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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Its to hard to say right now until it comes out. V-twin, and/or air cooled, and/or anything other than shaft drive are a flat NO, I won't even bother to go to a dealer to check it out. Anything else I will take a serious look at.
  2. Are you sure that the nut you are trying to remove is not welded to the bracket that is bolted to the car? On my GM vehicles that joint always has a bracket with one of the lines permanently attached to the bracket. The small hex is usually the one welded on.
  3. Ummmmm....... @cowpuc Me thinks it was you that started this .......... Are you not the MASTER Sheesh!
  4. I think you are actually asking for a bunch of separate articles. Many of the upgrades that you have mentioned can and often are done as single upgrades without all of the others being done. To try to put all of that into a single tech article would be copying half of the service manual. There is a Pandora box full of info already out with much discussion on the pros and cons of each of the upgrades individually that you have mentioned. Each of those upgrades are not for everyone some love it and some hate it. What is important to me may not make any difference at all to the next person.
  5. Is there a way of typing other than 2 fingers????? :confused24:
  6. Now if we can get that SaddleBum character to actually come down for MD, we can give him the gift that he has so rightly earned. Yammer, I never forget, my mind is like a hair triggered rusty steel trap. I just know that SaddleBum can not resist the urge to leave the back door open and supply me with massive amounts of cold air. I have all of Lake Michigan as a water supply to mix with all that cold air. Nozzles are already pointed north.......
  7. Since catastrophic failures are so rare, I can see Yamaha wanting that whole engine back to have the engineers tear it down.
  8. INNOCENT CANUKS????????? :rotf::rotf: :rasberry: :moon: :moon:
  9. If you are following me, you have to help me load all those deer into the back of the truck.........
  10. I was thinking the same thing. The faster I would go the more they would OWE ME......
  11. Disorder? Mental?? HEY!!! I resemble that comment.......
  12. One of these years I will make it out for this one...........
  13. :sign yeah that:
  14. NOOOoooooo Keep Pearl away, You don't want distractions or a pile of Mini Mouses that need more wires casserole. It always feels so good when you hit major milestones like getting the title, and getting it to start.
  15. The knocking while cranking is not from the starter motor. All that noise is from the start clutch slipping. The start clutch mounted to the Flywheel. Odds are there is a crack in the mounting ring allowing the rollers to slip. The stock start clutch has 3 rollers. The cost for parts to rebuild the start clutch is around $180, and it will fail again. There is a member on this site @Dano that will modify and rebuild your flywheel and convert it to an 18 roller setup that is bulletproof. This upgrade costs more, but none of us that has had it done has ever had a problem again. You do not have to split the case. You get to this by removing the middle gear cover and the side cover, both on the left side of the bike. Not bad to get to. Getting the flywheel off the crank is the fun part.
  16. While I do not know about the Kabota specifically, some things to consider. Pros Back up gennys are great to have if/when the power goes out. Cons Once you spend the bucks for one the power will never go out again. In the last ten years since I got a genny the power has not gone out for more than a few seconds at a time. Before the genny the power went out for at least an hour a month. You will have to store a sufficient quantity of fuel that has a short storage life. (Do you have natural gas to the house?)
  17. You do NOT want to have that 25A fuse in there at all. If something is pulling enough power to blow a 15 Amp fuse. Allowing 25 amps to flow thru wires sized for 15 Amps could start the wires on fire. If all of the lights that are being flashed with the modulator are incandecent, it is really hard on the flasher circuit due to the inrush current every time the lights switch on. the more expensive modulator MAY have circuitry to control these surges and MIGHT last longer. I do not run a brake modulator yet so I can not recommend one.
  18. I almost got kicked out of a local show. I was told that it was only for vehicles 20 or more years old, not "new" bikes. It took a while to convince them that my 88 with collector plates on it, is more than 20 years old. Somehow I did not win. It might have had something to due with the rows of corn growing in the dirt...... But I still had fun.
  19. Is this the end of an era, Puc siding with me???????
  20. Good new drugs you got huh? Got some extras, that sounds like a really great trip plan. But you do know/remember that it is @saddlebum that keeps leaving the door open up there that makes it get cold here. And even a bran new Harley cant keep me occupied when it is real cold out. Then I just have to go out to the shed to play with my other toys that I just know you love so dearly. And you do know that any time a toy gets broken, I just can not stand a broken toy around so I just have to rebuild it bigger and better.
  21. TMI!!! Besides, I resemble that comment.......
  22. The one you tried to start; Did you have some Seafoam in the gas that you ran into it? It sounds like the float needles are stuck. An overnight soaking in Seafoam will often fix that. I agree that I would also start with the engine, if the engine is junk the rest don't matter. As long as you can resist the temptation that once running to jump on it an go for a ride. The noises that the starter is making. Does it sound like there is someone inside the engine with a hammer trying to get out, while cranking? If so this is a known issue that there is a better than new fix for.
  23. And mine will come with a Snowper Charger factory installed.......
  24. The bike is fine, it's a 1st gen, they run forever, it's me that needs fixing...... Yes I can haul a LOT of RUM balls in the truck. Maybe even some Apple Pie in case those guys south of the border forget to bring it again......
  25. :rotf: Puc you would not know what to do with a bike that new.:rotf:
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