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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. My plates are good forever, I never have to pay again, I just can not ride in January in Wisconsin, unless I am working on it or fill out a piece of paper. :confused24:
  2. I use a cassette adapter. Plugs into the I pod and the wire goes to a cassette looking thingy that goes into the cassette deck. This also works great.
  3. How about reformat your trips. Get a tent and it will save a bunch over room fees. Getting a camp stove will save a bunch over restaurants. I have no idea on the cost of the reunion, but Dons MD is a lot less expensive than the international. I am about the same distance to Dons as you are, 425 miles vs 450, that trip is usually just over $100 by the time I am back home. Unless of course Earl has just the goodies I am looking for....... I would make every effort to get the wife a bike if she really wants one. Modify the trips to reduce cost and maybe only do one this year. I just wish that I could get my better half to want to join me on a trip. She won't even try to get on the bike.
  4. You had better keep some significant distance between those 2 bikes when they are left alone in the garage. It is a well known fact that the Yamahas are quick, and can be prolific breeders. Especially when one of them is a real hotty.
  5. The relay is so that you can have a switch to have the HID off while starting the engine. The HID controllers have a low voltage cutoff built in. If the battery voltage should dip below the cut off it will turn off the HID to protect itself. Once tripped it does not reset when the voltage comes back up once the bike is running. In order get the light to turn back on you have to turn off the engine and restart. Of course this restart can once again drop the voltage momentarily and turn off the HID.... Having a switch that is controlling the HID power wire will allow you to have the HID off while starting. Having the switch operate a relay means that you do not have to have a switch and wiring that can handle 20 amps.
  6. All of the things that you have done will each make it leaner. You will most likely need to change the main jets to get it to run right with all of those mods. Depending on just how much you have opened things up you might be able to get close by playing with the needle shims and/or the pilot. If not then either close some of the breathing back up or start playing with the main jets. These bikes do not like the airflow to be messed with. Most of the people that have messed with the airbox are now running around with patches on the air box to get back to stock airflow.
  7. Yes they will breed, and they will vote, and some of them will even be elected.......
  8. In a couple of days I am headed to the U.P. to check on that back door into Canada that those folks up there seem to have an aversion to closing. Maybe the hinges are a little rusty. Maybe the hinges can get welded if they are still moving freely....... You just know I can not resist an arctic blast......
  9. Unless these brackets he made are something really special and beautiful, I would let him eat them, Doubling the price at delivery is not what you agreed to. I would offer him the agreed to price.
  10. Whether or not there will be enough food depends on if you get there before or after me. AND I have a 1st gen.
  11. OK, Time to exchange and get back to the Pilot screw.
  12. I'm in. Even though I'm all alone........
  13. Hmmmmmm....... There is no place on your calendar to RSVP.
  14. Can you get more info on the clutch problem. It may not be the hydraulics at all. It might be a slipping clutch and someone assumed that it is a hydraulic problem when all it needs is a new spring. Without more info it is hard to guess what the fix might entail. Contact the seller and find out specifically what the symptoms are and why he thinks it is a hydraulic problem. That info will get you a much better guess from us.
  15. Are you dropping it in gear and taking off with the choke full on or are you taking the choke full off before you take off. My bike is also kind of cold blooded. I start it with full choke which gives me around 3,000 RPM, I let it run there while I put on my gear. I then reduce choke to about 1500 RPM and take off. for the next mile or so if I get on it to hard it will cough and sputter a bit, just have to drive gently that first mile, then I can take the choke all the way off and it is fine. This is only when it is fairly cool out, below 40°F Above that I only need half choke to start the bike and as soon as I hit second gear the choke comes all the way off and its ready to go. When was the last time you synced the carbs? One carb way out of sync could very well not be running opr running weakly at idle the cold will make it more noticeable.
  16. I put it in an empty brake fluid bottle and when the city has one of their hazardous waste collections I give it to them. The city has these collections 2 or 3 times a year to help discourage illegal or improper dumping. At least I know it is being handled properly.
  17. My posts just look like I'm posting in my sleep
  18. I guess I am bad that way. When the sirens go off I usually head outside to watch. If I see any sign of it,I'm outa here or in the basement. One of the problems around here is that they have started sounding the sirens here for ALL thunderstorms. Everyone is so used to the sirens that they now ignore them, "its just a little thunder and lightening, no big deal". They no longer have a way to let us know if something really bad is coming.
  19. Man you been busy..... I've been on here for 8 years and am just over 8,000 posts......
  20. I do not think that anyone was trying to down play any knolage or experiace you may have. When in doubt, to much detail is far better than assuming something.
  21. Also what was glossed over is that test bikes have been known to have extra "cosmetic" plastic added to hide what it really will look like. I certanily would not try to make any decisions about future purchases based on any spy pics.
  22. I legally can not ride mine in January. But then it is rare for the SNOW depth to drop enough to get to it in January. Even on those occasional 50 degree days.
  23. Like I said way up in post 54, This game will come, and the winner of this game takes home all the marbles. It should be a good game with the 2 best teams in the country.
  24. Spend a LOT of time in a parking lot practicing slow speed maneuvering where you are making turns at full lock on the steering and not putting your feet down. On most normal side streets you should be comfortable making U turns with out even a thought of putting your feet down. This is all before even your wife gets on the back. Then do it all again with the wife. Before your first ride with a passenger, go to your local home improvement store and buy 2 big bags of play-box sand and strap that to the back seat. It will get you used to the extra top heavy feel, and sand don't wiggle, and if you do go down sand is cheap. Cover the crash bars with some old garden hose and have the wife wiggle around while stopped. You should also know how to pick the bike up if / when it does fall. Be sure to let us know so we can explain the dropped bike donation. Get of copy of the DVD "Ride Like a Pro", watch it, do it, watch it again. Repeat. Even better would be to take an advanced rider course. I had a situation where while at an event another parent asked if I would take their child on my bike since I was alone, and they had more kids than bike seats. These children were all VERY experienced bike passengers and loved to ride. I had to decline since it had been about 30 years since I had a passenger with me, and we would be riding roads unfamiliar to me and more technical than what I am used to.
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