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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Wheeeeew!!!!! Thanks Boss man.......
  2. Or into left faring. And while you have it out to dry it out, good time to open it up to replace the diodes.
  3. If it is late July like it was this year that would give you plenty of time to mosey on over.
  4. Now we will be going thru withdrawals if we don't get our naked chat fixes........
  5. Which mystery??? The phantom hat or the makeup of the group showers.????
  6. You forgot to add MORE lights........
  7. Maybe International Falls got the cold shoulder????? Is the 43.5 parallel close enough to the 45th? Like I said, I would be willing to do what I can to help if it is close to me.
  8. I guess a big question is about how many people should one have to plan for for the international? That will determine what kind of facility is needed. There were 23 RSVPs, about how many actually showed up this year?
  9. But NOT Bob in the shower!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I like that idea. It would end up within riding range of my marshmallow butt...... I do not have the time, knowledge, or expertise to spearhead it but I would certainly be willing to help out whomever did take it on.
  11. I guess I consider taking on a hands free phone the same as talking to a passenger. first it is rare for me to even answer a phone while driving. If I do it is just 1 button push to answer and have it on speaker phone. I then drop the phone in my shirt pocket and can talk hands free as if the person were next to me in the vehicle. I do know some people that can not talk to a passenger and pay attention to the road at the same time. I have different ring tone for those that I might actually want to talk to verses all others, If it ain't the right ring, I don't even look to see who it is. If it is important they will leave a message. If some one died, they will still be dead when I next stop. If they are critically sick, don't call me call 911. I have seen people texting while driving a bike. When on the bike I do not even turn the phone on.
  12. Food, Ice Cream, friends are all part of the process to deliver the trailer. I see no Hijack here...... We do have to make sure that the trailer actually get transferred.......
  13. It is the big gear that is the kicker. If Yami discontinues it, then the starter clutch going will soon become terminal. Dano Maybe while you still have a new one on hand, draw it up with all of the critical dimensions so that some day down the road someone can look into making some up. If you want I can help.
  14. Quick and dirty tests. Start by fully charging the battery. Check the voltage with the engine off and again with the engine at 2,000 or higher. Engine off you should have at least 12.0V withe the engine running, If you have less than 12V, most likely it is a bad battery that is not covered by Yamaha warranty. But since the battery is fairly new its waranty should cover it. Have it load tested. Engine running you should have around 14V, if not, back to dealer. test two, if you have a lighted circuit tester. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Connect the tester from the neg bat terminal to the neg battery lead. If the light is visible at all, even if very dim in the dark, then you have something on the bike that is pulling power. Take out the fuses one by one till you find the culprit. Don't forget any fuses that you may have added for accessories. Once you determine that it is not something you did, then back to dealer.
  15. Hmmmmm Kind of warns people that it is a sleeper..........
  16. Most likely the #2 cylinder. The tach gets its signal from the #2 ignition circuit. Intermittent issues are the worst to find. I would start by cleaning and checking all of the connectors in the ignition circuit. Yes they are a PITA to get to.
  17. There is an aftermarket replacement available, I think it was Dingy that put one on his bike. I don't remember the maker.
  18. Be sure to go to the DQ website to find a PARTICIPATING DQ. I will have to drive right past 4 DQs to get to the nearest participating DQ. :essen_018: :essen_018: :essen_018: :essen_018: :essen_018:
  19. Well then we fixed another problem for you.
  20. As long as you have the rear wheel off, be sure to clean and grease the pins while you are there. If you are taking it in, most shops will not do the grease unless you ask.
  21. Pic 3 is a stock TCI relocated to the top of the air cleaner. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=702098&postcount=19
  22. OOps I have so many mics and calipers scattered around, I forget that some people don't have such things.
  23. First you have to enter the forum where you want the thread to appear. In the second blue row above click the forum button on the left end. This will give you a list of all of the forums that are on this site. Choose the one that seems most appropriate for your question and click on it. There will then be the "New Thread" button at the top left. See and we didn't even bite,,,,,,,,yet.......
  24. Welcome back Whew,,,,, I was worried that you were turning into a deadbeat.......... Where else can you get good help and good natured harassment at the same time??
  25. Did you try the yellow pages? There are about 30 chrome platers in a 30 mile radius of me. Pay them a visit and talk to them, ask for references, If they have been in business for a long time they don't do that by messing stuff up.
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