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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I also have never had an issue with leaving the bike on the side stand all winter. Just make sure that the tires do not go flat or the bike may try to lean to the right while on the side stand.
  2. CAKE?? Someone mention CAKE? I like cake....... As Marcarl mentioned. Whether it is something with the flywheel having been on there for near 30 years or something that the factory does different, but future removals go comparatively very easy. Your next challenge is getting it back together with no oil leaks. Where the wires come thru is a well known oil leak spot and difficult to get sealed up. What I did was to use brake cleaner to thoroughly clean all oil out of the cloth wire covering on both sides of the rubber plug. Then pulled an inch of wire through the rubber plug and cleaned all of the oil out of that cloth. Goop up the wires with black RTV sealant and work it well into the cloth wire covering. Pull the wires back to their original location in the rubber plug so that you are pulling sealant back into the plug with the wires. Install the whole mess back on the bike using a lot of black RTV all around the rubber plug. That is now one of the only places on my bike that does not leak oil.......
  3. #1 has to be my VerntureRider membership. #2 has to be the HID headlight. There is nothing better than to see and be seen. #3 has to be the backrest. Subject to change this winter with the new additions coming.......
  4. You need to use class 10.9 screws to hold the puller to the flywheel along with high strength washers. When you put in the 3 puller bolts, do not tighten them, they only need to be finger tight, but screwed all the way in for full thread engagement. Otherwise there is a possibility of slamming your head into side of faring under radio........:bang head: There are always great stories associated with pulling the flywheel, and every one is a different but interesting experience. Are you planning to rebuild the starter clutch stock or go with Danos upgrade? Stock you will be back in there doing the same job again, Dano costs a little more but you will not have to do it again. As long as you are in there, take a real close look at the stator for any signs of overheating. If there are any signs of over heating now is a good time to replace it while everything is apart.
  5. I always wonder just how much of the race is skill and how much is blind luck finding the best wind.
  6. 1. Not that I have seen. 2. There are 2 bolts below the passenger seat behind the side bags. 3. Yes. It is on the right side of the bike down by the passenger foot rest. It is very hard to turn, you will need a wrench or pliers and there is a good chance of breaking the plastic. Everyone just sets it on reserve and forgets about it. The gas gauge shows empty at the time you would be hitting reserve. So when the gauge shows empty you have about 1 gallon left.
  7. That's not competing.................Its trying to steal customers...
  8. That memory backup should not be pulling enough power to light a bulb. A po may have added some accessory to that circuit because it is always on and that could be what is pulling down the battery. You still need to check all circuits.
  9. Beer is bad, pure poison........ acky....... :essen_018: :essen_018:
  10. It sure is cold and quiet in chat. Who has those logs.......
  11. Looks good. Yes there should be something plugged in there.
  12. I think I need a snow storm........
  13. Even nekid, HOT is still HOT...... You can only take so much off and then you get arrested......
  14. That's not singing when running with a 2nd gen, its laughing.......
  15. Since your charge adapter has a light, if the light is on with the key off, you have power to the outlet. A single LED will take about 2 months to pull down the battery. But the rest of the charge adapter may pull more power whether it is charging or not. Get a small 12V bulb, a 194 like a dash bulb is perfect. Connect two wires to it. take the negative cable (and any other wires connected there) off of the battery. connect one of the bulb wires to the battery negative, connect the other bulb wire to the cable(s) that came off of the batt neg. With the key off, if the bulb lights, even if it just glows a little, then you have a draw on the battery. Start pulling fuses one at a time untill you find which circuit has the draw. Don't forget to check any hard wired inline fuses that may have been added.
  16. We have more good riding weather up here than there is down south. I can dress for comfort in sub freezing temps, There is no way to make hot comfortable.
  17. I don't have permission to view your album.......
  18. First off welcome to this site. If you get the bike the $12 membership here is the best money you will spend on this bike. It sounds like you might just be in my backyard. I am close enough to be able to check tire pressures on the jets as they are coming in to land at MKE. The manuals are available in PDF on this site. This site is different than most. While we do have a lot of wise guys and hot air, (that is a big part of the fun here) when it comes to getting your question answered there is rarely bad info given by anyone one here. Different folks are better at different aspects of these bikes and will help where they can. the others that have no clue on an issue generally will say nothing. There are a lot of people with a lot of knowledge here. It is impossible to make a list.
  19. Having never heard of the spoons game before, I had to look it up. I can see where furniture could get busted up and paramedics should be standing by. It may even require ATGATT, or at least a helmet.
  20. Well there kind of is a rev limiter, but it is more aptly called valve float......... I usually cruse at right around 4,000 rpm, even if it means running a lower gear. At 75mph there is no problem with dropping to 3rd if you need or want to move out quickly.
  21. Cool While I also love messin with designing electronics, I am no where near your level. But I still love it when a plan comes together.......
  22. How to impress new biker neighbors? When the new neighbor shows up with a brand spanking new Hayabusa. You go for a ride with him and he finds that all of his modern HP will not keep up with a 27 year old bike that weighs twice as much. and then come to find that he thinks a 20 mile ride is a long one. and I thought I had a marshmallow butt........ But in all fairness, it was his first ever bike.......
  23. What do biker geezers do to survive falls.........????? ?????? ??????? Some go out in the shed and tinker with old machinery, make sure the refrigeration system is working up to spec. Loading a fresh batch of white stuff......... and just getting ready.......all falls will end........ Unless of course the old geezers are kept so busy in chat that the old geezer has no time for machinery.....
  24. If what Mike says is good, then this is an upgrade opportunity to a Wolo Bad Boy horn.
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