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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. By just removing the bottom of the 3 springs you now have the equal of the stock trailer with the 8" wheels. Take out the other spring so that there is just one on each side. I looked at flipping the axle to the top of the spring to lower the trailer, but this would have required making new fender mounts to keep the tires from rubbing on the fenders when loaded or hitting a bump in the road. With the 12" tires it might be worth it to get the trailer more level. In my 8" tire I have found 20 PSI to be the best. Fully loaded and at the end of a tank of gas at interstate speeds the tires and bearings were still cool to the touch. I could probably go a little lower yet on air pressure. Mine bounced like crazy with 2 leafs, the single leaf and lower tire pressure got rid of the bounce even when empty. I am still looking at adding the 7" electric brakes from R&P Carriage, and of course, more lights. But then, now I might have a line on a Bunkhouse in which case I will be selling this trailer.
  2. It appears that he has a new website and email address. His contact info is on the website. the web site only lists collectors for the vmax. But maybe if you ask nice and get out your wallet he will make one to fit your bike. http://marksperformance.com/
  3. So what was blowing the fuses, the relay or the switch or??????
  4. The other question is how much of that .4 gallons was gas that got sprayed out as you were pounding on the tank. I don't know if I would risk a spark on a full tank of gas for an extra 18 miles. When traveling I carry an emergency 1 gal gas can.
  5. Here is what the schematic on a relay with a diode looks like. They show the diode across the coil and also have marked pins 85 and 86 with (-) and (+).
  6. Dan you do know that you could have just marked out where the trench needed to be and then called certain people on this site and told them there was Ice Cream buried some where along that line. You would have had a trench in no time at all......
  7. First do the ohms test with the relay disconnected. If it passes that test, then do the voltage test with everything connected and the switch on and the ignition on. Bike does not have to be running
  8. There are a bunch of different correct ways to wire this up. I am trying to work with what you have to figure out where you went wrong.
  9. The resistance should not be 0, set your meter to read ohms, set it on the lowest scale, and recheck 85 to 86 with the wires removed from the relay terminals. If it still reads 0 both ways, then you have a bad relay. resistance should be between 75 and 200 ohms If resistance is good. Set meter to read volts on a scale that can read 12V, most likely will be 20V scale. Connect the black lead of the tester to the negative terminal of the bikes battery. Then using the red lead of the tester, check the voltage on all 4 terminals of the relay with the switch in the on position.
  10. Next time throw the shovel up the hill, you won't have to walk so far to get it.
  11. Another thing to check, some relays have a suppressor diode built in. if 85 and 86 are reversed it will be like a direct short and blow the fuse. After a few fuses blow it will no longer have a suppressor diode. Use your ohm meter to check the resistance across 85 and 86, then reverse the leads and check it again. If both readings are the same then there is no suppressor diode. Usually if there is a diode in the relay, it be marked on the case which terminal is positive. Withe black lead connected to battery negative, check the voltage at all 4 relay terminals.
  12. I am Assuming that you have a lighted switch that you are wiring in. Try switching the two outside connections (pins 1 and 3) to the switch. It makes a difference which way a lighted switch is hooked up.
  13. No English dictionary has been able adequately to explain the difference between “COMPLETE” and “FINISHED”. However, in a recent linguistic conference held in London and attended by some of the best linguists in the world. Cedo Dimitrovski, a Macedonian from Skopje, was the clear winner. His final challenge was this: Some say there is no difference between “COMPLETE” and FINISHED. Please explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand. Here is his astute answer: "When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. But, when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!" His answer was received with a standing ovation lasting over 5 minutes.
  14. Well, what does Canada know...... My pellet rifle at 1200fps is not a firearm here. I also is not all that quiet either. Wife does not need to know all of the technicalities....... I have seen what a 6.5 x 55 does to a red squirrel......... Not much left to fry up...... Ya might be a little loud from the dining table...lol
  15. The lights that you bought everything says they should be Ambur side marker LIGHTS. The product description page calls them lights, the instruction manual says to hook up the wire for the lights, the only place that does not say they are lights is the specification part of the manual. That manual is used for 4 different light sets, under yours it only list the tail lights as being lights, the other models list a 5W side marker light. BUT these lights are intended to use a frame ground. Do not use the frame ground for lights, It will just cause problems years down the road, run a ground wire to each light on the trailer. I still do connect a wire to the frame ground just to prevent any chance of static build up. All of my lighting current is through wires.
  16. That would have been a very bad idea. WAY back in my early 20s I was tooling along at the speed limit with a biker right on my tail, flashing his high beam and swerving back and forth in his lane, there was no place to pass. When we did get to a clear passing area, He pulled out to pass and I moved to the right edge of my lane to be polite. He pulled up next to me and started cussing up a storm and then planted a foot in my drivers door. Somehow that caused the car to swerve hard to the left and the bike ended up out in a field. The moral is no matter how POed you are, the cage will win against anything you got to bring to the table while on the road. You done good. In that Vid I was looking for the bikes brake lights and did not see them, He may have down shifted to slow rapidly with the intent of giving no warning. I don't think the cage ever changed speed. I don't think it was an issue of the cage going slow in the left lane, they were both gaining on traffic rapidly. It is obvious from the actions of the biker that there is more to this story than what is in the vid. But, see comment above.
  17. That is one reason I use both tracks, I am all over within my lane. I paid for a whole lane and I'm gonna use it. If you stick in the right track they will try to pass straddling the center line. With all of my weaving, cages tend to keep their distance.
  18. Weeeellllll Technically a pellet rifle is NOT a firearm. So that means it is OK to go get one since you will not have any more firearms than you had before. You can fry up the squirrels right next to the bunnies.
  19. The voltage across your driving lamps should be the same as the voltage across the battery. You have a bad connection somewhere. It could be in either the power side or the ground side. Connect your negative volt meter lead to the battery negative, turn on the driving light and start going through the circuit. ALL points on the ground side of the bulb should show 0V and all points on the power side should show the battery voltage. Where ever you see a voltage on the ground side is a bad connection, where ever you see less than battery voltage on the power side is a bad connection. It is not unheard of to have more than one bad connection at a time.
  20. NOOOOPE!!!!! I was so clean they said 10 years till the next one. I may not live that long. Especially that I now have a piece of paper from a real doc, and my honey was seated right there when I was told that is bad for me to hold back gas, pressure inside should be relieved. She was not happy with the doc..........
  21. I have 2 HTC helmets of different models, one is a medium and the other is an XXL. They both fit perfect. You really need to try them on as opposed to an online purchase. I do not believe in using a local store as a fitting room for my online purchases. I bought the one I tried on.
  22. Butt I did ask for pics, they are going to email them to me.
  23. Maybe my electrical gremlin found a new home with all of the electrical gizmos they have in a hospital, The first heart monitor that they hooked up only worked for a few seconds.....
  24. Well the scarey night has come and gone, and gone, and gone, and............ Then came the ride to the DR office. Well lets just say I don't really care for most peoples driving, especially my Erika's. There are reasons that there are dents in every side of her car. She failed to comprehend the concept of taking the quickest route to the Dr office, or at least until she did not make the turn for the shortcut that would take 2 miles off of the trip. You see the fun of the scarey night had not yet ended, I was still running every 10 minutes. She took the 20 minute route instead of the 15 minute route. Then she asked why I had a bag of clothes, and I sad "the change of clothes and roll of TP is in case you take the long way there".......... Then she looked at her leather seats and the devilish smile quickly left her face as the meaning of my words sunk in. So she drove faster, only ran 3 red lights.......... About scared the **** out of me. Which would not take much in my current condition. But we did make it there safe and dry, but my toes were curled and I ran from the car to the nearest rest room. SAFE! But not by much........ Then came the the pre-op preparations and signing of releases, for the procedure. Once you are all wired up and IVed up there are no more trips to the rest room. That was the longest hour of my life, I really did not want to explode in bed with a room full of people This place was set up like an assembly line, with another patient lined up every 10 feet. Then the nurse injected something into my IV and the next thing I knew I was in recovery with Erika sitting next to me laughing at me as I was farting the "Star Spangled Banner", all 3 verses. Those high notes around the "rockets red glare" were tough but I hit them......, then came the "bombs bursting in air"........ The final verdict is that I am a perfect a$$, and now I have proof...... Nothing was found that was not supposed to be there, and everything that was supposed to be there was found. I was complimented on just how good of a job I did of cleaning myself out. So no one can say I am full of it either, cuz now I also have proof I am not. Then I explained to them about Lake Michigan is now flooding over its banks after everything I sent in that direction. For the next month I can eat anything I want cuz it has already been expelled. Thanks for everyone's, ugh, support? to help me through this Very Scarey Night.
  25. Well the scarey night has come and gone, and gone, and gone, and............ Then came the ride to the DR office. Well lets just say I don't really care for most peoples driving, especially my Erika's. There are reasons that there are dents in every side of her car. She failed to comprehend the concept of taking the quickest route to the Dr office, or at least until she did not make the turn for the shortcut that would take 2 miles off of the trip. You see the fun of the scarey night had not yet ended, I was still running every 10 minutes. She took the 20 minute route instead of the 15 minute route. Then she asked why I had a bag of clothes, and I sad "the change of clothes and roll of TP is in case you take the long way there".......... Then she looked at her leather seats and the devilish smile quickly left her face as the meaning of my words sunk in. So she drove faster, only ran 3 red lights.......... About scared the **** out of me. Which would not take much in my current condition. But we did make it there safe and dry, but my toes were curled and I ran from the car to the nearest rest room. SAFE! But not by much........ Then came the the pre-op preparations and signing of releases, for the procedure. Once you are all wired up and IVed up there are no more trips to the rest room. That was the longest hour of my life, I really did not want to explode in bed with a room full of people This place was set up like an assembly line, with another patient lined up every 10 feet. Then the nurse injected something into my IV and the next thing I knew I was in recovery with Erika sitting next to me laughing at me as I was farting the "Star Spangled Banner", all 3 verses. Those high notes around the "rockets red glare" were tough but I hit them......, then came the "bombs bursting in air"........ The final verdict is that I am a perfect a$$, and now I have proof...... Nothing was found that was not supposed to be there, and everything that was supposed to be there was found. I was complimented on just how good of a job I did of cleaning myself out. So no one can say I am full of it either, cuz now I also have proof I am not. Then I explained to them about Lake Michigan is now flooding over its banks after everything I sent in that direction. For the next month I can eat anything I want cuz it has already been expelled. Thanks for everyone's, ugh, support? to help me through this Very Scarey Night.
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