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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I have a complete disassembled engine from an early 85 that does have the 2nd gear issue. I think it is the same covers? I will look to see for sure.
  2. Sounds like it is time to get @Carbon_One working on a easier hitch verson.
  3. The fact that the battery voltage stays above 12V and the voltage at the coils is down to 10 indicates a bad connection somewhere. Start at the battery terminal and also the other end of the grond wire where it connects to the block.
  4. I remember reading somewhere that the type of flash drive used also makes a difference as to whether or not it will work.
  5. Contrary to popular belief, heavier oil is not necessarily better for the engine, the recommended oil weight is almost always best. Your observations make perfect sense to me and are not your imagination.
  6. OK, a few more things to check. Silly question but has to be asked, are you sure the kill switch in in the run position? Have you tried starting with the side stand up and the clutch pulled in? Is the engine turning over fine just no spark? When you got the 10.36 volt reading while cranking, was that with the spark plugs in or out? What is the voltage across the battery terminals while cranking? These are the easy things to do before it is time to start getting into the wires.
  7. Well that don't sound like no fun at all. Get better quick so you don't end up like me.
  8. Be careful with the vinegar also, while it might not harm most paint it will dissolve aluminum. Google "dissolving aluminum in vinegar". We just went thru this this week where I work, some customers thought it would be a good idea to clean their machines with vinegar and completely dissolved a critical aluminum part, it took us a while to figure out why some machines were failing until we sat down and went thru their setup use and clean up procedure and they mentioned the vinegar to get it cleaner, and then it still took a couple days for the light to go on that is was the vinegar. After your tank is clean that will make a lot of salads..........
  9. This is interesting. IF they are still around the next time I need a new helmet I will give them serious consideration. As it is now I am uncomfortable riding in temps over 80°F, and dangerous heat is over 90°F. I have always had issues with heat, and since my heart issues my heat tolerance has gotten much worse. If it makes the difference between riding or not riding, $600 is cheap. The helmet is DOT and EU so it should be comparable safety to other high end helmets.
  10. Good luck. Usually if someone is coming from that far away they are serious.
  11. Since he said they do not normally fail so soon did he offer to warranty them????
  12. Man that had to be a thump, those are not small birds. The only bird I ever hit was just a little brown sparrow. But I caught it right in the middle of the chest and thought I was gonna die. I have not had a bike without a windshield since.
  13. As for getting the new rod thru everything, did you notice that one end of the original rods was ground to a point to help it find its way thru everything?
  14. The other thing to consider is that the tips of the thread make a lousy bearing surface for inside of the bushings. I wonder if you could fill the threads up with brazing rod for the area that will be in the bushing and sand it smooth using a drill as a lathe?
  15. I could see ole @cowpuc taking one of those Lambos out for a spin and returning it with some sticker from quite a ways away.
  16. Oopie, brain cramp, I went back and fixed it. My brain knew what it was saying but my fingers went ahead and did their own thing anyhow.
  17. I was fortunate, in 11 years that I had my venture it never went down with me on it. A few time it went down with me near it, due to very soft ground. One time the ground was so soft that it drove the 5 inch SS plate under the side stand down into the ground far enough to tip while I was not even around.
  18. SS threaded rod is not very strong, and certainly weaker that solid steel rod. I would put a new 5/16 solid rod welded in with new bushings but add a grease Zerk to each side and fill the tube up with grease after welding to lube and prevent rust. Then it will likely outlive most of us.
  19. It's all blue smoke and mirrors............
  20. Congrats, you fibber........ He said he wouldn't...........He said he wouldn't...........He said he wouldn't...........
  21. Back when I was working on converting to EFI, I had thought of going this route, and using a single throttle body. But the end cost would be higher, it would be a lot more work and there is a good chance it would not work as well as 4 carbs. So I stayed with the idea of converting the 4 carbs into 4 throttle bodies. I can relate to that welding. If I went by that theory I would have gone thru a lot of bullets by now. I can weld, I do not do enough welding to stay in practice, A lot of my welding is not pretty but it is solid and functional. By the end of a long project it does start to look much better, but then I wont weld anything for a year and the skills deteriorate again.
  22. If the speed limit is low enough that they can sneak up on you from behind and grab an exhaust pipe, they will only do that once, then it is not fun anymore.
  23. It sure sounds like Yamaha is trying to make it right buy telling the dealer to cannibalize another bike, It is the dealer that is the bummer in this case. You have to wonder, were there actually no parts in the pipeline, or were there enough failures that it drained the pipeline. I get back to the Yamaha rep and make sure they know that the dealer is refusing to follow instructions. Back in 94 GM just came out with a redesigned Suburban and I got one of them new. 4 weeks later the turn signals stopped working so I went to the dealer and they said that it was a bad turn signal switch, but since it was a new design there were not parts in the pipeline yet and it would take a month or 2 to get them, so they sent me and my new truck home very disappointed and with no turn signals. It just so happened that GM called me the next day like they always do one month after a new purchase to see how I liked it. I explained the problem with the turn signals. It was only about 15 - 20 minutes later that the dealer called me and said they are sending a tow truck to pick up my truck and they would cannibalize a steering column of something on the lot to get the part they need. My truck was done that same day and they washed it, gassed it up and delivered it back to my house. To me that is customer service.
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