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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I'm very glad to hear that you and Eileen have worked things out for the better.
  2. Inbetween the pot holes we have lots of pavement here.
  3. OUCH!! Good time to inspect and clean the stuff on the bottom?
  4. :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: TMI!!!!!
  5. 2 years ago........ You didnt by chance pour it into the garage foundation........
  6. Its hard to make squirrel stew or pot pie if the main ingredient wanders off......
  7. Yup Spring is here. More snow last night. I'll be forwarding it on to the east.......
  8. Great to hear. Glad we all could help out in our own small ways.
  9. If you watch for sales you can often still get Seafoam for $6 a can. Then stock up to last till the next sale. Or buy it by the gallon.
  10. Flyinfool


    So WHY are U not having a squirrel stew M & E? WHY else would you do all that typing? WHY?
  11. Today is only Wednesday... If the weatherman is predicting rain for Saturday, you should have a nice day for your MD. I went several whole summers with a better prediction rate than the weatherman. I looked at the Wednesday forecast for Saturday and predicted the opposite. I was right more often than they were.
  12. Great to hear, Unfortunately, for me, I had to learn all of these lessons on I80 trying to get home. :sign yeah that:
  13. I told you I had some extra snow to send over the pond.......
  14. Must have been a time warp or a worm hole, Uncledj is repeating himself.
  15. I do not have a "Royal" so I do not have any of the radio, CB, etc. sorry I cant help with your question.
  16. Thanks to Dingy we have - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42358
  17. Many stores carry them., or search "Solder Splice" on eBay. There are many different types and sizes. There is also a type that screws on like a wire nut so you can take it on and off while working. Then when you heat it up when done wiring, it shrinks, seals and solders the connection.
  18. I have gotten spoiled by these. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24FjjIVpk9U]solder splice - YouTube[/ame]
  19. Dingy also has the 4AWG welding cable upgrade. This is a help whether you have a 2 or 4 brush starter. My 2 brush with the ground mod and heavier cables, spins the engine just fine hot or cold. If I ever need to replace the starter it will then get the 4 brush. No get up and go? What rpm are you shifting at? Red line is not hurting these motors. These motors prefer higher RPMSs. Many people new to these bikes try to run it like a harley, low RPM makes it a dog. It will pick up the front wheel when all is right, so be ready for that. 2ns gear is a known issue. You do not want it jumping out of gear near red line. Here is more info http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1066
  20. Flyinfool

    Hey Skid

  21. Just for giggles and a comparison I just checked my bike. The kill switch was replaced mid last summer. Across the battery - 11.94V (It has not been ridden or on a charger since October.) At fuse - 11.87V other side of fuse - 11.87V. That is only a 0.07 volt drop across the ignition and main fuse. I also checked the voltage on the R/W wire at the fuel pump relay. I got 11.65V. So that is a 0.29V drop from the battery to the relay. This gives you something to shoot for.
  22. That is why I said he may have multiple issues going on. The ignition switch should not drop a full volt from 12.3 down to 11.3. IF he had 11.8 or more at the fuse I would agree to go on to the next step, the kill switch.
  23. You may have a combination of issues. If the battery is at 12.3 and the fuse is only getting 11.3 that is a full 1 volt drop, that is bad. Look for the bad connection between the battery and the fuse block first. Once you have that one found and fixed, then continue to chase the fuel pump power issue. There is no sense chasing the original issue when you have already found one problem.
  24. I now use fuses with a built in LED. It is real obvious when one blows. The LED is lit.
  25. I have 2 Bad boys on my bike, both facing forward. While they are very loud and will make most people jump, they still do not have what it takes at freeway speeds. That wind will knock the dBs down real quick. There was a time I was trying to get the attention of another bike. While at highway speeds, he could not hear my dual Bad Boys until I was about 10 feet behind him. Most horns on the market are rated for dB at 4 inches. Sound looses half of its sound level if you double the distance. So every time you double the distance you lose about 6dB So a horn advertised with dB rating that does not give the distance it was measured at, is a totally meaningless number. By the time a cage is 4 inches from my horn, it is to late for me. My goal is to get train horns on my bike, they are rated 120 dBa at 100 feet. A Bad Boy or Steible will be about 68 dBa at 100 feet. That is equal to the sound in an office setting. Or the high end of normal conversation.
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