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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Nope, didn't even really look for one. The headlight and driving lights are HID. ARRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!!!! The mail person came while no one was home. Now I have to go fight with the post office to get my package.
  2. Do not use super glue on plastic. The cyanoacrylate is the same ingredient that is in loctite that destroys some plastics. If you are going to try to glue it make sure to use a glue that is made for that type of plastic.
  3. No "extras" yet. There are still places on the bike that do not have lights........
  4. I guess that means that I have to make it there WITH a trailer full of RUM balls.
  5. The Internet tells me that my lights are out for delivery. I should have toys waiting when I get home. Its like Xmas all over again, there is even still some snow in the back yard. Camera is charged, ready to go. (now I just have to remember to use it.... )
  6. Are just looking for busy work for da Boss man???
  7. I can't find a blue balloon either
  8. IIRC the screw that holds the top and bottom half together is installed from the top before the glass is glued in. I have no idea what kind of glue is used to hold the mirror in or if there is a way to remove the mirror without destroying it. I remember reading somewhere, that a trick to tighten a loose mirror that will not hold adjustment, is to grind a slot in the exposed end of the screw on the bottom side, so that you can tighten it with a flat blade screwdriver.
  9. According to the data sheets for red 262 Loctite, the joint must be heated to 250°C or 482°F in order to get it to release. Thankfully I have not had to get in to do this job yet. Another trick that I have used to localize heat is to use an old or cheap Allen wrench and heat the Allen wrench to red hot while it is engaged in the bolt head. This will heat the bolt directly and not the surrounding aluminum as much as trying to get a torch directly on the screw head. If you do use a torch directly on the screw head. Use the smallest welding tip that you can get your hands on so that most of the flame will be inside the screw socket. If the head of the bolt is getting red hot, you are way to hot and may be damaging the surrounding aluminum.
  10. In that case. What Don said.......
  11. So you chose to trim bushes instead of going for a ride, with "Brown Sugar" purring quietly in the back ground?????? QUICK, SOMEONE CALL 911, DAN IS DYING OF OLD AGE.................
  12. There is a member vendor that is making a flag mount that will slide into a 1-1/4 receiver hitch and I think he has a few other options. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=61997
  13. That would also be a nice arrangement if you have a pilion that likes to bat you upside the head while riding..........
  14. Are you looking for holders for a small flag or for a full 3'x5' flag?
  15. And if you do not take care of it soon you will be shopping for a replacement. The squealing is a dry bearing in there.
  16. Sounds like a plan coming together. I hope to actually meet you at MD and at the Int rally.
  17. Congratulations Red. Now you something that can make it to WI MD and still fit in.........
  18. I agree with Bob $2K is way to much for a bike that will not even turn over let alone run. The lower fairing are broken, half of it is still hanging there. the side panels are missing. If he will not go for 1K for both bikes and whatever spare parts he has laying around then offer 500 for just the newer one. he is looking for a sucker to over pay, don't be afraid to return the favor and insult him some. There was just a Venture Royal sold on this site in excellent condition with lots of bling for less than 2K.
  19. Well now I went and did it. Just placed another big order for LEDs. Once this batch arrives and gets installed, there will not be a single incandescent bulb left on the bike. This will bring the LED total up to 503 LEDs so far. I still have about 1200 more LEDs in a box looking for a new home. Some of what I am up to. I am going to install a brake light modulator on the brake lights that will flash them at 8 Hz for a half second and then flash at 2 Hz for 1.5 second and then stay on steady. I am also going to install a different type of brake flasher that will flash at 10Hz for 2 seconds and then remain steady on. This one will be hooked up to the horn and will flash all lights except for the HID headlight and HID driving lights, whenever the horn is blowing. I may add a couple of white high intensity strobes to this circuit on the front of the bike just in case the front turn signals are getting lost in all of the HID light. As a "side benefit" this will save about 12 amps of power for other things like more lights or toys. Coupled with the HO stator and RR and loosing the electric anti dive, there should not be anything dimming when I come to a stop. I will do pics, video, writeup, and parts list if this all works out. I also got some more LEDs for the trailer........ More on that when I get that far.
  20. I have BOTH of my Bad Boys mounted on the bag protector frames facing forward. With the 2 of them I have finally achieved the holy grail, I got a cager to throw her phone out the window as she ran a stop sign in front of me. That was so much fun I now have a horn thats significantly louder than 2 Bad Boys, I just have to figure out how to mount it.
  21. It does not look like weight will be an issue. The only issues I see are to remember that monster is back there, and there is a lot of surface area and leverage for the wind while riding in a cross wind. I don't see these as problems, just things to keep in mind. Watch your tongue weight while loading stuff.
  22. First thought is the 16V. That could be a failed RR. The high voltage could have damaged the battery, TCI, and most anything else electric.
  23. If it has the canister then it is most likely a cal model. A lot more hoses. I am trying to figure out how to replumb to stock NON cal.
  24. We need to know which version you have. The plumbing on a California model is very different from the rest. Mine is a Cali model but was bought new and always owned in Wisconsin.
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