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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. 14 years is still a young one. My condolences on getting a Chrysler......... At least I have trained my Erika well enough that she went out and bought another Chevy last week.
  2. I think old @cowpuc is afeared of getting us all together in the same place, at the same time. We all know that @Saddelbum is the keeper of the cold air, and I have the technology to mix that cold air just right with some moisture........ And then we have @ragtop69gs to help harass us both when everything turns that lovely shade of white.......
  3. Glad you got out to once again be one with the bike, I'm still looking for my first good ride of the year. Poor bike still has last years gas in it. Forgetting your camera is almost as bad as @cowpuc feeding his memory card to the worms in Dons lawn.
  4. The spark plug boot can be disassembled. Take it apart and clean all of the parts (careful there is a spring in there), they have been known to corrode and block the spark. While you have it apart there is a resistor in there, it should measure around 5,000 ohms. DO NOT sand the ends of the resistor to clean it, sanding it will kill it. when putting it back together, cut a quarter inch off the end of the wire before screwing the cap back on.
  5. The pin just goes in the hole in the bolt, it does not engage anything. My WAG of its purpose is to restrict oil flow out the end of the bolt. If they would have just put a tiny hole in the end of the bolt to get the proper flow rate then it could easily plug up over time, having the pin in there to rattle around keeps the flow restricted and keeps the hole from plugging up. But like I said this is just MY WAG.
  6. Sure sounds like a great time was had by all. Some day you will do dogs on a weekend so some of us working slobs can join in........ Now this would need video with Tippy and all your gear strapped to your back instead of Tweeks back and headed down the road. Very interesting mental image that I have right now..........
  7. Heck if I take off my glasses I can't see any of them.......
  8. Just keep the voltmeter hooked up for a while to see if you can spot an intermittent issue. You may have very well have fixed the bad connection without noticing it as bad. Been there done that.
  9. Madison WI airport is not real far from Orlins, and it is only about a mile from the interstate, or fly into Milwaukee and it is about a 3 hour ride and I'll buy the first round of ice cream in Milwaukee.
  10. In Wisconsin the Governor IS a biker.
  11. Its obvious, vote for Wisconsin.
  12. The metric size just under 1/8 inch is 3mm. 1/8 inch is 0.125 inches, 3mm is 0.118 inches. http://www.mcmaster.com/#e-clips/=yyoryk
  13. Maybe the freight charge was to deliver YOU to the bike. Glad you made it home and had a good trip. Now the fun begins.
  14. And don't forget about the snowflake jet for rapid delivery on short notice. So many new surprises for this year............
  15. I have an 88 standard. It took me a long time to convince some people that it even exists. I have no CLASS. If there is no air in my shocks with the bike on the side stand it will fall over to the right. If the air pressure is under 30 in the rear, I have to lean the bike to the right well past center to lower the side stand. All of your issues sound pretty normal to me. I ride all one up, I run 10 psi front, and 45 psi rear with the damping set on 2. The front Schrader valve is found next to the right front fork tube from the bottom side of the faring. As mentioned the suspension uses very little air, do not use a hose from an air compressor to adjust suspension or you stand a good chance of blowing out the seals. Use a small hand pump. Sounds like you already found the valve for the rear.
  16. I never even thought of using the ferry to send you your due share of flakes.......... Great Idea, I already have a call in to the ferry to get quotes on a QUANTITY discount.
  17. Seen it before but still love it.
  18. I would say it is a standard, not a Royal. In the first pic you posted I do not see a radio or the controls for the radio, these would be present on a Royal. Royal has the air ride system, controls located in the right faring and compressor located under the trunk, the radio mounted in the left faring with controls on the left handlebar. Any where that you see a "Venture" logo would have the "Venture Royal" logo.
  19. Happy wife happy life.......... just sumpin I've heard........
  20. As for me personally. On most cars that use PWM to dim LEDs for driving lights, I can see the PWM frequency and the flashing hurts my eyes bad. I will do most anything to get in front of anything with PWM tail lights. Cadillac and Toyota are the worst ones. Running a LED at reduced voltage does not shorten its life. PWM is used because it is more energy efficient than having a resistor generating heat. On the LEDs under my kitchen cabinets for counter lighting I use a simple resistor to control brightness. These LEDs are now 10+ years old. Not one has burnt out, and they are on almost 24/7, they are turned down low with the potentiometer to act as a night light. Yes it is way more complicated than it needs to be, But some of us enjoy playing with electronics which makes it worth the effort, Sometimes "just cuz I can" is the only reason needed to do something that is not the easy way.
  21. All of the voltages you stated are right where they should be. Having a voltmeter on board is great for keeping an eye on things.
  22. check both filaments of the bulbs close, a bad bulb can cause either fast or slow blinking depending on how it fails.
  23. You must have a newer paint. My old ancient one does not have that option.
  24. The flickering light is more likely a symptom of the real problem. The light did not kill the battery the real problem did. Even if it is just temporary, get a digital voltmeter wired up to the bike so you can see voltage while riding. If it does not stay around 14 volts while riding then you have an issue. What the voltage changes to when it deviates from 14 volts will give us a clue on what the issue may be. It sounds to me like you have the dreaded intermittent electrical problem.The most difficult problem to accurately diagnose. Often it is finally fixed by taking educated guesses at possible causes and changing something at that cause until the problem goes away.
  25. Isn't there a place out in California that takes old Indy cars and makes them street legal?
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