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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I really wish I had the opportunity to go through the dirt bike phase while I was still young and immortal. Now I am to old to survive the learning curve. I did go thru a dirt track racing phase and the skills learned there have served me well in the cage.
  2. Lobster yucky!!!! Steak good!!!!
  3. Since it is an 04 the tires are at least 9 years old, they need to be replaced.
  4. Flyinfool


    I stopped going to woot as soon as they changed the format of the website.
  5. All of these posts about valves just keeps reminding me that I need to do mine this winter. I'm at 50K and I really doubt that have ever been touched or looked at. I do have the shim set out of a parts engine, hopefully it will have whatever I need.
  6. The dog eats cats, so I have only a dog to blame.......
  7. Ride that thing on up to here. Plenty of snow to play in......
  8. The reason most people change the mufflers is to make more noise. I prefer silent power.
  9. Yup When I get those emails that are from a hacked email account I always make a point to contact the person ASAP. They have no way of knowing that their email is compromised. When my email was hacked once, the only way I found out was that I have myself as a contact and the spammers sent me an email also. that was my first indication of a problem. In my case the hacker were not so nice, as soon as they were finished sending spam to all of my contacts, they deleted the contents of all folders including sent mail, received mail and even deleted all of my contacts. Fortunately I do back up my contacts. Everyone does back up their computer stuff right. It is the free emails like Yahoo, Hotmail, G mail etc that the spammers attack. They find a real email address and then have a computer try to log into that account, the computer just keeps trying passwords till it gets one that hits. At that point they are into you email account and can then copy all of your contacts to use as new seeds to exploit and also send out their spam from your account, so that the junk mail actually really did come from you. There is nothing you can do to stop this activity. They will continue to use your account till you log in and change the password, blocking them till they have their computer figure out the new password. The more characters in your password, the longer it will take them to hit it.
  10. I really wish you would keep it there. My TV says it is headed this way.
  11. Even if you still had a concern, just do not use the email links and contact the BBB directly. I often get legit emails from my bank and other places that look fishy, I still do not use links in any email, I just go direct to the source to be certain.
  12. I was guessing that it was/is a 2000....
  13. I'm not sure of exactly what a "wheat belly" is? I don't know if I want to know the classification of my belly......
  14. Asking weather or not one is needed, is just as volatile as politics, guns or oil.
  15. That sure does look like someone we know from Illinois.
  16. You can get those from Digi-Key.
  17. I have this one. I have not flipped over the trailer or dumped the the bike to try it out, but so far it has been no issue.
  18. Dang I missed the juicy stuff again........
  19. Glad it worked out and was not a lot of trouble. Yes there are still some honest people left in this world.
  20. The lithium polymer batteries do not like cold. They loose a lot of power fast when they get cold and also do not charge well when cold. I would be concerned about brightness and duration in the winter. If you already have some power in the garage, a couple of lights does not sound like it should push anything over the edge where you need a complete rewire, unless of course you were just looking for an excuse to rewire anyhow.
  21. I hope they aint headed here. It was 63 today but is headed for zero and lots of snow tomorrow.
  22. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=75634
  23. Looks like fun. To watch from shore.......
  24. See I just knew that you were gonna wake someone up. Now look what you did. ALL THAT YELLING DONE WENT AND WOKE UP ROCKINROBIN!!
  25. I have the HF trailer. I made some brackets that attach to the back of the trailer so that I can stand it up on its back bumper and there are wheels on the brackets that let me roll it sideways to slip it in and out of the space between the shed and the house. It is stored standing up leaning against the wall.
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