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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Good thing they weren't Yamahas, It would have been tough to get all new cassette decks.
  2. Congratulations. I'll bet the 30th can't come to soon.
  3. At least it don't sound like he thrown out right away...... The longer an interview lasts the better your chances.
  4. Better hurry, is just a few days away.......
  5. I just got off the phone with Brian. He is feeling better. His prognosis is for a full physical recovery. It just gonna still hurt for a while.
  6. Start by checking the main fuse. Then start over at the beginning and test the NEW stator and RR. It is possible to get a new bad part. A bad stator can take out a RR and a bad RR can take out a stator. You should be seeing 20+ volts AC between any 2 legs of the stator with the engine running. The voltage should be pretty close to the same between all legs. Check it both connected and disconnected from the RR. Check the output side of the RR to see if you have about 14 VDC there.
  7. Traffic around north east IL is always somewhere between a demo derby and a suicide run. I hate Chicago traffic. If you pay attention, most of the cars on the road have dents in them.
  8. Trucks do much better with deer than cars do. When I hit a deer with my GMC all that happened was a cracked grill, and a full freezer. Then 20 minutes after leaving that spot I hit a second deer, that one left no damage but got up and ran away. These were both very early in the morning on my way to my deer hunting stand. I guess they were in a hurry to get into my freezer.
  9. At the rate your going you are going to have 10 knots whether another shows up or not......
  10. Sounds like you have someone on the inside pullin for you and it was not an advertized position. Those are always a good sign.
  11. Sorry for your loss. It must be painful.... Just the thought of having only a 2nd gen left to ride............ I sure hope I never get old...........
  12. Good luck:fingers-crossed-emo
  13. Send a PM to Freebird
  14. After catching a softball size rock at 120 mph. they do not hold much of anything anymore....
  15. I first noticed them in this thread. www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=71332 But they are gone now. None of the posts show as having been edited so it may have been in someones sig. I did find the site with the offending code.
  16. There's bugs and then there's bugs.......... http://screen-bug.googlecode.com/git/crawling_bug.gif It is not a virus or anything on your computer. Just have to figure out who is adding this code to their posts. Maybe a moderator????
  17. Either lemon law it or trade it before the warranty runs out. My GMC has 300K and has had nothing other than maintenance items done since I bought it new. It has NEVER been in a dealers shop since the day I picked it up. I have an extended cab 8' box that regularly gets airborne on the back logging roads, it is not pampered. I beat the snot out of it, but maintain it. It could be possible, I have seen companies loosen the spec so that they would not have to replace worn tooling. It is also possible that they were required to change the material the clutches were made from. I went thru a period where I was doing brakes every 4-5 months when the EPA mandated a change in the material. It took a few years for the manufacturers to come up with a new material that held up.
  18. OK, Whats with the bugs in this page??????
  19. :sign yeah that: What Rocket said. Was the tank full to the top when you started your 115 mile ride? It is possible that you are only running on 3 cylinders, these bike run so good that the only way you may have noticed a dropped cylinder is the lousy gas mileage.
  20. Not sure about the 83 but on my 88 there are two plastic plates on top of the engine, these plates do a lot to help keep engine heat away from the rider by deflecting the hot air out the bottom and back. People have removed them just to make access easier. When you stop you will get hot fast. So don't stop riding, just don't ever stop......
  21. I can see both sides. Yes you always save a life when possible. But rules are rules. Termination is a little extreme, especially in this case. I'll bet someone offers him a job somewhere.
  22. Wild 4th parade. http://www.todaystmj4.com/news/local/161363625.html This happened almost right in front of me. Fortunately it did happen right in front of the paramedics. Later that night the fireworks were canceled mid show after they started a fire. We are in severe drought conditions here.
  23. You have a number of seeming unrelated issues, the one common part is the fuse block. If it got hot enough to melt, then it is toast and not worth much effort. As a short term temporary fix you can try taking each fuse out and gently squeezing the tabs closer together to get better contact and see if that helps your issues. it is very easy to break the tabs off while trying to get some grip back on the fuse but this will at least let you know if the fuse block is the real issue. When you jump from the battery + to the starter side of the solenoid you have bypassed all of the safety circuits on the bike. If you are going to jump the starter you are the one that must be sure it is in neutral and or on the center stand with the rear wheel off the ground. I thought the start switch only turns off the headlight, not all of the lights.
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