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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. The only way I know to check for sure would be to pop off a fork cap and look. If there is about a 6 inch long spacer above the spring you have the stock springs if the spacer is less than 1 inch you have the progressive.
  2. And this exactly the problem with most cheap LED headlight conversions. the light is not focused correctly so it is scattering light everywhere instead of sending a focused beam down the road. Because there is so much light scatter everything right in front of you looks very bright. This brightness will actually reduce your eyes ability to see at night and make it more dangerous, because you will be less likely to see a hazard that is not right in front of you. The reason that there is little difference between low and hi beam is that because of all the scatter you are effectively riding with the high beam on all the time. These are clear signs that you should try a different bulb, there are some that have the LED element in the same position and approximately the same shape as the filament in the Halogen bulb that will get an acceptable light pattern. But they are never the cheap ones. Another thing to watch out for with LED headlights is power draw, there are now a lot of them that are pulling way more power than the stock halogen bulb. When it comes to anything bright, do not assume that LED means low power. A typical halogen bulb is 50 to 60 watts depending on brand and model, I have seen LED headlight bulbs that were pulling 150 to 180 watts. That is a lot of load on your poor old stator. The other thing I find fun with LED headlights is the claims of lumens that they make, and then to show just how good they are they tell what LED element they are using, I love to go the the website of the manufacturer of the claimed LED element and look up the specs. The bulb makers sometimes are claiming as much as 3 time the amount of light that the LED manufacturer say it can produce. There are only 2 explanations at this point, option one is that they are flat out lying about the light output, option two is that they are way over driving the LED pumping way more volts and amps thru it than what it is rated for, which means it will run hotter, require more power from the bikes electrical system ( see above paragraph), and have a much shorter life span.
  3. The problem with using lubes other than tire lube is that tire lube will dry up and stop being slippery once its job is done. Other lubes may stay slippery for a much longer time and allow the tire to slip on the rim during hard acceleration or breaking. Then you wonder why the tire is suddenly out of balance.
  4. If the bead had somehow come off with proper air pressure you would have known it. it would have sounded like a bomb went off under you with the sudden release of air pressure. I am betting that you were riding on a nearly flat tire and the application of torque allowed you to spin the rim out of the tire. You will have to do some sleuthing to figure out why the pressure was so low in the first place. I would inspect the tire inside and out for any damage and if good would remount it and not worry. If the tire is scuffed on the inside or out side then I would worry.
  5. Sounds like a perfectly good reason to prune that tree to ground level. Then the branches will be easy to reach
  6. I sure wish I had a clue what was being talked about in that vid. I the only 2 words I could pick out were aluminum and Cree. It looked like some interesting mods to some LED lights.
  7. 2 TCIs in a week does raise an eyebrow and get a HUH! Unfortunately there is no test for the TCI, I am sure that Yamaha once had a tester but I have never seen one or heard of one that someone had. It is a matter of eliminate everything else and then the TCI must be bad. It is possible that all of your TCIs may be just fine and that the real problem lies elsewhere. the problem being elsewhere would bring in that ugly intermittent electrical issue. When I had to chase down an intermittent electrical in my ignition I made up a couple of diode boards. I used the diodes to monitor various circuits to see if I could then in real time spot the diode that blinked when it should not have. There are some circuits that should always have power so the diode would be always on. It is easy to spot when it blinks off and should not have. The other board was monitoring circuits that should always be off so that I can see a diode blink on when it should not. It is a PITA because it is impossible to find a fault in something that is working perfectly while being tested.
  8. Yesterday I was at Costco, buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Owen, the Wonder Dog and was in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had, an elephant? So because I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog,I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete, (certified), so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I had stopped to pee on a fire hydrant and a car hit me. Well, I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Costco won't let me shop there anymore. Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say.
  9. I will have to pull it out to check, but I really doubt it. That does not mean that you can not take the cover off of this one and sand and polish it then clear coat it to stay shiny. Heck you could make the whole thing shiny if you were that ambitious.
  10. It's been a long time since I had a fortune cookie.
  11. On my 88 when I delinked the brakes I did not like the mushy feel of the front brake. while rebuilding the master I noticed a lot of pitting of the bore. 3Times I bought a used MC and all 3 were pitted beyond honing and rebuilding. So I gave up and bought a new after market 16mm bore master. I never did get around to installing it before I sold the bike. I still have it if you are interested.
  12. It takes around a quarter million miles to wear out a fist gen you know.
  13. And if you are measuring shim thickness, use a micrometer in the center of the shim and not a calipers. the shims will wear in the center and not the edges, a calipers will measure the edge thickness.
  14. Hehehe, I guess I cheated when I did my shims, I just took the next thicker size shim and tossed on a surface grinder and ground it to the perfect size I needed. I did mark the new size on the ground shims so that someday down the road someone will know what they have. Just do not try to find replacements in those in between sizes.
  15. Also check with SkyDoc_17 to see if he is still doing the kit. You will need gaskets regardless of which route you take.
  16. @skydoc_17 used to have a shim kit with tools that he loaned out if you bought the gaskets from him. I was the member that was selling the shim tool, I am not sure if I have any new ones left, I will have to do some digging. I only sold them on this site, and there are a bunch floating around.
  17. @bongobobny I thought it was only the 1st gens that have the extra contacts to turn off the headlight while cranking? I thought the 2nd gens leave the headlight on while cranking? If so then the headlight should dim but not go out while cranking.
  18. Some things to consider. Most people put on driving or spot lights. These will do nothing to help see the sides of the road, especially in a curve. I eliminated the stock horns and used that point to mount my lights, I have KC Highlites 5 x 3 fog lights. the Fog lights do little to light the road straight ahead BUT they do a great job of lighting up the sides of the road, I also have them tilted a bit with the outside raised and pointed out a bit so that they light up the curves better. They are not pretty, but the view at night is beautiful. I was going to convert them to HID but I sold the bike before I had the chance. now I have an HID setup with H3 bulbs sitting on the shelf with no where to go. Oh yea, since I eliminated the stock horns I installed two of the Bad Boys air horns to get that job done.
  19. Any chance the angles were steep enough that it tripped the tip over switch? Start at the beginning, When you turn the key on does anything come on?
  20. "But really officer, it was self defense......":whistling:
  21. Last night there were 2 mosquitoes looking at me and I heard one ask the other, should we eat him now or carry him home for a midnight snack.
  22. This is how we spend spare time in Wisconsin.
  23. I guess it depends on the weather. It will only dehumidify if the temp it is cooling to is less than the dew point. Out west where the air temp is very high and the dew point is low there would not be any water to drip. Even around here where humidity is high, if it only drops the air temp 20°F below ambiant and the temp is 90°F then the dew point would have to be a tropical 70°F+ before there will be any condensation. The part that I would worry about most would be if it is blowing cool air onto the face shield it will help to keep it from fogging on the inside but may cause fogging on the outside. On hot humid days I often get fogging on the outside of the wind shield of my truck and on the outside of the windows in my house.
  24. Congratulations-ish on the promotions. Sometimes it is good to be the king. Other times it just make you the target for someone else aspirations to move up the corporate ladder. I really hope this all works out great in the end.
  25. There is no test for the TCI. You have to eliminate everything else and then it must be the TCI. The only thing close to a test is to either try your TCI in a known good running bike or if you can borrow a known good TCI to try on your bike.
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