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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. In doing some research on this, I found a case that made it thru the Wis Court of Appeals that a trailer hitch that is obstructing a plate in Wisconsin is not sufficient grounds to stop a vehicle for an obstructed plate. How this applies here I don't know.
  2. I got my 35W HID from HID Country before they went bad. I bought 7 sets of HID from them for various applications. It is still working fine after 4 years. When this one goes out I will get a 55W HID as the 55W HID is noticeably brighter than the 35W HID when I made the switch on my truck. As Bummer said; The LEDs do put out a LOT of light. But your reflector and lens do not focus the LED light well. Right in front of you will be very bright. Down the road, not so much. The HID or Stock halogen bulbs both have a light producing element that emits light in all directions. The lens and reflector are designed to capture all of this light and sent it on down the road in a designed beam pattern. The LED lights the light is emitted from just one side of a disc. because of this, half of the beam is missing or not filled in properly, the emitting area of the high power LEDs is also bigger than the emitting area of a halogen or HID so what is there is not focused correctly. The LED technology has advanced to the point of being bright enough for a headlight, but only if used in a headlight that is designed to work with the unique way a LED produces light. The other thing to watch for, SOME of the LED headlight replacement bulbs will (according to their own printed specs) draw MORE power than the halogen you are replacing. LED does not automatically mean low power consumption.
  3. I have always been curious on this one. I see cars, SUVs and small trucks with receiver mounted racks all of the time. I have never been able to see the plate through the cargo. I have never seen anyone move the plate to the rack. I have never seen or heard of anyone getting stopped for a non visible plate due to a cargo rack. When I have the trailer on the bike there is no visible plate anywhere. Wisconsin does not plate or even register trailers under 3,000 lbs. Unless you want to make an optional donation to the state by getting plates and registration for a lightweight trailer. Is there a special law for bikes? Is there even an actual law that requires the plate to be visible and not blocked by cargo? Is this a state by state regulation? Is this one of those things that a LEO makes up or interprets as he sees fit? In WI the deer hunting regs state that your deer license must be worn in the middle of your back on the outer most layer of clothing. The question comes up, where does the back tag go if you are wearing a back pack. (similar situation to the luggage rack). You can ask 3 different wardens and get 3 different answers. One will say that a back pack is not part of your clothing so the tag goes on your jacket. The next will say that the tag must go on the back pack. the third will say the pack is not clothing so the tag goes on you jacket but you can not obstruct the view of the tag.
  4. Nice boat, looks like fun. But comparing a sail boat to a power boat is like comparing a 2nd gen to a 1st gen..... I had a boat for several years, Mine was probably one of few exceptions where I actually made money on the deal. It was a very fun boat being only a 16.5 footer and having a 250HP inboard engine. Had no issue popping up 4 big fat skiers. But looking back I have to agree with the old adage that the two happiest days in this boaters life were the day I bought it and the day I sold it. especially around here in the north where it seems the water is only soft enough for a boat a few weeks out of the year.
  5. Well i was disappointed until I realized that this at least touched on the 2nd best adult pastime..... I also have a Gamo .177 rifle. It will dispatch a skunk oder free at 30 yards.
  6. Looks like fun. I guess the dog needs more training...... Now find a dog sitter and head north west......
  7. If the rack you got does not have lights on it, I would add some to be sure that what gets put on the rack will not reduce the rear lighting. Besides, you can not have to many lights.
  8. If the hi beam is working and only the low beam is out. I would start at the hi/lo beam selector switch on the left handle bar. I seem to have to take mine apart and clean it every other year.
  9. Well I got my new master installed and bled out, and now have front brakes again. Thank you everyone.
  10. I have seen some one jump into a loner car at the Stealership. The car was a stick and he had no clue. It was hilarious to watch.
  11. :sign yeah that:What they all said. It takes an expensive meter to accurately measure the stator resistance. The best you can do is to verify that they all read the same and that there is no short to ground. The .4 ohms that you see when you put the leads together is a combination of the lead resistance and any calibration error inside of the meter, you need to subtract that .4 ohms from anything that you measure. If you look at your test probe wires, they have very thick insulation but the wire is very small AWG inside of there, the wire that the stator is wound with is a much heavier wire than your test leads. That is why its reading is lower than you expected, the heavier the wire the lower its resistance per foot. If you have 13.9 volts at 3000 rpm with everything on the bike turned on, then all is most likely just fine.
  12. Hey MAMA The WI MD is this weekend in Viroqua WI. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=391&day=2014-6-28&c=1 There are a lot of great riding roads in the area and Orlin knows all the best ones. I will be leaving to head there Friday after work. I just last night finished making a big batch of Rum Balls. I have it on good authority that there will also be Apple Pie there.
  13. FYI and FWIW The BBB gives Light Pros an "F" rating. http://www.bbb.org/west-florida/business-reviews/lighting-equipment-suppliers/light-pros-in-sarasota-fl-90142613
  14. An I got a Grand Daughter just 3 months younger than you.
  15. I used to get the sunglasses with the reader at the bottom. That was before I found out I am nearly blind in one eye and cant hear out of the other one.... I never knew that I could not see until the eye doc told me so. Now I just wear my trifocals all the time so I can see everything.
  16. I would think you are still going nowhere. The axle is still going thru the final drive and the brake and swing arm on the other side and holding it all together.
  17. I have seen when some one cut the cigarette lighter plug off the power cord and then used those wires to direct wire, THAT kind of a direct wire would be bad, VERY bad. There is no differnce in the power between using the proper Garmin direct power cord or the Garmin cigarette lighter adapter, they are both connected to the same 14V power source, they both have a regulator built in to drop the voltage down to the 5 VDC that the GPS wants to see.
  18. I just ordered a cord made by Garmin for hard wiring into a 12-24V system. Yes it does contain a circuit to drop the voltage down to the 5V that a GPS wants to see. Not using a proper cord and sending 12 V into a GPS will let ALL of the magic blue smoke out, and we all know that electric stuff runs on that magic blue smoke, so don't let it leak out.
  19. That looks like it would be right up ol Cowpucs alley for a day trip on Tweeks. But the waterfall might be interesting on a bike.
  20. I went for a nice comfortable ride this weekend. It was 58°F in the morning when I left the house and the high for the day was 68°F. That makes for some really nice riding weather. Now it is our turn to pick on you southerners :rasberry: :stirthepot:
  21. I read somewhere that the first gens under very hard acceleration can get the oil to slosh to the back of the engine causing the sender to momentarily show a low oil level. I never heard of a 2nd gen doing that but it might be possible. Just a WAG on my part.
  22. With the 3 white connector unplugged from the RR, label the 3 wires 1, 2, 3. Set the meter for an AC volt scale of 200 or higher. Connect the meter from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then 1 to 3. You should see around 15-20 volts AC at idle and can see over 100 volts AC at speed. The actual voltage is not that critical, what is important is that all three readings are close to the same. I do not do the AC test by going to the black wire because a bad rectifier diode in the RR can influence the test result. In your case this is not likely since you did put in a new RR. But there is no guaranty that the new RR is 100% good either. Testing with the RR Disconnected from the stator guaranties that you are only testing the stator with no other influence. Testing thru the RR will tell you that you have A problem but not what the problem is.
  23. The 55W bulbs will load the charging system more. I can only run my 55W driving lights on the highway when the engine is always at higher speed, In the city or stop and go traffic I am draining the battery. Your RSTD likely draws less power than my Venture so you may be OK. But I would still check it for piece of mind. As mentioned I would remove them from the headlight circuit and put them on their own circuit with a fuse, switch and relay.
  24. The original connector has 2 red and 2 blacks because the proper size wire did not fit in the plug contacts. The 2 red connect together and the 2 blacks connect together between the RR and the battery. If you are going to run the RR wires direct to the battery, just make sure that you are not eliminating or bypassing the main fuse.
  25. Never mind WHAT?
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