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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I have my boss right on the edge of pulling the trigger so to speak on a 3D printer for me to play ,,,,, I mean make working prototypes with.
  2. MANY MANY years ago I was going down a country road and the headlight bulb burned out in such away that the broken filament shorted the low beam side and it blew the main fuse. It got real dark and real quiet suddenly at 65 mph. So I can see what you are saying. You could add in a timer relay that will turn off the running lights 10 minutes after the power is removed. This would be wired direct to the battery and the normal operation would turn on off with the switch. This way IF you ever forgot to turn off the running lights they will only be on 10 minutes at most. If the main fuse blows, you are not going to ride very far unless you are going down a mountain.
  3. OK now I at least know to not accept ANY Gummy Bears from anyone ever again, unless they eat a big handful first.
  4. Ya, what Bob said. When you do math for lighting systems on your bike use 14 volts. 14 volts is about where things should be while riding. So this will be worst case scenario and also most common scenario. MiCarl The amps go up as the voltage goes down in an inductive load like a motor. Not in a resistive load like a light.
  5. As long as your accessory port is wired hot, there is no reason that you can not use it to charge.
  6. Great to hear that there is progress. As mentioned, take care of yourself too. There will be a lot of work to do at home.
  7. be sure to tell him that a 2nd gen still may not keep your 1st gen in site.....
  8. If it bottoms out in the hole just cut the end off. Ummmmm, cut of the threaded end.......
  9. An oldie but goodie.
  10. One of my hobbies is designing and building electronic do dads. I have this one all designed and a first prototype built. I just need a local guinea pig/volunteer that has a 2nd gen for me to figure out where and how to mount it. see pics in above posts. My first gen has the bulb monitors built in from the factory.
  11. I read some where that it only takes 2 out of every 1,000,000 (One Million) emails sent out for a scam to be profitable. It is not hard to 2 people that are not to bright out of a million tries.
  12. Happy Birthday Moped... Is that his birthday present that he is sitting on? If so would you like a second husband?
  13. Makes great weed killer ......
  14. Bump I still have my test board looking for a guinea pig .........
  15. How can you have a garage queen without a garage?
  16. You forgot the bedtime snack
  17. Sorry to hear, I know what it is like to have a parent not understanding a need for treatment. Prayers and best wishes to all of you.
  18. Yesterday Milwaukee WI was colder than anyplace in Alaska. Even the northern most edges.
  19. Well now that you mention it, Erika does cause me enlargement........
  20. That just looks wonderful, Big Tom is such a lucky man to have such pretty weather. Just grab some Apple Pie sit back and enjoy the show.
  21. Well a lot of time has passed, but there is still good things happening. Dad now has a hearing aid so we have to be careful talking about him when he is in the room. Over all he is getting around well without any walking aids. He is back to cooking meals, something he always enjoyed doing. But Mom says he seems to have completely forgotten how to clean up after cooking a meal. He is back to being able to carry on a conversation about current or past issues. He just passed a very rigorous driving test by the state and now has his drivers license back. This test was first the same written test that a new driver would take. The second part was a verbal test that had questions to judge his decision making abilities. and knowledge of driving. Part 3 was a driving test in a simulator where they can judge his derision making and reflexes at the same time. Part 4 was a behind the wheel road test in one of their cars that has full dual controls (for safety). While did not not do perfect in every part of the test he did meet all of the minimum requirements. Having watched the test procedure, I would bet that a pretty high percentage of people over 60, that are driving now, would not pass. I am sure that all of the prayers and well wishes helped. The doctors had written him off and said he would never get back to leading anything resembling a normal life.
  22. I'm looking forward to it warming up to single digit temps with no minus sign in front of them. Yes I have been out hunting from sunrise to sunset in -25°F with 20 mph wind. Out all day and stayed nice and warm. But I did kind of look like an orange Michelin man ..... I did break out my big coat for today, It is a coat that I bought when I used to ride all winter no mater how cold it got. I have not worn that coat in 20 years because till now it has not been cold enough to put it on. I can not wear this coat if it will be above zero. Hmmmmm...... Seems I may have been a little smaller when I last wore this coat......
  23. If you followed all of our instructions, and the bike still runs, you must have done something wrong.....
  24. OK, I have to ask. For you southerners, do you mix anti freeze at the rate recommended on the bottle of 50/50, or do you skimp figuring that it will never get that cold? 50/50 mix should be good for at least -30? Same with keeping the faucets running, are your furnaces not able to keep up and the whole house is that cold? The standard for sizing a furnace here is that it must be able to hold 70 when the outside temp is -10. Freezing pipes has never been an issue in my 125 year old house that has little to no insulation and even still has its original single pane windows. I'm just curious if the threat of freezing things is real or just perceived. I know that houses down south are not built nearly as well as houses up here.
  25. It froze to death!!
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