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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Still her. ya ain't rid o me yet. On stolen Phone from icu more latr seeking this in fromicu on stolen Good drugs......
  2. Thank you all for your prayers and wishes, I leave the house in about 20 minutes. Almost got an early start, Nearly passed out in the shower, after resting and sucking wind for 15 minutes checked an my pulse was down to 154. ecg looked real ugly. Almost called 911 for an early start. Now after an hour of rest pulse is down to 104 ecg still looks real ugly. My normal pulse is 44. I guess those drugs I been taking that I stopped 2 days ago were actually doing something. No nitrous but I am getting the super charger reconnected.
  3. We are only guessing at what is happening inside of the relays, since we have no info, that is why I recommended a test to be safe. Don I think you might have been correct before you started second guessing yourself. If your new theory was correct then the hazards would be flashing any time the key was on. The hazards appear to be wired hot and the ground is switched to turn them on or off. If there is some small power draw from the hazard when they are not being used this would be no problem with the bike running, it would be a problem with the bike parked, hence the test to be sure.
  4. This is all great info. Unfortunately I learned most of this the hard way many years ago. I have had heat stroke and heat exhaustion many times, I now get heat issues very easily, BUT I am also now very well attuned to the earliest symptoms and now know and understand what MUST be done immediately. Heat is nothing to mess with. I understand all to well the mentality of us northerners that to control heat you just keep taking more clothes off until you get arrested. The only thing that I learned different from the above info is the critical temperatures. 99°F is mentioned. Yes body core temp is 98.6°F BUT your skin temperature is typically around 86°F. Skin temperature does vary considerably depending on situation, any time the air temperature is above the skin temperature is where you start to gain heat from the air. But I know where it is.......... I'll be off work the rest of this week and probably totally bored........... Now what can I do with that time........... Did I ever mention that I do not like hot weather.........
  5. What Don posted looks like it should work, again I'm just basing it on looking at the wiring diagram. I am not sure what they are doing with the hazard relay and 2 flasher relays. It would be nice if there was a depiction of the internal circuit of those 3 relays. When you disconnect the Br wire from the hazard relay, do a check with a ohm meter from the Br wire that is still connected to the flasher relay and to ground. You should have infinite ohms. If you have a ohm reading that means there is something inside of the hazard relay that will always be drawing power and will run down your battery while parked. When you run this new power wire be sure to run it through a fuse.
  6. Tomorrow, Wednesday is my big day. Going in for some slicing and dicing on my heart to see if they can get it to act normal. (It would be the first normal part of me...) I have already stopped taking the heart meds in preparation for this and my heart is back to doing all kinds of weird stuff. We all know how hard it is to fix an intermittent electrical problem when it is working. I have been nervous as all get out for the last month and a half knowing that this day was coming. I have come to realize that sleep is way over rated, but I now have a very good understanding of every single blemish in my bedroom ceiling, Guess now I'll have to fix it one of these days. The fun will start at 8:40am and I should be out of surgery around 6:00pm, Of course more or less time depending on what they find once they are in there playing around with stuff. If all goes per plan A, I will be spending the night and then I should be coming home some time Thursday. If I am actually home Thursday I will get on here to let you all know that you are not rid of me just yet. The doc says there is a 70% chance that the procedure will work. If it works I could be back on the bike in a couple of weeks, If it does not work I may have to put my bike up for sale because with the meds I take I can not ride. (Even though I have snuck out a couple of times for a quicky around the block or 3:whistling:)
  7. Doh, I always forget to look at that clue..... I know a lot more about 1st gen wiring than 2nd gen.
  8. A little afraid? I was just plane scared to click on this post, and then there was a video. The mere existence of a video with Puc and Twerk in the title was flat out terrifying.
  9. Those are the AUX circuit. and are powered from the fuse directly below them just follow the wire it is about 3 inches long. One screw is positive from that Fuse and the other is negative/ground. That is where Yamaha intended that you connect all electrical accessories, on that nice cute little 5 amp circuit. If you are replacing the fuse panel anyhow, forget about those and make 2 new terminal blocks. I screwed my 2 new terminal blocks to the top of the air cleaner, just leave enough slack in the wires to allow servicing the air cleaner. these 2 new terminal blocs are set up with one as switched power and the other set up as battery power. the power to each block is run through a 20A fuse for the switched power and a 40 A MAXI fuse for the battery power. This gives a nice clean way to install new toys down the road. I don't think you are real far away from me, let me know if you need help, I like playing with wires.
  10. Which bike are you looking to do this to?
  11. Dew point hit 75 today, that makes for miserable no mater what the temp.
  12. Puc Puc Puc! What are we gonna do with you? You cant tell your ear from your rear........ I hope you can still tell her ear from her rear.......... Yup you are one silly boy, Please don't ever change........
  13. Washing your eyes wont help with a mental visual, you have to pour the gasoline in your ear and swish it around the inside of your head thoroughly to attempt to wash the image out of your brain. Then peer in the hole with a match for illumination to be sure you got it all.
  14. Next thing you know @cowpuc will be trying to make and post a video of me twerking...... Try and get that image out of your head.......
  15. OK I gotta ask. Since there is a white section in those lights are you going to wire in backup lights? Or wire in amber turn signal lights? OR?
  16. Yup. Meant CMS, brain fart..... Went back and fixed post.
  17. First thing is how are you riding it. You need more torque to haul the extra weight. These engines don't make good torque until higher up in the RPMs. The trike should be no worse than pulling a trailer, With the trailer I never even think about 5th gear until I am over 65mph to keep the engine in the power band. It is not uncommon for me to set the cruise at 60MPH in 4th gear and go till it is time for gas. That is not abusing the engine, it likes it. On a big hill don't be afraid to down shift. Simple test you can try. While going up that hill, without moving the throttle at all do a quick down shift, if the bike speeds up then you were in to low of a gear for the situation and were actually lugging the engine. There are many situations where you will get better gas mileage and better performance both at the same time by being in a lower gear.
  18. Maybe there is no "getting" left..........
  19. Just for giggles check the oil for coolant. I'm not sure what "difficulty" would get that much coolant everywhere. I would give it a real good hosing off to get trapped coolant out of all the nooks and crannies. Battery reading 12.0V is low, Should be 12.6V try charging it up and take it in for a free load test.
  20. The number that I have always heard bantered about was 40lbs max including the tray. Any more than that and the front wheel starts to feel light.
  21. It is too bad this meet is in summer so that you can not ride here. Yes you can ride in winter, but we can ride in summer. It is far easier to dress for cold than it is to dress for hot.
  22. That means that you likely have 5 year old brake fluid in there, way over due for a fluid change. It is not mileage that degrades the brake fluid, it is age. Sitting is worse for the fluid than racking up miles.
  23. Getting older can be better than the alternative. Your getting to feel almost as old as I do now. You better get that train slowed down and headed in the other direction.
  24. Wow, this is an old thread. Some have connected that wire direct and never had an issue BUT there are also a lot of people the have fried a CMS by connecting that wire direct to 12V. The CMS is expecting to see about 6 volts on that wire. A CMS will cost a lot more than that $0.25 resistor.
  25. Maybe she did and we will have to hope and wait and see. If not I'll bet TOTR will have some...... now how to get hold of her........
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