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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Our local PD has said they are getting one as soon as possible. Because it is perfectly legal for a passenger to be texting in the car, they will only be pulling over single occupant cars, then there is no question who was texting. The place making the gizmo says they are working on a way to tell who in the car was texting. The phone does not send out a signal when a text comes in, only when you send a text out. So a text coming into your phone while it is in your pocket "should" not be noticed by the detector.
  2. HEY!!!! :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: I guess I kind-of asked for that...... :moon: :moon:
  3. It is great to hear that he is still improving. Some things just take time, sometimes a lot of time. After my dads accident it took him 2.5 years before he could drive a car again. but with time he got there. I hope that Justin continues to show improvement with time.
  4. Joe you must have done something wrong, there were a bunch of us on there.
  5. HUH?? If I am taking apic of someone elses bike while they are taking my pic then how at the same time do I take a pic of me my bike and the person taking my pic??????? Now my head hurts.
  6. Those are imposters, those are not my balls. No one has them like mine..... These are the real deal.
  7. Interesting. Have you had it out on a dark country road? How well does it light up the road a half mile ahead of you?
  8. I'm always stinking,,,,,,,I mean thinking....... Lots of cool toys in my basement. You wanna see my toys?
  9. Yes please post your route so we know where to ambush you for the pecan pies.......
  10. Better get 2, there small, and you will need one to share......
  11. Another possibility is to use a suction cup and a good yank may pop most of it back out. It wont be perfect but it is cheap and could get it close.
  12. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Most automotive oils will make the clutch slip. You need an oil that specifically says on the container that it is for a wet clutch. Using the wrong oil will not do damage as long as you stop letting the clutch slip and change it out to an appropriate motorcycle oil. I use the Valvoline 10-40 Motor Cycle oil. Unless you are using the Valvoline 4T Stroke Full Synthetic Motorcycle Oil. Be gentle on the clutch for a while while the old oil works it way out and the new oil works its way into the clutch. It may take a second oil change after 3-400 miles to flush out all of the old oil. There is about a half quart that does not drain when you do an oil change. You can get some of that half quart to drain by removing the bottom screw on the middle gear cover on the left side of the engine. You will want to have a new copper crush washer handy if you are going to pull that screw. When refilling oil, no more than half the way up the sight glass with the bike upright and level. As for the diaphragm spring, it dies of old age, miles have little to do with it.
  13. Also while at cruising speed in 5th, crack the throttle wide open to see if the clutch is slipping. If the rpm goes up faster than the speed then your clutch spring needs replacing to stop the slipping.
  14. Pretty much anything you put back there will need lights. If you already have a receiver to plug the rack into then the bike is mostlikely aready wired for the trailer lights on the rack.
  15. Remind me not to have your wife's salsa.
  16. Everyone that has gone to the progressive front springs has been quite happy with the results. I will be putting mine in this winter. As for the clunk, The only clunk I get on my 88 is if I hit a bump or pot hole during hard braking and bottom out the front end.
  17. A few years ago I was having that issue only on my puter at work. It was happening on all websites. My home puters were just fine. Once the company upgraded to a faster internet connection and installed new anti virus software, the issue went away. So I do not know if it was some maleware that was on my puter that the new AV software fixed or if it was the faster internet connection that did it.
  18. First thing to check is that the switch is even there. There were some people that had intermittent shutdowns due to a bad tip over switch, since the tip over switch is open when the bike is upright you can just unplug it and the bad switch is "fixed".
  19. :scared: :scared: :scared: WOWZER!!!! That is an ugly one for sure. I can see in one of the pics that there are diodes that are broken in half. These are the diodes that when they go they take other non replaceable components with them. In short, that TCI is toast. I agree that I am very surprised that it was even running on 3 cylinders. Actually these bikes run pretty good on 3 cylinders you can go a long ways and never notice that one is not firing. You may have been down to 1 or 2 cylinders from your description. When you get the new TCI. do not mount it back in the stock location, either put it on top of the air cleaner or inside of the left fairing. Either place will keep it dry and the factory wires are long enough to reach either place. I used Velcro to hold mine in place.
  20. It is common to see corrosion inside of the TCI. There are 8 diodes that get it really bad. They can be replaced for very cheap. No guaranties but it is worth a $2 shot. Normally if you can replace the diodes before they fail you are golden, if it is the diodes that have already failed, then there is no repair of the TCI possible. You may want to check with Dingy on this site. He was selling an after market TCI that is priced better than OEM.
  21. The only reason I can see for the brake light to make any difference with the engine off is that between the 2 brake bulbs pulling 4.5 amps and the EAD pulling another 5 amps, the reduced voltage may be what is having an effect on the audio electronics. along the same lines, when the bike is running and you have even more voltage for the audio system it might be that there is actually less noise to hear and not just that the engine is no longer drowning it out. This is just a theory. If you know someone with a battery tester you can try putting a known pure resistive load on the battery to see if noise goes up with reduced voltage.
  22. I have intentionally laid my 88 on the guards and it stayed there. Granted it was very gently brought to that point, if it had the momentum of a fall I do not know if it would have been able to stop at just the guards. But that is why I asked the question.
  23. Did the bike go all of the way onto its side or was it still resting on the engine guards? I never tested the tip over switch to see how far the bike has to tip before it shuts off the ignition. If was only to the guards then it might not have been far enough to shut off. If the bike went all the way over on its side the engine should have shut off instantly.
  24. If you were designing your own faring you could do it all in the colored carbon fiber and have a really cool look that requires no paint at all.
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