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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. It should clean up nice. Those 2 tabs on the top of the hitch are where you need to fab a bracket and clamp that will go over the frame that is right above it. The bracket is only 2 or 3 inches long. I made the clamps and the brackets out of 1" x 1/8" galvanized from the hardware store. If you are not sure what else is needed for mounting just ask.
  2. Happy Birthday you old Pucster you. I have whipped up a special batch of High Temp just for you. It is already on the way.......
  3. As Bob mentioned, Seafoam is a pretty standard use item on the Ventures. Start with a full can to a half tank of gas, and ride it to get it completely through the carbs. Then every day take it out and ride it like ya stole it till the gas is about gone. this will clear out a lot of carb issues. As Bob mentioned the oil leak is most likely the grommet around the stator wires, very popular leak point. The wires are covered in a cloth sheath and the oil can and will wick up the cloth right thru the grommet and leak. You will need a gasket set for the left side cover and the middle gear cover. Many of us use a new crush washer on the bottom bolt of the middle gear cover as that is the drain for the oil in the transmission. Once you get the side cover off clean it up real good. use brake cleaner to clean all of the oil off the grommet and out of the cloth insulation of the stator wires. Then slide the grommet up the wires a bit and clean the oil out of the newly exposed cloth insulation. I use the black Permatex RTV to rub into the cloth where the grommet will sit and then slid the grommet back into place. Clean the cloth above the grommet again to get the oil that was dragged out of the holes and apply a seal of the black RTV on both sides of the grommet as well as to the sealing surfaces between the cover and the grommet and put it all back together. When doing normal oil changes you do not need to pull the trans drain plug, there is not much oil actually trapped in there. The only time you need to drain there is if you are cleaning out contaminated oil from a coolant or gas issue and you need to get out as much as possible.
  4. Ruger LCP, sometimes with LaserMax Laser installed.
  5. I never even heard of a pocket holster until now. I googled it and there is a boatload of then to choose from. They even make different ones depending on which pocket you plan to use and even what type of pants you will wear. Enter shopping mode..........
  6. Just make sure that you are with her when she goes looking at bikes, You really do not want her to fall into the trap that my next door neighbor did. The salesman convinced him that a Hayabusa was a great stater bike for someone that never rode before and had to much pride to take a riding course. The sales man pointed out that it has a throttle so you do not have to use all of that power. At least the sales man did also talk him into ATGATT. He dumped that bike many times.
  7. A lot has to do with her intended use of the bike. If there will be highway driving, a 250 may be a bit small. It is just barely enough power to keep up with traffic and has nothing left in reserve to power away from a bad situation. The light weight will make it more prone to wind gusts coming off the front of big vehicles. If all or most of her riding will just be putting around town then the 250 should be fine. Around here most of the places that do beginner MC training use 400s. A 400 will be a lot safer on the highways and still light enough for a small person to handle. As far as which bike would be best make or model for her to start on, It has been way to long since I rode a non touring bike to even know what is out there.
  8. :sign yeah that: We have a local around here that insists on open carry because he legally can. He has been robbed while open carrying 3 times that I know of and has therefor added 3 of his weapons to the local crime rings.
  9. And I have part #3 and maybe parts #19 . The rest of the parts are some very simple to fab brackets that can be made from a chunk of 1" wide x 1/8" thick steel bar from the hardware store.
  10. I hate when my grass turns green. That means that I have to go out and mow it. I hate cutting grass a lot. I am always the last person in the neighborhood to do the first cut of the season and the first to do the last cut of the season. I REFUSE to cut grass in October thru April, those months should have the ground covered in SNOW. I don't care how long it gets in between those times. I love it when we have a nice drought going during the summer, and my yard turns that lovely shade of brown.
  11. I guess you will just have to show up in chat to find out what kind of or or we have planned for you.
  12. I was in chat around 9:30 and found @Marcarl in there. If you go to chat you need to just leave it open in the background, with your sound turned on. If your sound is on and chat is open in the background (like while you are looking at the rest of this site) then you will hear the doorbell ring if someone else comes to the chat room. We seem to be like ships passing in the night. just missing each other.
  13. Its been a while, and IIRC, The front attachment point is the muffler hanger bolt. you need a longer bolt so that you can att the hitch and nut toward the inside of welded on nut. there is a mid attachment point that is thru the rear roll bare using the same bolt that goes into the bottom of the saddle bags. Then the rear attachment point is a loop to clamp over bars that run for aft under the bumper, I do not remember if they are pert of the bag guard or fender or bumper mounts. I am sure someone will be along shortly that can maybe add some pics.
  14. Yo do realize that we just had 6-12 inches of SNOW on Sunday...........
  15. Silly boy....... And who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks??????? To think that you actually doubted me for even an instant..........You should know better by now you lop eared monkeys uncle varmint .
  16. Puc, Puc Puc, We still gotts to learn ya everthin. That "Users In Chat" window is on the bottom of almost EVERY page, not just the forum page.
  17. Chat parties normally just happen when they happen. Although some times there will be an Announced date and time for a chat party.
  18. That aint no foot O SNOW. That looks more like about 2 inches, 3 if I give the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand it should be almost gone by tomorrow. We are getting up to 46 with rain today, only down to 40 over night and then 54 tomorrow. That should finish off any stragglers. And then it will get hot out by the end of the week.
  19. Ya know I gotta blow out the pipes and use up the last of the SNOW juice before I summerize the WWW and the Snowpercharger......
  20. Here is current look out my front window here.
  21. That aint SNOW, Here is a current view out my front window. I'll send it right over to you.
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