, He told me that since the OEM is no longer available, if there was enough interest he would make one. That is the one I want. It is the most scratch and chemical resistant ones available.
  8. I have the 8" HF trailer and after 430 miles of 70-75mph both the hubs and tires were still cool to the touch. I was at about 400 lbs with 20psi. Do not run the 60 max psi called for an the sidewall of the tire that pressure is for if you are carrying a load at the max weight rating of the tire. Most of us are are in the range of 20-30psi. I was at about 400 lbs with 20psi.
  9. Eileen and Don. It was my pleasure to meet you both. You are wonderful hosts. I spent a lot of time around the work being done and learned a lot of things. Some good some bad. I learned a lot while I was there, met a lot of people that were just names on a screen before. Sorry Earl for making you do my carbs twice. :stickpoke:Squid would have been proud of you. Rode it in limped it out...:stickpoke:Even got Yammer Dan to help the second time thru. My "old" "bad" parts were donated to someone that had even worse parts and made him a happy camper too. Thanks again
  10. I got 22 mpg driving straight into that hurricane, once I turned the corner north so that I had a cross wind instead of a head wind It went back to 32 mpg. I have no previous experience with the trailer so It is hard to tell if it really was better. I'll find out tomorrow going to work.
  11. oopie
  12. Well I made it there and back. I left home at 3:30am, pouring rain and 41 degrees. It rained till about 5 miles from Dons. I wore my blaze orange Gortex hunting coat, Gortex camo hunting pants, and Gortex hunting boots, and Gortex orange hunting gloves. I was warm, dry and comfy (except for my marshmallow butt) for the whole trip, not a drop of water made it to my skin. The Pledge had water beading off well. On the wet roads the trailer made the bike a little squirmy in the curves, there was no instability on the way home on dry roads. I did keep in mind a number of tips from all of you. Thanks
  13. I was there. And now I is home, with a good case of monkey butt........ I do not have traveling internet capability. When I aint home I am hard to catch up with. I did meetup with Jerry and many others, at Dons.
  14. I made it home finally. safe and sound. That headwind was brutal. Thank yous to Don and Eileen for putting up with us. Thanks to Skydoc_17 for all of the work he did for us. A great time was had by all.
  15. It is supposed to be 42 and raining when I leave at 3 am tomorrow mornin.
  16. You may drill a hole it you want. If you can. These are not being made for this, It is a piece of scrap that I rescue from the scrap man. It is the punch out for a hole of that shape that we need on one of the products we make where I work. there is no way I could talk them into adding a punch to the die to add a hole in a piece of scrap.
  17. Yup, I is gonna git soggy gittin there.....
  18. There are many city names that are used in a lot of places. If you get something weird just type in the state abbreviation or country just after the city name to let the map have an idea of which city you are after. I added the state abbreviation to the city name in my profile so that it will always find the right Cudahy for you.
  19. Good reminder. I knew that from the truck, but had not thought about it relative to the bike. Well everything is packed and ready to go. Windshield and visor are cleaned and waxed. Lots of drink ready to go. I'll stop for food. Come on 3am...............3am?........Did I just say that?
  20. Almost all packed and ready to go. The only thing left is to fill the cooler and strap it on the trailer.
  21. Thanks for the offer Jeff, but I will not be able to make it up there. Since it is supposed to be in the 40's when I leave I will be wearing my orange Gortex hunting suit, that should keep me warm and dry. The coat has removable Gortex liners so I can adjust the warmth as required and still stay dry. I have a warm pair and a thin par of Gortex pants. I will also be wearing Gortex, insulated boots. I do have some Gortex gloves but they are mot the best insulated. I will take 2 pair of gloves. If my hands or anything else gets cold, I'll stop and warm up. I have no specific time schedule to meet. I have been using Pledge on the windshield and it seems to shed the water pretty well, I will add some to my visor. This new helmet has never seen rain so I have no idea what it will do. Lots of good advice in this thread. I'm going to use as much of it as I am able.
  22. I never went thru the dirt bike phase of life, and now I'm to old to learn a dirt bike, so I never learned the slippin and slidin part of bike control.
  23. To bad, I have a spare set of gaskets for all 3 side covers just sitting there on the kitchen table. I'm not sure if the missing gasket thickness or grinding the gears will cause any other issues later on.
  24. After seeing the pics the better half had questions as to what they are used for........
  25. Since it will be wet and the ground possibly soft. I will bring a supply of polished Stainless steel pads to put under your side stand (a pair also works well under the center stand) so we do not have to pick up to many bikes that might want to take a nap in the nice soft wet grass. It will be first come first serve.
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