A few questions for those totally familiar with the Cali lane splitting laws.
1. If there is contact between a bike and a car, who is responsible?
2. If there was contact will bikers stop to resolve the issue or do they just keep going with the knowledge that no cage can catch them thru the traffic?
3. Do the Cali riders that do practice lane splitting realize that once they leave Cali, lane splitting is no longer legal?
4. Does Cali have traffic lanes that are a litter wider than other places to make more room for splitting?
I have seen way to many times during a big rally where bikes with Cali plates are lane splitting in places that do not allow it. Here drivers are not expecting it, don't know how to deal with it, and resent it so many will try to slam the door shut if they do see it coming. As we all know, the bike will not win. Cali does have a lot of tourists that also are not familiar with the concept of lane splitting.
As for me, If traffic is completely stopped I might consider duck walking the bike thru the parking lot just to get off the road. I would never consider getting in between two moving cages with that little clearance. I will not even be in my own full lane with a cage in the lanes on either side of me. I do not stay next ant cage any longer than it takes to pass or be passed. But that is all my choice.