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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Are you able to get ammo for it? Around here 9mm ammo is very scarce, and what you can find is super expensive.
  2. I used to drive a 69 Pontiac Catalina up two 2x12 wood ramps to get it on the trailer. Yes they bowed a lot, but they never broke. I eventually got some proper steel ramps.
  3. When you build the shed, make it a 30 x 60 shed....... Now that should get your gears turning.....
  4. Oh Oh, Here we go again. Someone has cabin fever. Hmmmmmm....... Lets see. I wonder if Don could fit Mini into a bucket..........?
  5. Wow, that really is a high frequency horn. 550 MHz
  6. No...... Those are helmet hangers......
  7. BAD Tom Tom naughty... Tom owes everyone an Ice cream for that.
  8. That is why the 1st gens have black wheels.
  9. Your gonna make any kid with an erector set jealous. So much for an easy trip through airport security.........
  10. I wonder if you send your seat into the Butt Buttler to get it lowered for you if he can at the same time raise her perch any. If her seat is raised 2 inches and yours is lowered an inch or two that might do it. As far as the wind buffeting, the top her head will not be any higher than a passenger that is a coulpe inches taller.
  11. This is called Skinny Ridge in Colorado. It is a popular trail for dirt bikes. Not quite a steep as that first vid indicates. Here is another vid done in the summer with less of a fish eye lens. [ame] [/ame]
  12. That valve tool only works if the engine is out of the frame. The tool we are talking about will work with the engine still installed in the frame.
  13. But at least Kentucky is not going to outlaw ice cream like NY is.
  14. Also from what I have read I will be bringing a complete clutch setup and oil change.
  15. Ummmm...... It looks like there are parts falling off just sitting there.........
  16. I put my name on the waiting list for the advanced riding course. I am thinking of also signing up for the standard course. I will just have to learn how to ride a little tiny bike. The school supplies 400cc bikes. The standard course will also get me a break on my insurance.
  17. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: I use Search Tempest all the time.
  18. Congradulations from Erika and I. Does this mean that the pygmies will be getting evicted???
  19. OK A few questions for those totally familiar with the Cali lane splitting laws. 1. If there is contact between a bike and a car, who is responsible? 2. If there was contact will bikers stop to resolve the issue or do they just keep going with the knowledge that no cage can catch them thru the traffic? 3. Do the Cali riders that do practice lane splitting realize that once they leave Cali, lane splitting is no longer legal? 4. Does Cali have traffic lanes that are a litter wider than other places to make more room for splitting? I have seen way to many times during a big rally where bikes with Cali plates are lane splitting in places that do not allow it. Here drivers are not expecting it, don't know how to deal with it, and resent it so many will try to slam the door shut if they do see it coming. As we all know, the bike will not win. Cali does have a lot of tourists that also are not familiar with the concept of lane splitting. As for me, If traffic is completely stopped I might consider duck walking the bike thru the parking lot just to get off the road. I would never consider getting in between two moving cages with that little clearance. I will not even be in my own full lane with a cage in the lanes on either side of me. I do not stay next ant cage any longer than it takes to pass or be passed. But that is all my choice.
  20. In a way I can see that. Ammo is so scarce that people would come in buy a bunch, shoot 1 round and take the rest home. Their ammo supply would be wiped out just like everyone else and they would have none left to bring people into their range. As far as the type of ammo, there are more and more indoor ranges trying to reduce the amount of lead dust in the air.
  21. I just bought a new CC gun yesterday, I was torn between 2 guns. The Ruger LCP or the LC9, The stores around here only have 380 ammo in stock, no one has 9mm for under $60 a box, made the choice easier. I get to pick my new LCP with LASER up Monday on my way home from work.
  22. Does this mean your white bike will start to turn blue? If you are interested I have an engine from an 85 in my basement.
  23. I see that the one on Ebay is now sold. I hope you got it. It went really cheap. If not, Here is another one, not a real good price though, but is the exact same hitch as the other one, just does not include the crash bars.
  24. I would contact the seller to get my money back. If the seller says no, file a claim with PP and your CC company. That hitch is NOT safe to use. You could spend a bunch more money getting it welded up and reinforced. But as Carl said, welding will destroy the chrome, not that it looks good now. Unless you got it really cheap to justify the extra work it needs. I would not trust just using bigger washers to cover the cracks. What kind of a hitch is it? In that last pic, there is a complete set of rear crash bars, There is also a Markland hitch in the mix. If you get that one you will not have to replace all of the crash bars, you can just mount the hitch on your bars.
  25. It is also a good idea to go to a range that rents guns and try out what you are thinking of buying. If you can not shoot it well it is not of much use.
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