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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Wow, this is an old thread. Some have connected that wire direct and never had an issue BUT there are also a lot of people the have fried a CMS by connecting that wire direct to 12V. The CMS is expecting to see about 6 volts on that wire. A CMS will cost a lot more than that $0.25 resistor.
  2. Maybe she did and we will have to hope and wait and see. If not I'll bet TOTR will have some...... now how to get hold of her........
  3. If you go to the settings in the top right corner there is an option "Request desktop site" select that and it will chang to the desktop version with all of the formatting controls.
  4. FART!!!!
  5. Bubber, I have faith in your ability to get into trouble with or without the bike.
  6. Is there a way to make that link in the first post easier to find? The chat tab in the menu bar is hidden behind the search window so that I can not get to it. So I went to the forums page and scrolled down to the bottom in the chat stats to click on the enter chat link but that one don't work. I had to manually type in that URL link and that finally worked. This is all on a Galaxy S5 Android phone. I did find a way to change the font, size, and color while using the phone. Slightly painful but it did work. Now I am working on the ability to upload a pic in chat from the phone.
  7. My guess is that with the high pressure of a FI system, it is almost a guaranteed leak to have a petcock.
  8. Glad to hear you are at least peaking around the corner. nite nite A good days sleep always helps.
  9. So who is more nervous today @cowpuc, @Tippy, or @Totr. Who is gonna cry first?
  10. First gen speedos need periodic lubrication, Is there anyway to lube a 2nd gen speedo?
  11. I'm guessing bad new battery. I just replaced a 1 year new AGM last week. But it could also be a bad stator and/or RR. Get out your battery charger and voltmeter and start testing.
  12. I need some choke for a cold start until the temps get up into the 90 or above. At 90 plus it really is not a cold start anymore........
  13. Good job Joe. Especially since @cowpuc threw us all away with his 4G memory card......
  14. I know what you are feeling. I married off 3 daughters also, just many years ago. (and now married off 1 granddaughter) It is a day of many emotions. Both happy and sad. Your baby is leaving the nest to head out on her own life. You will officially become empty nester's. BUT In the flood damage I did make sure there was a set of screwdrivers, pliers, channel locks, wrenches, AND a hammer. At the time I was called a fool, but that turned out to be their most used and appreciated gift years down the road.
  15. I have yet to have a tire down to the wear bars. I change out tires at 50% wear. Even on my truck that starts with 3/4" of tread, they get changed out at 3/8 tread. I'm taking off tires that have more tread than a new car tire has. My takeoffs usually end up on some other vehicle. I do the same on the bike, 50% tread depth and they are gone. Whats interesting is that I do not get all that much less mileage out of them than the folks that take them all they way down.
  16. :sign yeah that: Maybe Puc and Tippy should ride Tweeks to the wedding. (Pics required) After all Tweeks is like a family member, you cant just leave her locked up in the garage on this important day. :duck: TWEEKS I did say you can't leave TWEEKS locked up in the garage, I did not say to leave Tippy locked up in the garage ya "lop eared varmint you" You trying to get more knuckle bumps on yer bald spot?
  17. These boards are so old and fragile that I chose to cut mine open instead of desoldering and then resoldering the connector pins. Even though I have a lot of experience, training, and the right equipment to do the soldering, I still felt it was safer to cut the case. I made my cut in the case about a half inch from the connectors. After I did the Diode replacement, As long as you are this far in you should replace the 8 diodes, I sealed the whole thing back up using electronic safe RTV. Not all RTV is safe around electronics, the ones that smell kind of like a salad have acid in them that can cause corrosion. The electronic safe RTV's do not contain any corrosive ingredients.
  18. :stirthepot:We will need pics of Puc in a Tux. Warden been teaching Tip how to wield a frying pan.....?
  19. Got one of those Audi's local that is for ever trying to beat me off the light change. Has not beaten my Chevy Pickup yet....... Well I do only race it when it is snowing. All wheel drive will never beat 4 wheel drive and big deep tread off road tires. But he thinks it will.
  20. Just take your spare key to a locksmith shop and have him cut you a new one. Many have the correct blank hanging on the wall. Everyone has a spare key or 3 don't they......
  21. Flyinfool

    Our Trip

    Sounds like a great trip. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Your battery was already discharged when you stored it. A good charged battery should read 12.6 volts, since you were at 11.5 when you put it into storage, it was already very low, storing a low battery will kill it very quickly. Don't wast your time trying to charge with a small trickle charger, get a charger that can charge at at least 5 amps. A smaller charger can work but it can take many days to fully charge. Get the battery fully charged and take it in to almost anyplace that sells batteries to have it load tested. This will give you a definitive good or bad on the battery.
  23. A little cosmetic distress is no big deal, no one (other than you) will ever see the final drive hiding behind the saddle bags. It would be more of a PITA to transfer the gears and have to go through the whole shimming process to get the mesh correct.
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