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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Look closer All of the cars except the blue one have visible damage. There is a pile of shattered window glass just below the black car. The red car standing on its nose has damage the the back end also. I was also surprised at the lack of visible major damage. But then fiberglass does not wrinkle up like sheet metal does, it just kind of crushes and disintegrates at the point of impact. I am sure they will be trying to figure out how to get a crane of some sort in there to lift them out with the minimum of additional damage. IIRC there was a sink hole many years ago in FL where there was a new Porsche sitting perfectly on its slab at the bottom of the hole. The insurance co brought in a helicopter or crane to pluck it out with no damage to repair.
  2. Flyinfool


    Why would I want to go lay by my bowl, unless of course it is full of ice cream? So then WHY did you did this?
  3. I also think that they cherry picked that specific model and year because it was the very first production car without a full frame, and no one had figured out how to really make a car with no frame yet. Had they gone to anything other than the 59 Bel-Air the results may have been different. The crash test I would love to see is a newer econo box with its 5 star crash rating, up against a full size HD pickup truck with its 3 star crash rating, head on at 65 MPH. I have bet my money and life on the HD pickup.
  4. Can you tell us exactly what your symptoms are and what exactly you have done so far?
  5. Flyinfool


    Besides, I wanted to be #900. Why I wanted to be #900 I do not know. Why is this all happening?
  6. Flyinfool


    Why is it that 899 is also my license plate number?? Why do I even care?? Why do we do this to ourselves?
  7. Someones insurance company is not happy today.......
  8. Naaaa Just lead the bull thru the kitchen, knock off the horns, wipe its ass, and serve it. I like my red meat red.
  9. Welcome to winter ......
  10. The OP states that this is a home defense gun and not a CC gun. In my book that rules out almost all compacts right off the bat. You want a gun that is easy for you to control and that you are willing to spend the range time with to become proficient with its use. The larger gun will also hold more rounds of ammo. If there is a particular ammo that does not function well in your gun, that is the ammo that you want to spend some time practicing with, but NEVER use as your home defense round. That way you will learn to quickly and efficiently clear jams should one ever occur with the "good" ammo. Since size of gun is not the issue and you say that you have big hands, I would recommend to go bigger than 9mm. As many have mentioned, your best bet is to go to a range that rents guns and try a bunch to which ones fit you. or go to the range with some friends to try out their favorites. The best gun and/or caliber for me may be the worst for you. Some people are very recoil sensitive and some are not. Some guns will feel like a much heavier recoil with the same ammo than others. Some calibers have a lot more recoil than others regardless of what gun they are in.
  11. Leave it to the Canadians to mess things up......
  12. It lives!!! Sparks be a flyin. It took a while to get everything rebuilt (all new bearings) then some electrical issues to iron out. But it is now running. I still need to get some accessories for it, like a diamond dresser to square of the wheel, and some finer wheels (the ones that it came with are very coarse). I still have some cleaning and painting to do on the base casting and a few smaller parts.
  13. Starting at the top of a shield on a dark blue field is the state motto "Forward". Below it is a badger the state animal. A sailor and miner show that the people work on water and land. The shield in the center shows Wisconsin's support for the United States. In four sections surrounding the shield are representations of the states main industries: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing and navigation. The cornucopia and pile of lead represent farm products and minerals. The flag law was amended in 1979 to include the name of the state and the date of statehood.
  14. I sure hope there is a big one coming, This 1-2 inches every other day is not getting it done for me.
  15. Naaaa that don't work here. She knows I have not been sick in the last 30 years. If I said I was sick she would probably call 911. I have mastered the art of ignoring all honey due lists.
  16. That sounds more like how to act at work when board. At home I am never board, way to many things to play with.
  17. All of my vehicles are trained to read my mind and be one with me, they know when they are needed or wanted.
  18. Never happens to me. Maybe it is the voices in my head that are drowning out the songs.....
  19. One of my hunting buddies has one, its way to little for me.....
  20. Edited to allow this thread to continue.........
  21. Best of luck to you, and I hope the phone rings soon.
  22. See what happens when you forget to go to sleep at night.....
  23. Me either. Mine are named Bike, Truck, and Car
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