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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I have the same issue. I just picked one that gave repeatable results and then only use that one. I adjusted my pressures until I was happy with the ride and handling. That is the pressure I use. The tires may not be at the pressure that the gauge indicates, but the pressure that I have works.
  2. To be honest, I can't remember the last time I was on the home page. About the only page I use is the new posts Link, that is my bookmark to get here. As to what version of software, you do what is best for you, and we will adapt. We will adapt with some kicking and screaming, but we will eventually adapt. And the couple that will leave that can not adapt, were probably not nearly as well addicted as the rest of us..... I have not really checked out the Hog site, My computer is slow enough already.....
  3. Yes it is coming. I can feel it in my bones. And since all of the Docs and nurses have said that will be in much pain and just miserable on Friday night, I may have to crank up and blow the dust off of Ol Pucs favorite machine. Watching that machine run always makes me feel better. But since I will be hurtin I may not get much more than to just blow the dust off it. Who knows, If Ol Puc is Lucky, some of that dust may even blow all the way over the lake. Which machine am I talking about? Why the SNOW machine of course. Ol Puc has brought that machine up so very many times over the summer that I can tell he really does miss it. It seems to be all he thinks about. I had to do it, Puc made me do it. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it. Maybe I'll get some of the really good pain meds and not even remember that that poor old machine is sitting out there all lonely.....
  4. Bob, that is not a mistake. Count your blessings that your wife at least has an interest in bikes. My honey has no interest in even going for a ride to see if she might like it. But Puc, You would look good on the back of Tweeks with Tippy drivin...... You can tell her I said so....... Or should I tell her? I can just see her now, 2 trackin you back into some nice remote spot. Your not afraid that she will make you look bad are ya.........
  5. Poor little fishies.........
  6. I have asked that question many times, never got a good answer. I have a first gen so the only whine I hear is just before I leave the house alone.....
  7. Glad no one got hurt. Yes there are some riders that I think are trying to get hit. Bike painted completely flat black, driver dressed in black leathers wearing a flat black helmet, driving near dusk with no lights on. I almost got him. There are also a few riders that dress in city camo to ride around in the city. I often wear my blaze orange deer hunting stuff.
  8. Don I did not come up with that link by myself. I blatantly stole it from one of your posts. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=74986 I would not want to give the impression that I have a clue....... I simply remembered that you had posted that link and then I went looking for it. Here is the thread where I posted the chat link. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=89402
  9. Sorry Boss You know we love to play. There were all those shiny new buttons on there.......
  10. It let me log in to. It even told me I have an unread PM.
  11. WOW! You are not supposed to do that. Very glad that you are able to type this to us. Heal quickly. Kick that bike in the fender for misbehaving.
  12. I have a few relatives with new Titanium. Do what the doc says and it will be good. Best of luck on your recovery.
  13. I guess I learned sumpin new. I never had a vehicle without 4 ways from the factory. I just ass-u-me-ed they were the law.
  14. 4.8 gallons. But then I have a 1st gen with a 5 gallon tank...... I was sweating that one. Was riding interstate at 80, pulling a loaded trailer, into a 40 MPH head wind. I got 18 MPG on that tank.
  15. Neat. But an RSTD does not have 4 way flashers from the factory??? I always thought that was a requirement to be street legal???
  16. Well the first drug they tried has helped. Not fixed it but made it less bad. They plan to increase the dosage next week after the surgery. The cardiologist has cleared me for the original surgery to be done this coming Friday, On Halloween? If I see a grim reaper costume any where on Friday, I'm outa there...... Then next week they will start messing with the cardiac drugs. One of the first to be started will be some form of blood thinner / anti clotting. But they can not start that just before surgery, for the obvious reasons. The doc was discussing some of the possible treatments for down the road. One nice thing that did happen, You know how docs are always saying "well you know at your age............" or "you really should loose some weight......." This time he started with "well since you are still so young and in really great shape" then explained that this opens up the play book for a lot of options that are very effective but can not be done on the old or the weak. There some of these options that can give a permanent cure with no need to be on drugs forever. He said that even though half of my heart is not working I still passed the stress test better than some people with everything working. I am cleared for anything I wish to do. If I feel like going for a 20 mile hike deer hunting he said go for it, just monitor my heart rate to keep it from getting to high. So it is now starting to look like I may survive this, I could end up being around here and causing trouble for a long long time. Maybe I will even sleep tonight for a change.
  17. Sounds like a nice ride. Sure wish I could go for a nice long ride. :sign yeah that: My scoot is already parked for the winter The only fun I have left is playing with my little machines.
  18. TMI!!!!
  19. For intermittent electrical problems I often wire up some LEDs to various points in the suspected circuit. Depending on what the circuit is supposed to be doing, some LEDs will always be on some will always be off. Group all of the on's together and group all of the offs together, this way it is real easy for the eye to pick up even a flicker. With the LEDs it is easy to see in real time exactly where the problem is.
  20. Bike is fine, I am broken. A friend came over and helped me put the bike to bed for the winter nap. He is a Hardly rider, he had to take the bike for a spin to warm it up good and get the treated gas into the carbs. We may have a future convert from a Hardly. There are sometimes I like to pick on someone other than myself.
  21. I think some of the confusion may have come from your first post in this thread where you said that you will take the site down Monday night and then it went down Sunday morning with no warning. I'm not saying you should not have, just pointing out where the confusion came from. You gotta do what you gotta do when you feel you gotta do it. I was one that was checking back every 15 minutes due to the 15 minutes or forever comment.
  22. During the times that the site is down for upgrades, if you really need a fix like I do. I really went thru a lot of withdrawals yesterday, specially since I can not ride or do much of anything else right now. You can log into chat while the site is down. Just bookmark this link; http://host718.123flashchat.com/venturerider/123flashchat.php?init_group=venturerider By using this link you can get into the VRO chat room even while the site is down for upgrades. I guess I found out yesterday that this does not work if I am the only one that knows about it.....
  23. I guess I have to finish up some more of these. At this moment in time I do not know when I will be able to get to them. I have some health issues that need to get fixed before I can even think of touching the milling machine.
  24. Sounds like a lot more good news than bad news. I would jump thru a lot of hoops for a deal like that. Good luck on getting everything together and making it happen. Who says the new Venture will not have a cassette?
  25. Is it really any more dangerous than any other bike? Some would argue that all bikers are Darwin candidates. In some respects it may be safer. It certainly does not look comfortable to be standing for a long ride.
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