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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I am working on a design for an adjustable block off plate. IF it works as I hope, it will make the shock response tunable to the riders liking. I have these designed on my puter, now I just have to actually make a set and try them out.
  2. Not even close to having "all" of my plates, You guys barely made a dent in the pile. There was still about 30 lbs of them in the truck. Now @cowpuc, you do know that a snowman is made out a lot of little flakes. Would you really want to go and start shooting at them and risk the chance of getting them all upset. You do know that they have a LOT of friends. You could end up with all of those friends all coming to visit you all at once. And as you have made note of, there is the new and improved unmeltable snow. Now maybe if you had had made nice to Frosty and gave him a nice big kiss and a hug, Maybe he and all of his flaky little friends would not have to come to visit you in a couple of months, but noooooo...... you come on here and threaten him and his little friends:stickpoke:.......... better start shopping for snow blowers and sump pumps now....... I sure would not want to get on Frostys bad side. He can bring new meaning to giving you the cold shoulder.:stickpoke:After reading this post I can hear him starting to grumble already....... He is even scaring me.
  3. My dad went down some steps and jarred his brain. He had blured vision and dizzy and there was a small bleed in the brain that DID become life threatening. It took 2 years to get back to being able to drive a car let alone fly a plane. Call your wife and tell her not to come home but to meet you at the hospital. You are describing the symptoms of brain trauma. With the brain it is better to be safe than sorry.
  4. Are you sure it is the stator? There are a number of issues that can cause what you have described.
  5. Never say never. AZ is still in range...... All of ye of short memories...... I think snow on a cactus is beautiful.
  6. Geez Dan, I thought you knew better than that by now. FALLING DOWN HURTS!!!!! I really hope you get healed up quick. And I really hope that you survive the Wardens frying pan once you get home........ This one is gonna hurt bad.
  7. 11.5 V at the battery is not good regardless of the RPM including zero. If you are only getting 11.5V with the engine not running, either you need to charge the battery, or the battery is toast. A good, charged battery will read 12.6V with no load. As you rev the engine the Stator puts out more power and the voltage across the battery should go up to around 14V.
  8. WOW!!! That sounds scary just reading it. I'm very glad you were not going to fast for your guardian angle to keep up.
  9. IF don't count. I had that factored into the ball count.......
  10. Well I made it home from MD in one piece. For a change it was a fairly uneventful trip, other than the weather. For a good part of the trip it was pouring rain with a quartering wind of around 30 MPH gusting to 40. The couple of guys that decided to wait until Monday to head home made a good choice. that would have been a rough ride. I was having trouble keeping my truck in just one lane. Thanks Don and Eilene for another great weekend. But you will need to talk to your weatherman, There was still a Snowman standing in your front yard........ and then it got a bit damp around the edges.........
  11. The Rumballs did NOT run out. I had to finish them on the way home.......
  12. I have had mine off of my 88 for the last 2 years. It does change the aerodynamics by deflecting wind off of your feet. I found the bike rides a lot cooler for me with all of the lower bodywork removed and my legs and feet in the wind. With all of the lower body work you get a lot more engine heat on to you. Now in the spring and fall when it is a little cool out then I sometimes put them back on for the heat. But on the other hand I do prefer the looks of it on there. Comfort wins over looks every time for me.
  13. in the second line of the menus above, Under Community it is the third one down. Depending on where you are yo may have to click the Forum tab to be able to see the community tab. edit; Dooooh, I type to slow again......
  14. I think I have some of both 10 and 15 oil I couldn't decide which to use so I was going to mix them to get 12.5. I have a 1-1/8 wrench in the box of stuff that lives in my truck.
  15. BUSTED? Meee Not meee. I'll be easy to find hidin behind a BIG red truck. OH and its all Pucs fault............:duck:Dats my story and I'm stickin to it.
  16. One option may be to cut down what you have. This will give you the chance to see if a cut down is something that you like. Once you make that determination then you can buy a nice new scratch free screen in whatever height you want. The OEM wind screen has a hard coating on it. I used 2000 wet to sand that coating and all of the scratches out and then went through the progression of polishing compounds to get it clear again. I was able to get it like new. BUT once you remove the hard coating you will want/need to take the screen off and repolish it at least every winter. You also have to be very careful of scratching when cleaning it. I clean mine using only vertical wiping strokes, it is the horizontal scratches that make the worst glare. Cleaning with a circular motion guaranties that there will always be scratches in the worst possible direction.
  17. Unfortunately our paths are not likely to cross this summer. But have a great time on your trip.
  18. Don't feel bad Puc, misery loves company. You can come and hide under my shelter next to me and my cage while we drown our sorrows in a nice cold soda pop. Look at the bright side, just think how much "stuff" you could pile on that big flat roof. Not only could you pack the kitchen sink, but you could pack the bathroom sink as well. Your Doc visit sounds a lot like mine, same result just slightly different ailments. And now that you finally in a moment of weakness admitted that you do actually LOVE snow........... I will also do my fair share on the food "problem".:fatsmiley:
  19. Yes it is a grass is greener scenario. The gearing that Yamaha put into both bikes is great for their intended use. But I am still shopping for a V-max rear anyhow. My "reasoning" (if you can call anything I do reasonable) is that I like the bike very much I like all of the storage for getting groceries, I do not think it is too big or heavy for local maneuvering, but my real world usage is not in the way that Yamaha intended it to be used. My bike is my preferred commuter on local roads. 95% Of my annual mileage is racked up on local roads. The lower gearing will help that. I might even get to use 3rd gear once in a while. When I do hit the road on a trip, I almost always have the trailer behind me. the bike was not designed to pull a trailer either. the lower gear will help that to so that I can get into 5th gear on the highway. Modding a vehicle to make it your own is fun too.
  20. I will try to remember to pack my 17mm hex driver. I think it has a 1/2 drive. I also have progressives to install so I will be interested in "supervising" your install.
  21. UMmmmmm....... Did you give him back enough tools to put the bike back together? I moved a lot of "things" closer to the back door ready to load into the truck as soon as I get home from work tonight. Then catch a quick nap (ya right) and I'm off......
  22. The Bucket of balls is done and in the freezer getting a bit of a chill.
  23. Well I hope I miss you, don't want to run you over. No drinking, just chewing.
  24. I have very high iron levels in my blood, I might rust.......
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