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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Close. PMS = Parked Motorcycle Syndrome. It can happen at any time, not just in the off season.
  2. :sign yeah that: Please do thank your son in law for his service. If you can find it, store it with a full tank of ethanol free gas. The ethanol stores much better. Around here you can find some stations that sell ethanol free but only in premium. You can use either Stabil or Seafoam to treat the gas for storage, they both work well. when the bike is on the center stand there is so little weight on the front tire that it will not matter if it is on the ground. almost all of the bikes weight is on the stand. Hook up a battery tender or battery maintainer, not the same thing as a trickle charger. A trickle charger will destroy the battery over that time. Put rags or steel wool into the exhaust to keep mice and other critters out. Don't forget to remove it before starting. I do not know if it would help to toss a couple of moth balls into the fairing to keep mice from eating the insulation off the wires. I do NOT know if there are any interaction issues between moth balls and the ABS of the faring. Someone else might chime in here. Do an oil change so that there are no corrosive combustion byproducts sitting in the engine. It may help to cover the bike with a blanket or something that can breath. Check the anti freeze, air up the tires, wipe the tear from your cheek and walk away:crying:. 9-12 months is not much longer than a normal winter up north.......
  3. When I am riding all of the little voices in my head that seem to always be screaming for my attention seem to relax, sit back and enjoy the ride along with me. I am so much calmer and relaxed right after getting off of the bike. Even just the 21 mile commute to and from work. My girl has noticed it my boss and coworkers have noticed it, and others that know me well have noticed it. They all say that we are coming into the scary season, and that is not Halloween. Its the PMS season that will be setting in soon.
  4. Yes it is. But that connection can get corrosion in it and be making a poor connection.
  5. The only thing that might be an issue is title and registration. Some states require it some don't. If Ohio requires it make sure it has a title or know what you need to do to get one.
  6. The thing with starting a stored engine. I you are going to start it you need to get it out and drive it to get everything fully warmed up. If you don't, you are doing the engine and trans more harm than good. The harm comes from not fully warming everything up. When not fully warmed up you will get condensation of water inside of the engine as it cools down. This condensation will cause rust damage to gears and bearings. Just letting it idle for a half hour will warm up the engine, but still does not heat up the oil and parts in the transmission.
  7. Go for it. Stretching the tongue if necessary is easy enough. He might even take less if you are standing in front of him with cash in hand.
  8. There are 2 ways to get the cover off. 1. Desolder all of the connector pins. This runs a high risk of damaging the runs on the old fragile board. 2. Use a thin saw to cut thru the cover just behind the connectors. Be careful to not cut into any components. This is the method that I used. when putting it back together seal up the saw cut with RTV. Yes, but if is the TCI causing the problem it is not repairable. Sorry, I am no help here. Odds are it is a dirty hi / lo switch. It is easy to disassemble to clean the contacts. I have to do this every other year.
  9. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas............." :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2: :snow2:
  10. Happy Birthday Tippy. Old Puc is a lucky man to have someone like you. I don't think I have ever seen a pic of you where you did not have a bug smile. Make that old coot your with take you out for a ride, fall colors should be about peak right now. I even dialed the weather machine up to sunshine just for you for the whole weekend.
  11. And don't forget the snow that will come with that polar vortex..
  12. Isn't it amazing just how far them things kin fly.....
  13. Moose are a lot bigger than that, that is the size of a medium 180-200lb deer up here...... But I think I might need some deer tracks for my bike......... I like it.
  14. That is a real common dent. Guaranteed to start leaking coolant at some point. Might as well replace it now, and do Randys mods to the guard, AND stop dropping it on that side.....
  15. The side stand switch has nothing to do with cranking. Its purpose is to kill the engine, by shutting off the ignition, if you should put it in gear while the side stand is down. The side stand switch does this by connecting two of the wires to ground the third wire. to bypass the side stand switch for testing you connect all 3 wires together. this will tell the computer that the side stand is up. Just unplugging it tells the computer that the side stand is down. As long as you are at the side stand switch connector, check with an ohm meter to see if there is a connection from the black wire of the bike side of the connector to battery negative. it should show very close to zero ohms. If not then you are chasing a ground problem.
  16. No it was a small bear that walked across the right saddle bag....... The deer are on the left. probably hiding from the bear.....
  17. Thats what I have been trying to talk him into. I never even implied that I wanted it for free.
  18. Looks good. But did you know that a deer walked across the wet paint on your left saddle bag lid......
  19. Is there someone that can give you a jump to get it started and charged up enough to get you home? It sounds like you may have an issue with the charging circuit. When you go to jump these bikes, you do not want to jump from a running car. Have the car shut off so you are just jumping from the battery. If you wish to charg your bike from a car you will need to remove the negative battery cables on the bike, you can then have the running car connected to the bike with jumpers to charge the bikes battery. This is not the ideal way to do things but it can at least get you home. Once home this is not usually hard to troubleshoot.
  20. Great ride. But what mods are required to the bike to get it to stick to the road thru the 2 barrel rolls.......? I have never had any good luck getting upside down on my bikes.
  21. The ones that I designed around are 2.5 tall with 2 inch wheels rated for 250 lbs each. For free casters I can certainly adjust the design. The ones I picked from McMaster are $14 each and account for almost half of the cost of the project.
  22. See PM I sent you.
  23. Well that just ain't gonna happen....... What would you and ol Puc have left to complain about? That falls back to the original issue of me having more time than money...... And we are not talking enough stuff to justify a storage unit. Your also forgetting that I LIKE to build things. This sounds like a fun project that will end up useful to me. Anyone want a free BBQ grill, it is eating up space in the shed and I have not used it in years.
  24. There is no way to get a bike lift into the shed with the bike. Yes there is a potential for ugly. Good thing 1st gens have a lot of plastic so they are light weight.......
  25. Brian If thee is room for the dolly to start the lift then that is the same spot it will be in when the bike comes down. I think..... Ken I did see that one. That is for bikes with no center stand like a 2nd gen or a Hardly. I actually do not think it will not work with a bike that has a center stand.
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