Well a lot of time has passed, but there is still good things happening.
Dad now has a hearing aid so we have to be careful talking about him when he is in the room.
Over all he is getting around well without any walking aids.
He is back to cooking meals, something he always enjoyed doing. But Mom says he seems to have completely forgotten how to clean up after cooking a meal.
He is back to being able to carry on a conversation about current or past issues.
He just passed a very rigorous driving test by the state and now has his drivers license back.
This test was first the same written test that a new driver would take.
The second part was a verbal test that had questions to judge his decision making abilities. and knowledge of driving.
Part 3 was a driving test in a simulator where they can judge his derision making and reflexes at the same time.
Part 4 was a behind the wheel road test in one of their cars that has full dual controls (for safety).
While did not not do perfect in every part of the test he did meet all of the minimum requirements.
Having watched the test procedure, I would bet that a pretty high percentage of people over 60, that are driving now, would not pass.
I am sure that all of the prayers and well wishes helped.
The doctors had written him off and said he would never get back to leading anything resembling a normal life.