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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Install a motion activated light on the house and/or garage? Many alarm systems turn on running lights when you arm or disarm via the remote. A bunch of options here http://www.ebay.com/bhp/remote-control-relay-12v
  2. Would love to. But the snow is so deep I cant even get to the building that the bike is in, let alone get it out. It just started snowing again at 3 this afternoon (Tuesday), it is not going to stop snowing till Thursday.
  3. If it has a hole for the sensor it is NOT an AGM. My AGM came with an acid pack. Once you put in the acid there is a cap that once installed is not removable and the battery is sealed. If there were a sensor port, that would break the seal on that cell. AGM is the type of internal construction of the battery, it still uses the same acid and the same lead as a "wet Cell" battery. the same chemistry is at work.
  4. Like you my bike is hibernating.
  5. Congratulations. An iron butt I will never be. Is there a marshmallow butt organization????
  6. Whether you add the water before or after charging is an area open for debate. The acid level will rise during charging because of the bubbles produced during the charging process, displacing some of the electrolyte. Because the level will rise, if the battery is full, there is a chance that it could bubble over as the level rises during charge. this is usually only an issue with batteries that will be charged at a high rate causing a lot of bubbling. On the other hand. Adding the water before charging will insure that it is fully mixed into the solution during the charging process. This is especially important if the battery will be subjected to sub freezing temperatures where the layer of water in the top of the battery could freeze. Since the OP is in Massachusetts, freezing this time of year is a realistic possibility, especially with the weather that I am done with and sending on to the east..... The best thing to do is to check the fluid level in the battery before charging, if it is low, fill to just below the fill mark to get as much of the water mixed as possible. You never want to charge a battery when the level is low enough to have exposed plates. The slightly low level will prevent bubbling over. Then top off with just the small amount of water needed after charging and after the bubbles have all had a chance to rise to the top. Most batteries will not bubble over with a low charge rate like you are planning to use. If bubbling over was a concern then you would also not be able to charge a battery that was already full.
  7. I could see me with something similar to that.....
  8. I have one that has windows 98 on it that I can let go for a real good deal. I think I still even have the 12V adapter for it.
  9. I can't help with the missing bolt. But there is a writeup on testing for charging issues. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=81297
  10. That looks like fun. EXPENSIVE, but fun. YES I want one.......
  11. I made up a little spreadsheet to help you figure out your trailer needs and loading. You will need to come up with some numbers to put in the yellow boxes. Calculated results will be in the blue boxes. If you are going to use a wheel chock add its weight to the Bikes front wheel weight. By playing with the value of Bike front axle location, you can determine if there is room to safely load the bike on the trailer, and what its location will need to be. Some of the assumptions that I made; 1. Tongue weight to be more than 10% of the trailer weight. 2. Tongue weight to be under 200 lbs. 3. Total trailer weight to be under 2000 lbs. If any of these values are exceeded the value will turn red.
  12. Have you looked in your Sentra owners manual for towing limitations? You could also call a Nissan dealer for more info. I looked up your Owners manual on line, on page 9-16 under trailer towing, it simply says "Do not tow a trailer with your vehicle." BUT with that said, I think almost all motorcycles also say to not tow a trailer, but many of us do with no ill effects. You are on the right track to want to keep things as light as possible. You may want to consider having electric brakes on the trailer. Often times it is safe braking capacity that is the biggest limiting factor on trailer weight. A 4x8 trailer will carry the bike, BUT you will not have room to move the bike forward or back to adjust tongue weight. A friend of mine got a 4x10 all aluminum trailer from a local welder that also makes custom trailers, that is very light weight and has the room to move the bike around for proper balance.
  13. Yup, the Estes Proto X
  14. I got a new flying contraption. I got gift certificates from the fish store. Last month while I was gone deer hunting someone way overfed the aquarium and wiped out about a grand worth of fish.
  15. Flyinfool


    :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
  16. Dang it, now you got me thinking. You know that is dangerous.......
  17. I would think that if you closed the door on the fridge the food would last a lot longer. Most or at least many of the food items in a fridge will be good for 6 hours outside of the fridge. I have always heard that a full fridge is good for at least full day and a full freezer is good for at least a week with no power. But this I guess this is highly dependent on the room tep that the appliance is in. A hot summer outage will kiill food a lot faster than a winter storm outage. My fridge and freezer has already gone for 8 days with no power and nothing was starting to thaw in the freezer. Some of the stuff in the fridge was questionable, nothing was obviously bad. Even the stuff in the freezer section of the fridge was still solid. But then the whole house was down to 36°F so it was the same as if the fridge was still running. I was out of town and did not know the power was out until I got home. The aquariums with no power for 8 days did not fair nearly so well ........
  18. Tempting! But I will behave and give BigClyde a shot at it first. I have no idea how long its been since my rear master had the fill plug opened. I would like to have a spare handy for the first time I try to crack mine open this winter.
  19. Tempting! But I will behave and give BigClyde a shot at it first. I have no idea how long its been since my rear master had the fill plug opened. I would like to have a spare handy for the first time I try to crack mine open.
  20. Jan 2 is getting close. That is when many of us have to put in vacation requests......
  21. Happy birthday to you all. You get to share the birthday of a VERY important person .....
  22. When there is a power outage AND it is that cold out, can you just move the contents of the fridge and/or freezer to outside so that nothing melts or spoils? That is except for the ice cream, the only way to save that, I agree, is to eat it all.....
  23. Flyinfool


    33°? Thats t-shirt and a speedo weather........ I don't know if we have gotten over 30 for a HIGH yet this month. I cant get the bike out. the snow is too deep to even get to it.
  24. The 3.7l is if you had a complete drain which is nearly impossible to do. There is a little bit of oil that stays in the transmission sump, which can be drained by removing the bottom screw of the middle gear cover. There is not enough in there to worry about. If you did the oil change on the side stand there will be some oil remaining in the left side of the oil pan. You would have to tilt the bike to vertical and level to get the most oil out of the drain plug. there is also oil left clinging to every surface of the inside of the engine. It is pretty normal to put less in than the book calls for. Does not seem to matter if it is a 1st or 2nd gen.
  25. HEY!!! How did I get dragged into this???? I didn't call no one nuttin....... YET!
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