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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Ummm.... I will also be at the Pond Palace. So much for your no trouble theory....... Ahhh........ I see it now........ the right mind qualifier........ My mind left........ Maybe I can hide the snowper charger in the back seat of my truck or sumpin........
  2. So now he calls me a bird brain.......... I think I may have unleashed a monster........
  3. You just have to watch out for the pond monsters........
  4. 78K is not a lot of miles on these bikes. There are members with 200K+. I do hope you have a valid license,,,,,,, License to steal......... Looks like a real steal to me.
  5. that don't look like eggs to me...........
  6. I think the Boss already answered that @cowpuc. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?102280-Let-the-discussion-begin&p=907786#post907786
  7. Congrats, I know that is a feat that I will never accomplish.
  8. Ahh yes dual Bad Boys....... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?72811-She-tried-to-get-me
  9. Looks awesome. Do not ride through here with that lighting on, If the local LEOs here see blue light at all, or red to the front or amber to the rear, you will get a ticket. I have seen them drive past bikes with colors other than red, blue, or amber. Does your controller let you pick a color like green to keep on while riding or even to color cycle but skip red, blue and amber?
  10. Hmmmm...... I guess living in the dairy state, I must be used to it. OR my nose is burned out......
  11. Well that got me a headache.......
  12. Mine also came from HID Country, They are the ones that went so far downhill with customer service that they had to close and reopen under a new name.
  13. These are some that I am considering for my truck. They are not cheap but I do not mind paying more for quality. This place is very highly rated on the truck forums. http://www.theretrofitsource.com/hid-systems.html
  14. These are some that I am considering fr my truck. They are not cheap but I do not mind paying more for quality. This place is very highly rated on the truck forums. http://www.theretrofitsource.com/hid-systems.html
  15. Unfortunately the company I got mine from went through some internal issues and went from great to bad customer service to the point they had to change names and reopen. Sorry I can not help with currently available stores. There are a few that I am looking at to get HID for my truck but I have not yet pulled the trigger to know 1st hand how their customer service is. A few thoughts to help muddy the waters for you..... The HID that I got a 35 watt and it is way brighter than the halogen it replaced. The new 50/55 watt HIDs are now available from almost everyone and are even brighter yet, but at 55 W will not give you any savings in power draw from the bikes electrical system. If the HID I have now ever dies (it is now 5 years old), I will most likely get a 55W, but I do not think it is worth upgrading my 35W, just for the sake of upgrading.
  16. Not knowing the mechanical abilities of a new member, it is always best to err on the side of too much info. These carbs in most cases seem to clean up really well with just a good dose of SeaFoam in the gas tank. How many miles does the other one have?
  17. We need one of these for MD......... Someone will likely have a camera......... :rotf: :rotf:
  18. I have had intermittent leaks before. Fill the tire to 40-45 lbs, soap it up good and come back later to check. Keep the soap wet so that it can bubble. Now if the air gets out without making bubbles, then it may be aliens mining the planet for air and they are just beaming the air away.......
  19. I think it would be fun to don battle gear and give it a try. I have had to VERY quickly learn to fly an airplane that had controls backwards, but that does not involve near as many neurological processes as riding a bike.
  20. Marcarl already moved this thread for you. You do not have to worry about the 2nd gear issue. Yamaha fixed it in the middle of the 85 model year, so your 86 and 88 are fine. If there was water in the carbs, pull the spark plugs before you try to turn it over just in case there is also water in a cylinder causing a hydro lock. Hydro lock will break connecting rods. If there was/is water in the engine, that one might be rough to fix. Now we do have rules on this website......... If there are no pictures, it didn't happen. We love to look at bike pics. We let you slide for a few hours already now......
  21. If you got the pair for $500 you done real good on that part of it. Even if you paid $500 each it is not a bad deal. Have you tried to start either one? I would start working on whichever one currently runs the best, it should take the least amount of time and/or money to get on the road with, after all riding season is here now. There is really no difference between an 86 and an 88 but the color and the VIN number. And yes your fiancée is going to like that back seat, many have been known to take naps while riding back there.
  22. :sign yeah that: I will be setting mine at the HIGH side to make it last longer.
  23. My GPS shows a similar speed, I turned it on in an airliner once. Now I keep it just to show how fast I can go.
  24. If you read up in the K&N literature, even they say you are cleaning to much, and the less you clean the less they make on cleaning supplies, so I have to believe them.
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