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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Ummmmm....... I got no warm air to send ya. I'll have Erika make up a batch of baked beans and sauerkraut, that should get some warm air to send ya..... OR I can send over some snow when I am done with it tomorrow. Your choice........
  2. Who? ME? :whistling:
  3. From the perspective of a neighbor to the north of Chicago. I am not real well traveled but Chicago drivers are the most inconsiderate of any drivers I have ever seen. Especially on the interstates. The interstates may not be that dangerous from a crime standpoint but there are very few cars on the road with no dents. I absolutely hate going through Chicago. There are a lot of neat things to see and do, but getting around is more excitement that I like.
  4. Flyinfool

    last day

    Good luck. I think I will have to keep working forever so that I get more free time ........
  5. Looks like it may be a bit tricky to get into your pocket. I wonder if it is washing machine proof.........
  6. That is how it is supposed to work You want a heavy dose, like half a can to a tank of gas. Run it long enough to be sure it is in the carbs then let soak overnight, then ride it like you stole it. There are 2 screws that come in from the bottom. I have to clean my switch annually. I think the sensor is spec'ed just fine, some people just can not deal with the needle getting right up to the red. There is a connector on the panel with the lights, if you were messing with the triple trees it is easy to bump it.
  7. Spring my foot. It is 15 with a wind chill near zero. Is not supposed to get up to freezing today. Snow Monday and Tuesday.
  8. Ive been getting the discounts, but till yesterday I had to ask for them.
  9. If the gauge never moved at all then you most likely knocked off a wire. If it moves a little then you may have a bad thermostat, or the drain valve in the wrong position. Or your coolant is really low. just because there is coolant in the overflow bottle does not mean there is any in the radiator. It is not normal to need any choke at all after the first 100 yards in warm weather or first half mile in sub freezing weather. Sounds like you still have crud in the idle jets. More Seafoam.
  10. Trailers are like a garage, no matter what size you get, you will soon wish you had gotten the next bigger one. As for mounting the front wheel chock. I would make a nut plate with the nuts welded to the plate. Screw this plate to the bottom of the trailer. Now to mount the chock you just position it and run the bolts in. no more messing around under the trailer. Another thought is a Toy Hauler camper. It is half utility trailer and half camper. Normally the bed either folds up against the walls or lifts up to the ceiling. This is what I have been looking at. Most likely the 14 foot. https://dunesport.com/build-toy-hauler-1.php?type=Toy%20Hauler
  11. Thank you all. But the worst part is I went out for dinner yesterday and got a senior discount without asking for it. :backinmyday: :backinmyday: :backinmyday:
  12. My new fancy end mill just showed up. Time to make some more chips fly.
  13. Sometimes the real world is even scarier than fiction. My sister bought a brand new car off the dealers lot. She knew it had an oil light. so she drove it till the oil light came on thinking that it was there to tell her when to get an oil change. She went 25,000 miles on the factory oil. when the oil light came on she called the dealer and made an appointment for an oil change. drove it another few days with the oil light on till the appointment. t6his was back in 1974, $600 later she got the car back with a new cam, and all of the valve train replaced. The mechanic told her to sell the car quick because the bearings were probably shot too. We did make her go and take a basic auto care course at the local tech collage.
  14. Cool The strobe light from a retired school bus has a pretty thick lens, It would take a lot to break it.
  15. There is a drain valve in that area. It is well known for the o-ring to get hard and start to leak. Very simple fix.
  16. Sorry about hijacking the thread, I thought that I had used adequate smilies to not be taken to seriously. That does look interesting. OK then there is the safety officer side of me that shows thru. Is there a system of some sort to notify authorities that you have this so that they will know to check it in the aftermath of a major storm? Are there any trees in the vicinity that could topple and pin the door shut? Have you tried your cell phone from underground to see if you can call out? (This assumes that the cell system would still be functional in the aftermath of a major storm.) Would it be appropriate to mount a battery powered strobe light on the top of the door (or highest point) that could be used if you are trapped inside by debris?
  17. Is it completely dead or do the lights and display at least come on?
  18. When the good Lord decides my time is up, He has more ways to get it done than we can ever think up ways to try to prevent it. But then I have decided that it looked ugly enough to get me to go hide in a hole in the ground.
  19. That never happened, I was standing outside looking and I saw nothing.
  20. It look purdy right where Bob is.
  21. I have one all drawn up in CAD, I was planing to make one for myself. I just never got around to it. Maybe once I use up the stock of OEM filters that I already have.
  22. I live close to the lake, they tell me that it is not possible to have tornadoes this close to the lake We do not have to worry about hurricanes up here ......... When the tornado sirens do go off I usually go out side to watch.
  23. Flyinfool


    Why would Bubber say such a thing.........WHY?
  24. What you talkin bout? It is rare to get thru an April in Wisconsin without having snow. Spring begins at 11:57am Central time tomorrow. The 21st is the first full day of spring.
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