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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Is that the sound of an ice cream run in the making?
  2. Who Me? Would I do a thing like that???
  3. We do have a button, It is labeled "Thanks" and is in the lower right corner of every post, except for your own posts. I guess you will have to spend more time in chat......
  4. Boring? Whips. Chains. Jello shots. The boots that go all the way up. Boring? We need to get chat revived again, I miss it.
  5. But is so much more entertaining watching the amateurs deal with the snow......
  6. According to General Motors Wisconsin is not a snow state. If Big Tom should make it here, I'll buy the first round at Leon's. Now lets see him crack that whip to get Taters packing.......
  7. So now that you have gotten your "taste", how does it taste? I couldn't help but to laugh at some of the things they showed on our local news of whats going on down there.
  8. Well where else but in the Dairy state where we really know and appreciate our ice cream. Leon's Custard Stand open for business and a line at the window of people waiting for their ice cream orders. It is -13F with a -40 F wind chill and we still go out to the ice cream stand. Leon's is an old 50s style ice cream stand, there is NO indoor seating or even indoor ordering. Only in Wisconsin
  9. I would much rather have a blizzard than a hurricane.
  10. In a technical thread if I can help I will post. If I can not help I will read to learn. Once the issue has been solved, I then feel free to jump on in there with any appropriate wise cracks. But I do make the effort to attempt to control the smart alec remarks till after the problem is solved. Some times? Once in a while? Occasionally? Some times I just cant help myself, its ripe for the picking.
  11. All I know is that I would love to be down south for on of these snow "storms". I think it would be a blast watching the people panic. I had a neighbor that was visiting in southern Texas once and there was a snow "storm", a whole inch. They brought out lawn chairs and set them up in the front yard to watch traffic. He said it was hilarious watching the people try to drive.
  12. Its also the only one that has never made it back out of the garage to actually run..... I was thinking more like Sweet Nothing. Or just the Queen in case Garage Queen is to long.
  13. This has been the 17th coldest first half of winter since they started keeping records back in the mid 1800s. Tomorrow morning we are supposed to be -17 with wind chill of -45. But we have a heat wave coming for Thursday, we might even get into the 20s. All heat waves this tine of year have snow attached....... I'll be sure to send this on south and east as soon as I'm done with it.
  14. Do you really think that Mini needs any help at all coming up with ideas??????? When I had my foot in a cast in a Wisconsin style winter, I used an old heavy hunting sock to keep my toes warm. I cut the worn out elastic part off and added a piece of the hook part of a Velcro strip to the cast. It worked great to hold on the sock and it made a huge difference in keeping my toes warm outside. I also took a piece of 400 wet dry paper to the cast so that it was not so abrasive to my other foot at night. GOOD LUCK, I hope it all heals up great for you.
  15. I must have missed it too. Just me there..... But at least when I talk to myself I get good answers.......
  16. If you insist........
  17. Lasagna???? I can be bribed......
  18. I want to watch you try to get on a bus with gasoline and matches....... WHAT were they thinking?????? Oh wait you said it was the government......
  19. Nice! You just keep sitting on him to make sure he behaves.......
  20. Can you blame you........
  21. I am more suspicious than most, and I never learned how to behave ..... If you click on a persons name and in the drop down, view their profile, their list of friends is on that page on the right side of the screen. Ok, maybe not quite as clandestine as you were hopping for..... Now you got 6. and some one to be embarrassed of.......
  22. You got 5 friends to experiment with.......
  23. I think thats the slot. (pics are kind of blurry, or is it me thats kind of blurry?) It only took me 5 years to find those spares. I just got a set of Dingys battery cables, I am planning to change out my stock main fuse to a Maxi fuse when I do the cables and stator/RR this winter. (IF it ever warms up enough to go work outside)
  24. Yes, some of us are big time different...... I am looking forward to the day that we will get up to freezing. -17°F, 45-50mph wind, AND 6 inches of snow coming for the weekend. I like the snow, but this sub zero cold sucks.
  25. Did you look in the fuse holder for a spare? On my 88 there are 2 spare main fuse links in a corner of the fuse holder. The self resetting circuit breakers are great for trouble shooting. With very few exceptions, I would not use one for permanent replacement unless the protected circuit was designed to have one. The reason being, if it was say a 16ga wire (most of the wires are 16ga) that was shorting out to pop that 40 amp breaker, then you are pulling the full 40 amps + thru that skinny wire. That skinny wire will get HOT. The breaker will keep resetting and let it get hotter and hotter till it melts something. The best replacement for the stock main fuse is to go to the auto parts store and get an in line Maxi Fuse holder and put in a 40Amp fuse.
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