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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. When you do put n Skydocs delink kit, you will be replacing every single brake line with new braided stainless lines. So any gunked up old lines will not matter.
  2. The AC voltage test should be done withe the 3 white wires unplugged from the RR. Be careful here because the voltage should be high enough to really get your attention. When you did the ground test, were the 3 white wires unplugged from the RR. They should be or you can get a false reading to ground thru the RR. If you are seeing 001 from any of the white wires to ground with the connector unplugged, than you have a bad stator. the meter should show the same thing as when the leads are not connected to anything at all. Changing out the stator is not a difficult job to do. The only "hard" part is getting the 3 screws loose that hold the stator in place. Those 3 screws have blue loctite on them, You will need an impact driver with a #2 JIS bit to get them out with no damage.
  3. Man I feel your frustration. Been there done that last summer. The starter is on the front of the engine about 8 inches up from the bottom. I can not help with where the chassis ground ( or many other electrical parts) is on your bike, I have a 1st gen. The first gen and 2nd gens have the same charging system so all of the tests apply to both models. That connector you mentioned with 3 white wires, is that the one that goes to the RR? If it is, did you run all of the stator AC voltage tests from that connector?
  4. It did say that the bike was following a truck, the truck managed to swerve around the stopped car. It is possible that the truck used up some of the riders potential reaction time. But the bottom line is the bike was traveling at well over the speed limit. and even with braking was still well over the limit at the time of impact. Should the duck lover go to prison for this, I don't know. But I do NOT think she should get off Scott free either. I do think a good portion of the blame falls on the bike driver. There are way to many important details missing from the story for me to have a strong opinion one way or the other. It is tragic for all involved for sure.
  5. We also had another very experienced member, Miles, hit by lightening on the bike a couple of years ago. He was injured pretty bad but did survive it some how. A car/truck is about the safest place to be during lightening, a bike is about the worst place to be.
  6. It depends on if you have good rain gear, and/or mind riding in the rain.
  7. They are not that hard to find. Just use a brass magnet.
  8. Now I am really wishing I could have stowed away with you. YOU FOUND SNOW IN JUNE!!!!
  9. There were 6 Tornadoes that touched down in WI. I was not near any of them. I don't know if any of our members were. You can keep that hot stuff down by you. No one ever heard me complain about the winter, I would rather have than .
  10. You mean like http://milwaukeebrewerytours.com/ http://www.palermospizza.com/about-us/tours http://milwaukee.brewers.mlb.com/mil/ballpark/tours/index.jsp Or we could just M&E at the Museum and its tours. http://www.harley-davidson.com/content/h-d/en_US/home/museum/explore/programs-tours.html
  11. That same storm from Nebraska came through here last night at around 2:00AM. It had calmed down to just a lot of lightening, thunder Heavy rain and 70 MPH wind. The power went out for about 45 minutes. There were some tree branches down, but no serious damage and no reported injuries. Farther west near Madison WI had a tornado drop down with some buildings leveled but no serious injuries. One building was a school, fortunately this was at night so no one was there. http://www.jrn.com/nbc26/news/Possible-tornado-in--263418951.html
  12. I am working on a M&E in Milwaukee at the Harley museum. I am shooting for late September to early October. They have tours that include tours at several other local attractions, like a brewery, a pizza factory, Miller Park.... The museum has what is supposed to be a pretty good restaurant.
  13. Have fun out there. Don't be bringing any of that hot weather back this way. NNnnnoooooo....... I can't let it go...... I miss it already.
  14. You can not always see a bad connection, go through and actually clean each connection that you take apart. Remember in every connector it is not just the points where the two halves of the contact mate together, there is another connection from the wire to the terminal that can also go bad over time. Just putting dielectric grease on a connector will not fix any issue that is already there. once the connections are all clean and solid, the dielectric grease will help to keep it that way by keeping water and air out of the connection preventing further oxidation. Your HF meter will be adequate for all of the tests except for the stator resistance test. That is why I also included the stator voltage test in the procedure. It takes a fairly expensive meter to properly do the stator resistance test. Set your HF volt meter to the 2000mV DC scale. The black lead goes in the bottom hole the red lead goes in the middle hole. you will not be using the top hole for any tests that we will be doing. Turn on all of your lights. Run the engine at around 3,000 rpm or more, exact is not critical. Start with the red test lead at the red wire at the RR, and the black test lead on the pos battery terminal. It should be very close to 0.0V. Put the red test lead on the battery neg terminal and the black test lead on the black wire at the RR. Again it should be very close to 0.0V. This test will determine if the bad connection is on the pos or neg side of the circuit, it is just one step in narrowing down the problem. Once we get the results we can advise further what to do. Most of this testing takes longer to type and/or read than it does to actually do. It also makes it all take longer by having to wait for someone to come online to interpret your results and the n explain the next step. It is very frustrating to work this through a forum but that is what we have to work with.
  15. Unfortunately this is not the end of your charging issues. In all cases the voltage at higher RPM is less than at idle. This not right. I'm betting on a bad connection in the charging system somewhere. What is happening is that as the RPM goes up, the ignition is drawing more current, due to a bad connection somewhere, that extra current is causing the voltage to drop more across that bad connection as the current rises. check the voltage from the RR side of the RR connector red wire to battery Pos. it should be zero. You may need to set the meter for a lower voltage to see the drop. Then check the voltage from the black wire on the RR side of the RR plug to battery Neg, It should be zero. If these are not zero or at least very near zero, you have a bad connection to find.
  16. It is most likely that they are not going thru the key fob. more likely they are hacking right into the computer.
  17. Since you have a spare RR I would start there. It is easy enough to plug in for testing. The stator is much more difficult swap out. You can also do the voltage output test on the stator once the bike is warmed up to where the voltage has dropped. That is an easy test that will confirm if the stator is still putting out during a warmed up voltage drop. If it is a heat issue on the RR, you can test for that by warming the bike up till the voltage drops and then run water from the garden hose onto the RR to cool it down and see if that brings the voltage back. In my case I would have to do this test very carefully so as not to accidentally make a clean spot on the bike....
  18. Could it have been the new passenger squealing in delight????
  19. I guess I never even thought or heard mentioned of that scenario, and it sounds very realistic. Dang more shopping to do. I almost always wear a helmet, I wore a 3/4 until my father had his brain injury just falling down in the house. But seeing what a brain injury can be caused me to go and get a good full face helmet. I have read that most head injuries are via the face because that is the direction you are going and you have a tendency to look at what is coming. The only time I do not wear a helmet is moving the bike from the street to the shed after having mowed the lawn. But I never get over 10 mph on that "trip" and I feel naked and strange even sitting on the bike with no helmet. As far as the rest of the gear, I don't own any "real" gear yet. I do wear a long sleeve shirt of a weight appropriate to the weather, jeans and my hunting boots. I do realize that that cotton shirt and jeans will only help the first foot of the slide before they wear through.
  20. I also am kind of far for you. you would be going right past a lot of members to get here. The clutch spring job takes about a half hour once you have done it before. The first time should be about an hour if you are working alone. The nice thing is that if the bike is on the side stand, you do not even need to drain the oil first. If you have several experienced members helping then it should only take 2-3 hours maybe even a whole day.
  21. I will be in charge of the grill at my fathers house today. All 5 kids in the family will be there. Unfortunately, I doubt if I will even get a phone call from any of my 3 kids.
  22. Congrats on the graduation. But who really is that clean bald guy in the pic????
  23. Never had to use my CC gun yet. Have had a couple of instances that got close to needing it, (I can run pretty fast if I have to) once where I had to have it in my hand. But then I have never used any of the several fire extinguishers that I have in the house, or the insurance that I buy for all of my vehicles, Or even my health insurance that I keep paying for, or the helmet that is always on my head while riding, but it will be nice to have them in place IF they are ever needed.
  24. There are 2 wires that go to the fan. Just connect your indicator light to those 2 wires and the indicator will come on any time the fan is commanded on. I would be surprised if the fan ever comes on while at speed, the speed of the bike will ram more air through the radiator than the fan ever could. The fan is more for slow speed driving or stop and go traffic when there is minimal airflow.
  25. Daddy, how was I born? A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?' The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: Scroll down...You'll love this .... 'You got Male!
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