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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Unfortunately if the owner is not present and the dog is attacking, I have no choice but to teach the dog some manners. I have been known to teach a dog proper behavior while near me even in the presence of the owner. Most owners are amazed that their dog will suddenly start to act properly. It is amazing how many people with dogs have no clue on how to train or handle a dog.
  2. First off, WELCOME! Getting a copy of the "Ride Like a Pro" DVD will show you a lot of great info on handling the big bikes. As for your practice in the parking lot, get some garden hose and split it and use it to wrap the crash bars to avoid scratches when it tips. Typically when an RSV tips it will go about 45° and stop at the crash bars with no other damage. BUT the RSV is known to have weak crash bars that will bend if you tip it. Carbon_One makes a bolt on stiffener so the crash bars will not bend when you drop it. These bikes are known to be top heavy, it does not have to tip very far before you will not stop it with one leg.
  3. Of course it did, you made that poor little critter ride on a 2nd gen......
  4. Any time you lower either the front or rear of a bike it means that your lean angle in a turn will be less before something scrapes. But as long as you know that going in and know both your and the bikes limitations, it will all be fine. Most people to not corner hard enough to drag things anyhow.
  5. Sorry to hear that you broke it is so fast. Everyone above has given good advice. Notice that NONE of the above comments said to use super glue. Super glue and ABS plastic do not play well together. Super glue is a cyanoacrylate adhesive. Cyanoacrylate a chemical that is in Loctite that makes it eat plastic. If you use super glue on the ABS you WILL be buying a replacement part soon since the cyanoacrylate will eat away at the plastic making it very brittle and it will just crumble away over time.
  6. Glad to hear it was not the frame and was something that will not be to bad to fix. I an guessing that when you went airborne that the engine / rear wheel RPM shot way up. and then had a huge drive line shock when you landed, the screech you heard. At this point I have no idea what is next. I am still looking around. I do not think I would live long on a RF1...... I do not have near your skill set. Not to mention that I do not bend that way anymore. I have entertained the thought of getting a full size airplane instead of another scoot. In addition to my "toy" airplanes I do also have a full size pilots license. I am probably fortunate that my bike sold after the EAA show. It is way easy to go to that show and bring a new toy home.
  7. Glad to hear from you you old lop eared buzzard. You had a lot of us pretty worried with being gone for over a month. Ya know there are people out in Cali that do have internet access.......... To bad, my 1st gen just rolled away with a stranger aboard Monday night. I'm sure we could have worked out such a deal. As for fixing Tweeksis, it may be a cracked frame where there is a known weakness down on the bottom just behind the engine. There are pics somewhere where someone was able to weld and reinforce it and not have to pull the motor to get at it.
  8. He said that his first thought was that it was the bike that caused the fire. The fire department confirmed it was not the bike but it was faulty wiring in the garage. It was just dumb luck that it happened the same day he brought his new to him bike home. He was going to call to put insurance on it in the morning........
  9. The guy that bought it had just bought a new to him Wing and that night his garage burned to the ground.............
  10. Waaaaaaa My poor baby is sold and drove away tonight...........
  11. Take another look all the way around the flywheel inside and outside for the bolt and/or washer to be sure they are not stuck to a magnet out of sight.
  12. @OrlinEngh I sure hope you folks are ok after yesterdays storms. I can not even comprehend what 11.1 inches of rain in one day is. When I went to bed last night they said there was 9.5 inches of rain already with more coming during the night, On the news this morning they said 11.1 fell. :fingers-crossed-emo
  13. So I guess it is condolences and congratulations all rolled into one.
  14. I was not sure if the oil level was measured at the top or bottom so I went from the middle. I used a 60cc syringe and put a collar on it set to the depth I want. Then just over fill the fork and use the syringe to suck it down the exact level you have preset on the syringe. Fast neat and accurate.
  15. I have run into some cheap LED turn signal bulbs that will not work on all bikes. On the 1st gen when the turn signal in in the off part of the cycle the flasher is providing a ground to the signal wire. this causes all kinds of mayhem and in short (pun intended) makes it just not work. I do not know if the 2nd gen also grounds the signal wire during the off cycle of the flasher. Where this causes an issue is on the front bulbs that are both turn signal and running light. Some cheap bulbs have the 2 separate circuits internally connected, Some bulbs do not. Just something to look for.
  16. I just got word from @cowpuc, He, Tippy and Tweeksis are all safely in Cali at the rug rats house awaiting the delivery of the next grand baby and playing with the ones that are already there.
  17. I just got word from @cowpuc, He, Tippy and Tweeksis are all safely in Cali at the rug rats house awaiting the delivery of the next grand baby and playing with the ones that are already there.
  18. I just got word from @cowpuc, He, Tippy and Tweeksis are all safely in Cali at the rug rats house awaiting the delivery of the next grand baby and playing with the ones that are already there.
  19. Just an update, the basement is still dry and aroma free. Well at least free of sewer aromas. But now that I was rereading this post and reminiscing, Ol pucs comment here just rang a bell in my poor old demented little brain...... What if I added a bit of concrete to the White washer mixture to make some of that nice snow that is like shoveling concrete...........Hmmmmmmm, Puc you have so many great ideas..........
  20. In my classified add I just dropped the price for VR.org members to only $1395. I also lowered the price on Facebook, Cycle Trader, Letgo and Craigs to $1495. I still have no clue what to replace it with yet. I hate to go shopping and find something I like and have to pass cuz I got nowhere to put it yet. I did go look at a used FJR and a BMW K bike and they do not feel comfortable just sitting on them in the showroom. They would have given me $1500 for the trade in of my bike. Is there something wrong with my ad or is the market just that bad?
  21. Nobody but Yamaha makes that goofy 3 pin bulb, I think you can use a standard 1157 and grind off one pin (I do not remember which one) and it will work. There are some threads somewhere about how to do it. the same would apply to the LED bulb.
  22. I was working on an EFI conversion for the stock Venture carbs. I had most of it worked out except for the $$$$. I was also going to use the Megasquirt in kit form to save a few $$ or the Microsquirt. Either unit is capable of handling the EFI duties as well as the ignition duties and that would also allow COP coils and have fuel and ignition coordinated. Now that my venture is for sale I have pretty much dropped the project other than to see if I can actually make the needed custom parts jusat cuz the machining part is fun. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?128079-EFI-for-the-Ventures
  23. First off welcome. IIRC the foot pegs on the 83 do have a bit of adjustability for position, I do not know if that is enough for your "grasshopper" legs. I do not know how much you would want to lower the pegs as that could start to cause issues cornering. it is already possible to drag the pegs in a hard corner. But from a distance it does not look like it would be real hard to make some brackets to move them down a bit. Most of us with the short stubbly legs have modded the seat to get lower so that out feet can reach the ground. You may want to check to see if your seat has been lowered. You may be able to raise the seat a bit. The handle bars are adjustable to get a better position for your arms. The 83-85 are called 1st gen MK I and the 86-93 ar called 1st gen MK II. The 2nd gen is the newer ones up to 2013, There are a lot of nice 2nd gens around.
  24. The #72 O-rungs are inside of the #70 and #71 collars and are to seal it to the outside of the tube. The snap ring that is referred to, is what you are pointing to as a "silver bushing". Once you slide the class collar up a bit you will be able to easily remove the snap ring. You do not pull the snap ring off sideways, just get it out of its groove and then slide it up off the top of the fork tube. Before you slide anything up or down on the fork tubes clean as much crud off of them as possible so that the crud does not damage any seals as you are moving the parts.
  25. The boots that the carbs sit on are steel with rubber molded over, it is common to have small cracks that do not and will not leak.
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