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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Yesterday on my way home from work there is a weird intersection that I go thru. It is a T intersection. I was heading across the top of the T and had my turn signal on to make the left turn to the base of the T. The rout I was traveling was the normal traffic route the other side of the T is a dead end. So there was no stop sign for me but there was a stop sign for the oncoming traffic. Well there was a oncoming car, she did stop at the stop sign. SOMETHING just yelled at me to watch this one close, somehow I just knew she was not going to wait for me to clear the intersection. My subconscious brain was already to stop or go straight WHEN she was going to run the stop sign. Yup the plan all came together, she came up to the sign, stopped, and then just as I was getting there she took off right in front of me. But since I somehow knew this was going to happen. So as I was coming into the intersection I had already downshifted to 1st, had the clutch pulled in, the throttle released and my right hand and foot already one the brakes. So I was able to be stopped in the middle of the intersection, at about a 45° angle but not across the center line, so that she knew where I was headed, while blasting on my dueling Bad Boy horns, about 3 feet from her OPEN drivers window and my HID headlight right in her face. Man she had some real big eyeballs at that point. Then it happened, I hit the holy grail. My very first one. She was so startled by the 2 Bad Boys screaming in her ear, she launched the cell phone that she was talking on right out the car window. :big-grin-emoticon: Unfortunately it landed behind me where I could not run it over. But I did see pieces parts when it hit the pavement. Never question that little voice in the back of your head.
  2. Sounds like a lot of backpedaling to me........ you better duck:duck:
  3. This means that the starter circuit is fine. You either have a bad switch or a bad ground wire. Take your ground wire and connect it to the black wire at the switch, press the start button. If it cranks the switch is fine and you either have a break in the black wire or a bad ground of the black wire. If adding the ground wire does not make it crank with the start button then the problem is in the switch.
  4. :sign yeah that: Buy the cheapest drill bit you can find in either 18.25mm or 23/32 inch (.719 inch). You may have to get a reduced shank bit to fit your drill. It only has to last for one hole in aluminum. Use oil on the tap while tapping. Clean all of the oil out after tapping and before installing the coil.
  5. ????? I thought the headlight part of the switch is closed when the switch is released, open when the switch is pressed. The start half of the switch is open when released and closed when pressed. You can easily test this on the bench with an ohm meter. closed should show 0 ohms on the lowest scale and open should show infinite with the meter on the highest scale.
  6. Better stock up on Ice Cream to sooth any stings.
  7. Or go to the last place you were when it worked, you were messing with the start switch, go back there and make sure that it is all back together correctly. While you are in there, make sure that your kill switch is working correctly and not actually in kill.
  8. Now that you mention it, you could have probably found the kit on ebay with 1 or 2 coils missing. Just check to see if the O'Reilly's has the drill bit in the kit. The lower priced kits normally don't. I guess I never considered all of those as competitors, they each have their specialties and I buy from all.
  9. While I have always looked for tires that that don't look right, not just on big rigs but on ALL vehicles. But I never thought of a rock or other debris stuck between the dallies.
  10. MSC has the M18 x 1.5p kits in stock for $125. http://www1.mscdirect.com/CGI/NNSRIT2?PMAKA=91911545 You will also need an 18.25mm, or 23/32 drill. I normally get next day service out of MSC. You will have 4 coils left over to help a friend some day.
  11. I guess I would have just drilled, tapped and coiled while on the bike, sounds a lot easier.
  12. Must have been a long ride to get there, it seems you were really bushed......
  13. I have never vacuumed wasps, but I have vacuumed honey bees, the vac by its self with that sudden turn at the end killed most but not all of them. It still got real exciting when I opened up the vac.
  14. I worked for many years for a military contractor, It was absolutely forbidden (with the exception of some very rare special cases) to ever have a fastener screwed directly into aluminum threads. Everything had to have helicoils or some other type of steel (usually stainless) insert. The military dont like things that can break down. With your buddy as a machinist, he may have all of the tools and the coils to do the job. Heli Coils and the tolls to install them are rather pricy.
  15. While the shop vac might work. It will not by its self kill the wasps, you will have a vac full of very angry wasps. Be careful with spraying insecticide into the hose, many are flammable, the universal vac motor makes a LOT of sparks from the carbon brushes. What I would do to be safe is; First find some kind of cover to plug the inlet hole in the vac. when you are done vacuuming, before you shut the vac off, disconnect the hose, get your can of bug killer ready, as soon as you flip the switch to off start spraying while the vac is winding down and keep spraying till you are sure you have enough in there then quickly plug the hole to give them all time to die. If you are using a wet dry vac have several inches of water in the bottom before you start so some can drown as they are waiting to be killed.
  16. The other BIG thing to consider is the value of the item being shipped. I had a package get lost by USPS and their final answer was "Thats to Bad" The item cost $600. UPS and FedEx have some insurance that is built into the shipping cost, I'm not sure but I think it is around $100. So if they loose it, (or destroy it) there is some recourse. If shipping anything of value with USPS you must buy the insurance or you are completely SOL. I do the online printed prepaid labels, my local Post ofice will not scan a package unless I bring it to the counter and insist. If I just toss it into the package shipping container, the first thing that shows up is the delivery conformation. or sometimes the destination post office. So if I am shipping something that I sold to someone I always have to take it to the counter to be scanned so that the tracking number will show it as having been shipped. Keeps my customer happier to know it is on the way. All of the carriers do give an estimated delivery date, I'm not willing to pay extra to see details of every time it changes hands along the way. UPS is very close to real time info, FedEx is always several hours behind in their tracking data, USPS can be a whole work day behind in there data but the data is always gets there.
  17. this is Big Tom we are talking about here, It takes Ice cream applied from the inside to make any owies go away.
  18. :sign yeah that: I Heli-coil all kinds of stuff. The heli coil thread is actually stronger than the original thread. Just to be clear, the red loctite is to install the Heli-Coil into the fork, use the loctite sparingly so that you do not end up red loctiting the axle bolt in. Let the Loctite set up over night before putting in the axle.
  19. I did quite a bit of looking to finally find a replacement reflector on ebay. There are usually some there but most people think they are made of solid gold. The one I finally found the emblems had fallen off and the glue was left. once I cleaned off the glue it was fine, but that got the price way down. I do know that there is one on the side of the road somewhere between Milwaukee and Racine Wisconsin. When you reattach the reflector do not rely on hot melt glue, it let go the first time the temp got into the 20s. The new one is attached with clear RTV. To get them apart, since you now have a good black back, sacrifice the black back on the new one by sanding it off from the backside, I used a dremel with a 1/2 dia course sanding drum, this way you will not damage the reflector getting it off. Handle it carefully, the weight of the reflector alone is enough to break it if you just hold it wrong. The 2 halve by themselves are each flimsy. I screwed the black part back onto the trunk to hold the correct shape while I glued the reflector back on. Don't ask how I learned all of these neat things......
  20. I has to be double virgin.........
  21. It does not sound like a drain issue since it dead at each gas stop. It is either overcharging and killing the battery, or just not charging the battery in the first place. While it is possible, it is highly unlikely to have 3 bad batteries in one week.
  22. Start by charging the battery. The charged battery should read over 12V. Next thing to check is the voltage across the battery terminals running. It should be around 14V with the engine running at 2,000 rpm or higher. If it less than 13.5 you have a problem in the charging circuit. If it is over 14.5 you have a problem. If the voltage is good then you need to start following wires. Follow the big wires from the battery and take apart and clean every connection from the battery to the starter. Should be 4 connections on the positive side and 2 on the negative side. Let us know what you find and we can go from there.
  23. Glad you are home and able to join us. You will stay in our thoughts.
  24. A friend of mine had a wasp go up the leg of the SHORTS he was riding with, yes he was also riding commando. He was a passenger so it took a while to get the driver to stop. Once stopped he dropped trou right there and started beating himself to make it stop. He was stung 17 times on various male parts that don't want to be stung. That was 30 years ago and we still him about it. Had it been more modern, someone would have had a camera phone. I had a bug hit my arm, a moment later I felt something crawling up my arm over my shoulder and started down my back by the time I got stopped. I got a lot of strange looks as I came to a screeching stop and ripped off my shirt, with my full face helmet still on. I saw the bug fly away but could not tell what it was, but it was big.
  25. Somehow I dont think my 1st gen would like those roads. But it does look like fun. Enjoy.
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