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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Not to mention that you could carry that gun to school so that you could shoot dinner (squirrels or bunnies) on the way home. Try THAT today.
  2. When you flip the rear end you are effectively putting the ring gear on the other side of the pinion gear. with given input rotation one side of the pinion is moving up and the other side is moving down. When you flip the rear you are also effectively putting load on the rear end as if the car it came out of is running in reverse, the gears are not cut to be used in this manor, on a trike you can get away with it because there is so little weight and less rolling resistance compared to a car. For the fluid you just need to figure out how much goes in there, and then just put that much in. You will NOT want to fill it up to the hole when it is upside down, that would be way to much oil. You do not need to check the oil, If there are no wet spots indicating a leak, then all the oil is still in there.
  3. That looks like fun. I have never been recoil sensitive, I have gone to the range and put 100 rounds of 300 win mag down the line and thought it was fun. I see that there is also an all weather version (stainless - synthetic) of the Henry 45-70. I think that would make an even better brush gun for going into the thick stuff after or during a snow storm to find the deer.
  4. For me it had to be an old Bulldog. the gun was so small I could only barely get 2 fingers on the grip and it shot 44 SPL. 240g. It is a 5 shot revolver and weighs nearly nothing. The grip is held to the frame with 2 pins and the trigger guard is a structural member. One time the trigger guard snapped and the frame, barrel and hammer assembly flipped on the rear pin and the gun with 4 rounds left was pointed at my head. I bought a new trigger guard and sold that gun. This is the newer version that will not point back at you. Now on the other hand, the most painful gun that I have seen shot was a guy that showed up at the range with a Lone Eagle in 30-06. The Lone Eagle is a single shot handgun. Instead of mounting a pistol scope he had a rifle scope on it, they do look the same on the outside. He was holding it out in a two handed grip and then just before he was to pull the trigger for the first time, he pulled it up to his face to get proper eye relief for the rifle scope, and touched it off before we could stop him. The optic of the scope just missed his eye but peeled the side of his face off from the corner of his right eye back to his ear. OUCH!!!!
  5. If you have that bad of corrosion to the battery terminal it usually indicates a battery leak. @yamagrl was the last person I know of that was making up the heavier replacement cables. Highly recommended upgrade.
  6. The Brake, Tail, Hi beam and Lo Beam go thru the CMU. If you plan to change any of these to LED you will most likely need to jumper the reed switches in the CMU or you will have bulb out warnings. It is common to have cracked solder joints an all PC boards on the Venture where connectors are mounted. The CMU is no exception.
  7. This is where your back tire is going......... Try 4th gear and see where it tops out. once you have used up 4th then try 5th. 5700 RPM is NOT pushing it.
  8. Interesting...... IIRC the Fiero front end was borrowed from the Chevet. But for $1100 it is almost tempting. ALMOST
  9. Very interesting. I am not sure if the printed plastic will hold up on its own. You may have to print it and then lay up some fiberglass or something on the inside for strength? I would think that once you have the mounting points, and interface points all located in 3D space then it is open season on the rest of the design, and that is where the fun starts. I would love to help out, I work in 3D cad all day, but my artistic abilities can be put in a thimble with a lot of room left over.
  10. You do NOT need to pull the fairing to get the dash out. Test that bulb, Motorcycle bulbs do not live real long, especially if someone left a finger print on it.
  11. I am sure Marca hopes you get it straight also..........
  12. @cowpuc, you just need to go for a quick swim across the pond. In WI when they voted in the CC it also became legal at the same time to have a loaded long gun in or on the vehicle. In most parts of the state if you have guns in the window, you will have a broken window and no guns very shortly....... In Milwaukee, there is one guy that is an advocate of open carry, he is a constant target of the bad guys. They pass him on the sidewalk and as they pass they put their gun to the back of his head and take his open carry gun. Now the bad guys have another gun for use on the streets. I do not know how many guns this goof has put on the streets. The crooks are targeting the one who open carry, a gun will sell on the street for more than the amount of cash most people carry around, and if you are displaying your valuables...........
  13. Mine still show up and I noticed a lot of others are still there also, It might be something you did to yourself???
  14. The short answer is, It is self defense until proven otherwise. In the USA we are supposedly innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
  15. Glad it all worked out and you caught it before it became a real problem. Erika just went thru that where the stress test and echo indicated a 70% blockage of the "Widow Maker", so she was scheduled for the angiogram with the expectation of getting a stent and the Angi said all was good and she did not need one. She just needs meds forever. But without the angi thrown in, they were ready to split her open for a bypass. After seeing that I agree with you, if an angiogram is offered get it done. Nothing else gives a better look at what is going on in there.
  16. As Freebird mentioned it is a difficult moral area for the permit holder to decide for themselves. Legally the CC permit does not change any other laws. Part of the "training class" is to teach you what the laws are. All the permit does is to give you the right to have the firearm on your person and concealed, that is all it does. Every state has different rules regarding the carry of weapons. If you are going to travel with your gun (any gun, not just hand guns) you had better be sure about all of the laws of each state that you will travel thru or could find yourself spending a lot of money on lawyers and still spending some time in lockup. Should you have to use that weapon, the first thing they will look at is can you be legally in possession of that weapon, if not you will go to jail weather it was self defense or not. There a some people in prison for a very long time that claimed it was self defense but the courts called it murder and/or manslaughter. In any event, if you use your weapon on another person you should expect to need an attorney quick, with a good chance it will end up in court. The USA legal system says you are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But that court of law can cost you a LOT of money. It is only the very most cut and dried cases of obvious self defense that never go to court. I only carry in very rare and specific places. I live in WI and the only reason that I got my CC permit was because I hunt and spend a lot of time in the woods of Michigan (and Wisconsin). The woos that I frequent have bears, packs of coyote and packs of wolves. Michigan law says that for me, a non resident, to be in possession of a handgun, I must have a CC issued by my home state. While I also have never need that handgun in the woods, I have been close enough to dangerous animals that I have had it out and in my hand and ready to go. Michigan also has a problem with feral pigs and actually has a law that says if you see a feral pig and are in possession of a firearm, you MUST (or at least try to) shoot the pig. I do like pork. So I will always have a handgun with me while out in the woods during the non hunting seasons.
  17. The only place a CAI (Cold Air Intake) can make any difference is at WOT (Wide Open Throttle). Any other throttle position ant it is the butterfly valve that is restricting the airflow. As mentioned unless you wast to mess with rejetting the carbs, do not mess with the air box or the air filter element in any way. Many have tried and most have failed. If you need / want more power, the easiest option (not really easy, just easiest) is the V-Max head and / or intake swap. The size you need for that Allen on the top of the forks is 17mm. You can make your own out of a bolt and a couple of nuts, or get the set of hex bit drives from Harbor freight that goes up to 17mm. There are quite a few places that you can buy a 17mm hex bit.
  18. I use the long skinny funnel made for transmissions. We are not supposed to put things like oil soaked paper or towels in the trash or the recycle bin, we have to take it to the same place that we take the old oil to.
  19. Those are both great explanations for replacing a spark wire in the coil. But he already has aftermarket spark wire and is just replacing his damaged caps. If your caps were replaced at the same time as the wires then it is very possible that you do not have stock caps and we can not guess how they might come off, but the new caps should just screw onto the end of the wire. After you trim it back 1/4 to 1/2 inch to get to fresh center conductor.
  20. I like to shoot, so all of my guns get used a lot, year round. I understand that shooting high velocity max loads will erode the throat, especially in the hot summer, but that just makes for a good excuse to get another new gun. The last hunting rifle that I sold when the groups opened up to 1.5. I sold it to a deer hunter that will never put more than a box of cheap ammo thru it per year. He said it is the most accurate gun he ever seen or owned. So we were both happy. My current 7 mag I got from a guy the same day he bought it, and his wife caught him bringing it in the door. So it was only a couple of hours old and never been fired. I took it as a part payment for a boat I was flipping.
  21. Here in Wisconsin they finally also legalized cross bow for hunting. I have been thinking of exploring that route to. I always said that if they open a deer season for another kind of weapon I will have to get one.....
  22. Well I know there are a lot of members here that like guns, I'm one of them and own many. I was wondering how many here are into archery. When I first got started in archery I was talked into it by a couple of guys I worked with, one was an avid archery deer hunter, and the other was getting ready to compete in the summer Olympics (he is scary good). They hauled me down to the archery shop where they both shoot on a league, and I went through all the measurement stuff with the range expert to pick out a bow for me that would work on both the range and for hunting. Of course it was a nice compound bow, and they also signed me up in the league that was just about to start and helped me get the new bow tuned and adjusted for me. In archery league shooting a perfect score is 300 which would be 60 bulls eyes. My first night there I shot about a 130. My 2 buddies shot 290 and 300. It was a handicap league. well of course I improved rapidly by 10 to 20 points a week. in a handicap league that pretty much makes our team unbeatable. By the end of that first season my average was up to 280. After a couple of years I got a better bow that is more specific to hunting. It still worked for the leagues ok but with a 60 lb draw it was a bit tiring at the range. my left hand would start shaking trying to hold that draw weight to aim, even with the compound let off. Some times the engineer in me gets the upper hand and I have to buck the norms. I am right handed and left eye dominant. So when it was time for another bow, I looked into getting a left handed bow. The engineer in me said it had to work better. I would now be holding up the weight of the bow, and aiming and holding the draw weight all with my stronger and more accurate right hand while my weaker left hand was anchored to my chin for stability. My new bow had an max 85 lb draw weight and I found it was no problem to shoot that accurately in the leagues because my strong hand was now doing the heavy lifting so to speak. I really felt like a very uncoordinated goofball the first time I tried a left handed bow, everything really felt all wrong after building up years of muscle memory to do it "right". Because I learned right hand and then switched to left hand I can now shoot equally good with either hand bow. I am now to the point that I can consistently hold a 3 inch group at 50 yards outdoors with the wind swirling around. This good but not great, My buddy that is of Olympic caliber shoots a 100mm (4 inch) group at 100 meters, outdoors. I will never be in that class, his bow cost more than a new car.
  23. That rifle is not really all that big of a number YET. I am in the market for a new deer rifle or rebuild the one that I have. Either way I go it will cost me close to $2k. The one I have mow is Rem 700, 7mm Rem Mag, stainless, synthetic, Leopold VX III, 4.5-16 x 40. To rebuild it would need a new stock, new barrel, and a set of jaws for my barrel vice and action wrench. The current barrel is "worn out" by my standards meaning that the group size has opened up to about 1.25 inch at 100 yards. Still more accurate than what a lot of hunters can shoot, but it used to hold 0.600 groups all day. I do load it pretty hot which has helped it wear out after about 3500 rounds. or To buy new will need the new gun, and a new scope, and mounts. But then I can sell my "worn out" gun to finance part of the deal. But then it is fun building new guns........ oh the dilemmas........ Or rebuild this one AND buy a new one......... I did a rebuild on an old Swedish Mauser 6.5 x 55 and it will do 0.500 groups all day long, as long as you do not let it get to hot. When the barrel hits about 130-140°F the groups start to open up. In summer temps it takes about 6 quick shots to get that hot and in winter deer hunting conditions it takes a dozen shots fired quickly. (I better not ever have to shoot at a deer 12 times ). Darn, now you got me all wound up again...............
  24. I have a similar issue. I am right handed and fairly left eye dominant. I also have the same issue with my groups always being to the left and high. I have had professional trainers watch me shoot, including with slow mo video and they could not find anything wrong in what I am doing. All of these pros said that it does not matter if you do a back flip as you squeeze the trigger as long as you do the exact same back flip every time. If you are shooting tight groups that it is not likely an issue with your technique. The simple answer was for those guns that have adjustable sights simply adjust them to be on target. Some of my guns I was able to modify the non adjustable sights to bring them on target. The other I just have to know the gun and where it shoots and mentally compensate. The other advantage of have weird sights is that no one else wants to use my guns cuz they can't hit nuttin. Ya it took me quite a while to learn to subconsciously compensate, especially if I am shooting some one else gun. Go buy more ammo............................
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