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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Steak
  2. way
  3. on face
  4. goose
  5. kinky
  6. Flyinfool


    Why is white stuff considered beautiful and pure?
  7. mate
  8. Best wishes to both her and you.
  9. I have also noticed that the more snow Puc gets the more he writes cool stories for us to read while we are snow bound.......
  10. Flyinfool


    Why do I like circles?
  11. Buy a set of valve cover gaskets, And in the process removing the valve covers, you will be looking at the cams. Perfect time to check valve clearances and adjust as required.
  12. WHAT??????? Who needs timers???? I can use the machine manually, or on line, and now even with a cellphone app. I am a lousy software engineer so sometimes the app misfires and I lose control.......... I got to pull 3 yahoos out of the snow last night, and that was just so I could get up the alley to my house, they were in my way. Besides its fun. One of them was being a jerk, he got real close to being the second person in my lifetime that would have had to pay to get pulled out. His wife saved him with a right cross. had there been room to get around him I would have drove by and left him there.
  13. gender
  14. So that was a game that kept interrupting the commercials...... While it was a good game, I love nail biters, I was hoping that they would both lose. I know that there has to be a winner, but I was still trying to find a way to have them both lose.
  15. As long as the delay relay is powered from the AD circuit it will still release at the same moment the brake lever is released. This will still allow the AD to release as normal.
  16. YUM
  17. dunkin
  18. Once you get past the suspension issues. It can and has been done. The other MC tire issue will be wear. Since the tires will never lean, all wear will be just down the center. On a bike the most wear happens in corners, but the bike is leaning to get the wear onto the sides of the tire. The MC tires are also not designed for a lot of side load, again due to the lean in the corner. There have been a few that used bike tires on the trailer, they all went thru a lot of more expensive tires. The other option is to go darkside on the trailer tires on the MC rim. This way you have a tire that is designed to be run flat and is designed to have a side load in the corners, but at least have a wheel and approximate profile that matches the bike. I say if that's what you like, go for it, It can be done, It is not by its self dangerous. I love things that are creative and outside the box.
  19. Open the drain screw on one of the carbs. When you turn on the key does the fuel pump click? If not, if you hot wire the pump does it run?
  20. If it werent for walls and fences to slow things down, there would be no use for Windows or Gates.
  21. lungs
  22. Neil There are a lot of possibilities. For the most part we are guessing at this point, granted it is educated guesses, but still guesses. That is why I offered to have him send me the bulb so I could hook up meters and see what the real issues and solutions are.
  23. I sure it was a very bitter sweet day for you. Now you have a hole in the stable that needs to be filled.
  24. Steak
  25. :sign yeah that:
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