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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Me thinks you better google it..........
  2. Glad you made it, I hope you got home before this weather hit. It is nasty out right now.
  3. If one of those guys comes to claim that there charger, who knows what else they might leave behind, It could turn into a never ending cycle.
  4. You need to show up in chat, We'll get Mama to put on her special boots for ya. You member, the boots that go all the way up.
  5. Ifin ya look closer I specifically said we dont need any more old coots that are falling apart. Aint nuttin wrong with havin more old coots around, we just need some that aint fallin apart. I'm just trying to get ol Rbig1 back to the side of those what aint fallin apart. And you accuse me of bein a trouble maker? Ol Frostys got yer number.......
  6. So now your saying you don't like my twerking.........
  7. Having an accident get into your head is a normal and healthy thing. When something goes wrong you should always take a step back and evaluate what happened so that you can make a plan to never let it happen again. You start out life with 2 buckets, a life bucket that is full, and an experience bucket that is empty. You get experience by making mistakes. Every mistake takes some out of the life bucket. The trick is to fill that experience bucket before the life bucket gets empty. Sure sounds like you just added a bunch to the experience bucket and still have some left in the life bucket.
  8. Here's hoping you can pop a few antibiotics and be fine in a couple of days. There are enough of us old coots falling apart around here, we don't need your help in that department. Get yourself back to the healthy side. NOW!!
  9. There was someone making a device that I think replaced the bleeder. What it amounted to was a calibrated air bubble in the brakes to reduce the maximum possible brake pressure. Whether it actually works, I have no clue. But it may be of help in this situation. I am not sure if Bosch is marketing this to manufacturers or aftermarket. http://www.bosch-motorcycle.com/en/de/fahrsicherheit_fuer_zweiraeder/sicherheitssysteme_fuer_zweiraeder/abs_9m_enhanced/ABS_9_enhanced.html
  10. Is there someone local that you can borrow a known good TCI from just for testing?
  11. The clutch fluid which is DOT 3 brake fluid can and will absorb water. The water changes the properties of the fluid and renders it slightly compressible. This reduces the the ability to fully disengage the clutch. the water will aso cause pitting of the slave cylinder walls allowing leakage and more air getting into the system. What kind of oil did you use. Automotive oil will cause a lot of clutch problems. You must use an oil that specifically states it is for use with a wet clutch. With the limited info available I'm just tossing out the most often seen issues as places to start. Once the common stuff is ruled out then we can go looking for the more uncommon possibilities.
  12. Start by flushing the brake and clutch fluids. They need love too. Old clutch fluid can make shifting hard. The brake and clutch fluid should be flushed every 2 years and should be water clear.
  13. Lucky you. Once you get all of those millions of dollars will you be so kind as to buy us all a new 3rd gen Venture?
  14. Be sure to eat 3 for me too. Get a snowcone to put on the table and I will be there in spirit.
  15. What 3 white wires were you checking? If it was the 3 stator wires, you should be checking white wire to white wire with the voltmeter set to measure AC on a 200V scale. The stator should be unplugged from the RR. Depending on engine RPM the Voltage should be between 20 and 120 VAC. Each pair of white wires should be very close to the same voltage. Checking from a white to ground should be zero volts.
  16. I just finished doing my valves, I never felt that the carbs were in the way at all. I did not remove the radiator, but I did take out the mounting bolts and let it hang on the hoses. This is not for clearance to get to the valves but for room to get the valve cover in and out. I can see where it would be easier to get the front valve cover in and out if you took the radiator out completely. Half of the job is removing all the stuff to get to the valves. It is not a difficult job to do, but it is very time consuming, this is why it is so expensive at a dealer.
  17. Need to send over some fixins so you two lop eared varmints can build a SNOWman together. We know that is what the Squid misses.
  18. My first guess is you still have a bad ground connection. Did you clean the ground connections to the engine and frame?
  19. She smacked you in the head anyhow and hid your CC?
  20. :buttkick:OUCH!!!!!!
  21. Depending on the antenna, some are easy to adjust and some are more difficult, there are some out there that are not adjustable those are the most difficult to adjust. Basically you just change the length of the antenna. Some have a setscrew that you loosen and then can slide the antenna up or down as required. Some of the coiled type are intentionally wound with too much wire and you slowly trim the length of the wire until the SWR is good. Some have no provision for adjustment, all you can do with those is to grind some length off and hope that shorter is what you needed.
  22. Now how did I get dragged into this???? AGAIN........ But yes I did have another episode of CRS syndrome. With all of the "stuff" I brought this year you are going to fault me for not bringing one tiny little tool. Sheesh....... Are you coming to Orlins MD? I'll pack my BFH, We'll get those old springs out. Who needs a special 17mm tool?
  23. Don what you have accomplished with this site and your generosity is an absolutely amazing thing. You have even stepped in to calm the waters when members were at odds. I can not begin to thank you enough for what you do for us.
  24. I am working on a design for an adjustable block off plate. IF it works as I hope, it will make the shock response tunable to the riders liking. I have these designed on my puter, now I just have to actually make a set and try them out.
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