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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. OOPIE!!!! As least you did not use my method of bag removal....... A softball size rock coming out of a pickup truck heading in the opposite direction on a state highway, closing speed around 120mph. Does a real good job of removing the bag, on any year....
  2. When you go to try again after letting it sit over night. For the first try bleed it at the banjo bolt on the MC. Don't pump it, just squeeze the handle and crack the banjo. Letting it sit over night, all of the air in the lines will rise up to the top. By pumping it thru you can whip it up into smaller bubbles that are harder to get out.
  3. Sure sounds like the same gas drinking gremlin that I had. I am glad he found a home other than at my house......
  4. Or the tent and stuff?
  5. I disagree. IF it has a V-twin it should NOT be called a Venture, especially if it is push rods and/or air cooled and/or something other than shaft drive.
  6. That cage really makes it look like a dune buggy. I kind of like it.
  7. Since they are lying already, it is obvious they intend to screw you. Take all steps to protect yourself. If dad comes back and asks why you are escalating, just let him know is is because kid is lying and you will not take his BS.
  8. :sign yeah that: Only issue is if pic is to big. Most semi modern cameras take pics that are to big.
  9. Sorry to hear that this happened but glad that you are still walking and talking. Don't forget that the blue book value does not include any accessories that have been added. You may want to find some comparable bikes and use their asking prices as the value, because that is really what it is going to cost you to replace yours. Don't forget to add sales tax and any other costs associated with the replacement. This should not cost you anything. As far as calling your insurance agent, since you only have liability there is not much your insurance can do other than put down on your insurance record that you were involved in an incident. But by all means document all communications with the kid and/or his dad. Either get it in writing or record it if verbal. I learned the hard way that when it come time to actually write the check, the agreement can change dramatically. As soon as it is available get a copy of the police report to see exactly what the official description of the accident is. Contact the officer to fix any glaring errors.
  10. Removing the clear film does not make the windscreen toast, but that clear film does a lot to help prevent scratches during normal cleaning. Once you have polished the wind screen and removed that clear film, you will have to polish it much more often to keep it clear. You can buy a LOT of Plast-X for the cost of a new windscreen. It is also very helpfull to ONLY clean the windscreen with vertical up and down strokes. Circular or horizontal strokes will cause scratches that reflect more light into your eyes. Vertical strokes reflect less light into your eyes. Unless of course you ride with your head tilted 90 to the side, then you would want to clean with horizontal strokes.......
  11. Did you remember to turn the choke off?
  12. And look at all of that flat area to strap on sleeping bags tents and other gear.......
  13. I found that the HF Vacuum bleeder made getting the air out a whole lot easier. (And less messy) Start with just the tiniest of lever movements. watch the fluid inside of the reservoir. you will see very tiny air bubbles work their way out of the MC piston via the bleed back hole. There are 2 holes from the reservoir to the piston, one is big enough that you can see the piston moving below it, the other one is so tiny that it is almost invisible to the naked eye. That very tiny one is the bleed back hole that you need to get air out of and be sure it is not blocked. Until you get ALL of the air out of the MC nothing else will bleed normally. It helps to turn the handlebars in various directions to help get the air out of the MC.
  14. Puc, you put that S100 stuff on Tweaks and all of them there stickers will blow right off in the wind, THEN you will have to go all over to get new ones again...........
  15. I have found that the best looking trucks are ones covered in mud. Makes it looks like a mans truck, no matter what color the wife wanted. My truck started off bright flame red, unfortunately it rained last night and now there is another red spot showing, back to the trails to get it looking right again.
  16. The ignition relay is more a 2nd gen thing. The 1st gens don't seem to have the issue with the switch going bad from normal usage. You can probably do the clutch spring upgrade faster than the fuse box upgrade. Clutch spring takes about a hour if you never did one, a half hour if you have done it before and about 3 or 4 hours if you have experienced help.
  17. Within spec means just that, even if right on the edge, within is within. The valve clearance gets smaller with normal wear, so if the clearance was right at the bottom limit it will not take as long to get out of spec as if it was at the high end of the limit. As long as it never gets to zero under any operating condition, you are OK. If it hits zero while running the valve and possibly the head goes by-by. When I do my valve shims this year, I will set them all on the high side of "within" and know in my own mind that they will be good for a very long time. In reality does setting for the high limit make a difference? I really have no clue how much if any difference it will make. In theory it will last longer before an adjustment is "needed", on the other hand, in theory because the valves will open a few thousandths less, there will be slightly less peak horse power, but possibly slightly more peak torque. Is any of this noticeable or even measurable? I doubt it. But it will make me feel better.
  18. Sorry Puc, the shed and its contained machinery are just fine..... That snow in the pics is Michigan SNOW. But even though it was not genuine Wisconsin SNOW, I still thought it was beautiful to watch it fall for Easter while holding my sweet one close. It was one of those snow falls with zero wind and the great big monster flakes that fall real slow, and piles up on everything looking like a big fluffy white pillow. Just like on a Xmas card.
  19. 31 all at half time with 13 lead changes. It don't get much closer than this.
  20. My honey and I headed up north to a cabin back in the woods for a very quiet and private Easter weekend. It was a wonderful time snuggling in front of the fireplace watching the snow falling gently down all 4 days we were there. There is one whole wall that is glass from floor to ceiling with a great view. Yes we had a lovely time.
  21. Hopefully the drought backs off so that we can have a bon-inferno.
  22. Its almost time........
  23. My plates are good forever, I never have to pay again, I just can not ride in January in Wisconsin, unless I am working on it or fill out a piece of paper. :confused24:
  24. I use a cassette adapter. Plugs into the I pod and the wire goes to a cassette looking thingy that goes into the cassette deck. This also works great.
  25. How about reformat your trips. Get a tent and it will save a bunch over room fees. Getting a camp stove will save a bunch over restaurants. I have no idea on the cost of the reunion, but Dons MD is a lot less expensive than the international. I am about the same distance to Dons as you are, 425 miles vs 450, that trip is usually just over $100 by the time I am back home. Unless of course Earl has just the goodies I am looking for....... I would make every effort to get the wife a bike if she really wants one. Modify the trips to reduce cost and maybe only do one this year. I just wish that I could get my better half to want to join me on a trip. She won't even try to get on the bike.
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