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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Glad to hear your finger is getting better. The shed that the bike is in is still buried under snow. I am working on a plan to head up to the U.P. I will try to jam that door shut. It worked for a while when I was up there in November and slammed the door it stayed pretty nice in December.
  2. Got pics, that may help. There is a www.koolglo.com.
  3. Puc you seem to be warming this old frozen heart. How can I go make your favorite weather when I have a leaky eyeball and everything is all blurry......
  4. I do miss the side bar with friends and their status, the rest I have gotten used to or found close enough work arounds.
  5. Start by filling the tank, if it only takes about a gallon then you know it is a problem with the sender / fuel gage circuit. If it takes about 3 gallons, then the gas is actually gone and you have an issue with the fuel system.
  6. Yup seen it. Ask him Ask him Not if I can help it....... Well OK some can melt, but winter ain't over yet....
  7. Raising BP is easy, just follow my diet plan...:whistling: :whistling:
  8. Mine did that once. Half of the tank disappeared while locked in the shed. No drip marks on the floor, none in the oil, no clue where it went. It fixed its self and the missing gas never happened again.
  9. That was so long ago I do not remember if I was ever 16. The only "music" I remember from back then is the scream of a nitro fueled 2 stroke at full throttle with no muffler. I never had the time or the technology to listen to any other kind of music.
  10. Great to hear. I really hope it works out well for you.
  11. oopie
  12. Does that mean you got it?
  13. NOOOOoooooo......... Not THE END!!!! This was way to enjoyable to have it come to an end so soon. You covered the last 1158 miles in just one paragraph..... I do have to admit that last summer I was wondering how you went from the Dakotas to home like almost instantly with nothing happening in between. Now I know what that ground level contrail was across the bottom of the state. Now that there is no more great story to read, what ever will I do to occupy my time. You may want to go back and review post #151 and post #152 ........Just sayin.....
  14. My dog always tells me whether the LEO is good or bad. It is something she can sense somehow as they are walking up. If she is all happy to see them and wanting to be petted, then they are a good one, if she just goes in the back seat and lays down, I'm in trouble. If they (or anyone for that matter) reaches into the car, it will get real ugly real fast.
  15. This is correct, to you they are not NEW since you already had them ope when you first posted them. Those threads that you start or post in will not show up in your "new posts" until someone other than you is the last poster AND you have not seen that last post yet.
  16. AND Most metals will laugh at a 40W laser. It looks like to cut metal you are starting around 500W. The mere fact that there is no way I can afford it, has nothing at all to do with me wanting one. Although I will probably end up with a 3D printer long before a laser......
  17. You posted in it and it does show up in my "New Posts". Go to "Settings" in the top right corner of the page. Then on the left side of page under My Settings go to "General Settings" Scroll to bottom of the page and the second section from the bottom of the page is "Exclude Forums From "Whats New"" Scroll through the window there to see if any of your missing forums are highlighted. Any highlighted forums will NOT appear in the "Whats New?" or "New Posts" searches.
  18. No it does not show up in the watering hole, and it should not. It does show up in new posts as it should. You will not see it show up in New Posts until someone makes a post after yours. When you create a new thread in any forum, that new thread will not initially appear in your new posts, because you have already seen it, so it is not new to you.
  19. The bottom line is that all of the states now have some form of legal CC. BUT every state has different rules attached. I'm sure you all have heard many times that ignorance to the law is no excuse. It is up to each person to do their own research into the laws of any state they intend to travel through with a firearm. Many people may have a basic understanding of their gun laws as those laws pertain to their home state. Some states have different requirements for resident vs nonresident. Do your homework so you do not accidentally spend your vacation in jail, or worse yet become a felon, do time in prison, and be unable to poses a firearm for the rest of your life.
  20. Well it cant be hiding that well, It showed up up in my new posts, and you found my reply in under 3 minutes.
  21. If you listed it in the M&E forum then it will only appear in that forum. However it should appear in the new posts listing unless.... Do you have the M&E forum listed in your settings as one not to display?
  22. Its amazing what they can do with pills these days. Hope your finger gets better soon.
  23. That was fun. Don't go giving me any new inspirations........
  24. Don't tempt me, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlF_oXvbu4s
  25. They don't make one big enough for that......
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