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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Black one looks like more capacity. Bigger is better.
  2. The shift lever goes up. I can remember this because gravity wants it to be down and that is wrong. It can never be the easy way........
  3. :sign yeah that: Or are you unconsciously resting your foot on the brake to be ready for what is around the next curve.
  4. Use a pruning pole to reach under and cut it off. The pruner will also allow you to pull it out for disposal. Then pour a large amount of salt thru the cracks between the boards to make it stay dead. Put some paper thru the board cracks to act as a long skinny funnel to keep the salt off of the deck so that you do not damage the wood or nails. The pruning pole that I have has a 12 foot reach. If all else fails, a sufficient application of dynamite will make most problems go away.
  5. Both Stripes......
  6. Not likely, If anything it was hard on the gears. If you have a lift to get the rear wheel off the ground, you should be able to shift thru all of the gears just by hand.
  7. No you have it all wrong. We drive on the right side of the road, if you do not drive on the rite side of the road then you are on the wrong side of the road. You even refer to yourselves as "down under". That proves that you are the ones that are upside-down.
  8. Congrats. You think your tired now???? HA!
  9. NOPE!!
  10. Zero??
  11. So who all if anyone is heading from SE WI to the WI MD next week? Just wondering who I might be able to hook up with for the ride. I am planning to head out on Friday. I don't know if I can get off work Friday so I am not sure if I am leaving Friday morning or evening yet. My planned route at the moment is I94 to hy19 to 14 to 56. Open to other plans.
  12. is that supposed to be 120,000 oe 12,000 miles? At what speed do yu here this chatter in 4th and 5th?
  13. Cant you just take the rack to your welding class and hot glue it back together?
  14. Everything down there is already upside down, Can you imagine how confused they would be if you grabbed that island and turned it right side up.....
  15. I would be very surprised if the bars are hardened. If anything they may be annealed, like a steering wheel. But that is a good thought, It is easy to test though and I will before proceeding.
  16. Flyinfool


    I made my own harness. Just paralleled everything si I two identical separate horn circuits.
  17. Back fill thru the spigot??
  18. they are both pretty cute, you sure your related??????
  19. :sign yeah that: That is what they did for me to, but I had to ask for it.
  20. Start the testing with what you have. Never start trouble shooting by spending money, unless you are spending on test equipment. If you do not have a digital volt meter, you really need one. You can get a cheap one for under $10 that will do what you need. Take the battery in to a battery plus or autozone or similar place and have it tested. The battery must be freshly charged for them to test it. If the battery is really showing zero volts after being charged, then it is toast. Check it with a volt meter, not the dash meter. Are you sure that you hooked up the charger the right way?
  21. Such a small gift for such a nice lady that traveled halfway around the world just to see you.......
  22. There was a bit of confusion at the supermarket this morning. When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down facing me.". Making a mental note to complain to my congressman about Homeland Security running amok, I did just as she had instructed. When the hysterical shrieking and security alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card. I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future...
  23. If you want to 2nd guess me, you have to stand in line first.......
  24. If you had the battery on a charger for the winter you may have cooked a good battery to death. A trickle charger is not the same as a battery maintainer. The charger can destroy the battery over time. First off you need a digital volt meter. Not the dash analog meter. Hook the digital voltmeter up across the battery and check the voltage with the bike running at 2500-3000 rpm. It should be real close to 14V, +/-.5V is close enough. If you have this then the stator and regulator are most likely fine. Take the battery in to have it load tested. Many shops and stores will do this for free. There are many tests to be run to determine the actual problem. One step at a time. It is very good that you came here before having that "mechanic" actually do anything to your bike. Whoever told you that to replace the stator requires removal of the engine and big $$$$ is either a liar and a crook or does not have a clue about these bikes.
  25. Are you sure you really want to learn of his preferences........
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