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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Just go to the blur bar at the top of this thread and click on "Thread Tools" and then "Subscribe to this thread" There will be a list of all of the threads that You subscribe to in the "User CP"
  2. I think Santa left Big Tom some nice pretty SNOW for Christmas. I seem to remember him asking for it......... Santa has not made it here yet..... I must have been a bad boy with all of my , and , and . Maybe he is just running a little late
  3. But the time stamp is 2 hours fast compared to central time. Not a big deal, have a great Christmas.
  4. Works for me now. Thanks
  5. I am very happy that I have seen no mention of the wbc loonies on the news. Maybe if they get zero media time they will just go away. After all it is the attention they are after, and to see if they can get someone to tweak their "rights" so they can file a big lawsuit, that is how they fund themselves. GOD forbid they should go out and get an honest job.
  6. These might help
  7. Right there is your problem. I just 6 words you have contradicted yourself. Sometimes you have to work for the answer, I just keep asking the same question over and over till the question I asked gets answered. Sometimes I have to but eventually my point gets thru.
  8. What I got is basic survival skills, a full tank of gas to get me far from the cities, and a lot of ammo to shoot game for food. I'll take my chances in the wilderness where I will not have to fight off those that want what I have. New normal or not, I might still just do this some day.
  9. $3.05 this morning. The snow storm had no effect on the gas price. Kic, while you are out riding, my PMS has me home with my honey, snuggled up close to generate heat, and dealing with whatever comes up.....
  10. Actually that little bit of energy that the fan uses is still making heat. The fan motor will get warm and is air cooled so that heat energy is still getting into the room. The friction in the shaft bearing will turn to heat and that heat will still be in the room. The friction of the air molecules against the blades and other things that the moving air hits will also generate heat from the friction. So all of that energy still ends up in the room. Visible light is still a form of energy. As long as it is not allowed out a window or door it will still strike something in the room and generate heat. So you can really say that an electric heater is 100% efficient. ALL of the electrical energy is released into the room. But just because it is 100 percent efficient does not make it cheaper to run than a 90% efficient heat source that uses a different, less expensive, source of energy.
  11. The storm wussed out here. With the "Warmer by the lake" syndrome, we got 2.1 inches of rain and maybe 2 inches of snow. Now that would have made a nice snow storm. just a little west of here, 50 miles, where the "warmer by the lake" does not come into play, they got 20+ inches. I may have to move west........
  12. Well it depends on just how you spin that........ I take it as a compliment when I kill a thread by my last post, It means that my answer / opinion was absolutely complete and correct and there is nothing more that can be added to or possibly contradict or even have a differing opinion of what I have said. There are those that know what they are talking about and agree with me, and then there are the others........
  13. Well you have 5 hours till midnight to get here.......... Oh and it not running........ And we have a blizzard happening...... And the airport is closed..... See ya soon??
  14. Well maybe half of the people would welcome me aboard......
  15. :sign yeah that: Its been working for me for the last five years. I'm using Amsoil Synth.
  16. Glad that we don't have that here. How will Santa's sleigh get around? And those poor reindeer, they might get heat stroke. At least we are supposed to have a white Christmas here, we'll see.
  17. I have no idea who that could have been.......
  18. :rasberry: :rasberry: :rasberry:
  19. Yup, its been pouring rain all night and still is. Not a single flake has fallen here. Weather dude said that if it was just a few degrees cooler, this would be a much easier storm to predict, it would have just been 15-22 inches everywhere. :snow2: :snow2:
  20. :sign yeah that: And I keep that special PayPal bank account at a bank other than where I do my normal banking. I have heard horror stories of people that had a separate PP account at their same bank and some how PP was able to pull monies from a non connected account to cover a dispute. If someone manages to hack my PP, they will not likely get enough to pay for a days worth of internet.
  21. It looks like the bulseye is on central Wisconsin. they are talking about 14+ inches with 40 to 60 mph wind just to make it interesting. Looks like I will get cheated again. here in SE WI only 3-4 inches of snow and a LOT of rain.
  22. I was in chat for most of last night with no issues caused by the server. I did get a warning message pop up once in bold red letters that said something to the effect of WARNING: Your current actions may get get you banned from chat. I figured that since I didn't do anything bad that I knew of I just ignored it and and everything seemed to continue working normally. I did note that a number of chatters were disappearing and having to get back in several times. Maybe it is OS or browser related. Chat has always been pretty stable for me. (Although I can't say the same for all of the chatters, especially myself. ) FWIW, I am running XP Pro and Firefox.
  23. The engagement surface of the 72 tooth gear must be perfectly smooth, as soon as it starts to get any axial lines from the rollers of the clutch, it is toast and will not grab correctly. I have Danos mod in mine and never an issue since. The factory parts are about half the cost of Danos fix but the factory 3 roller setup is temporary at best. the Dano fix has 18 rollers.
  24. But you have to have patience with me, sometimes it takes me a while to get to the puter when I hear the doorbell to tell me someone came into the room.
  25. That link is just for a "wimpy" Stebel horn which is the same as the Wolo and Bad Boys horns. This is the HORN I am working on how to fit on my bike.
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