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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Believe it or not, even with all of the info on this site, some people still manage to come up with stuff that no one here ever heard of before, its rare to find a new one, but we have always figured it out eventually. A good challenge is always fun. Especially if I aint paying the bill....... Some people trouble shoot by throwing money at the problem till it goes away, and others want to find and isolate the issue, its cause and needed fix. Many times it can be fixed faster by guessing and tossing money at it but at a much higher cost. Finding the real problem usually takes longer but ends up costing less. Pick your poison.
  2. Would I do a thing like that??????
  3. About to get swept out of the race like some old debris in the corner.
  4. Lucky you, We will be getting warm snow.
  5. I have Gas, stick and MIG. TIG is still on the shopping list, but I have THE one picked out, just need $2K to snag it and the required consumables.
  6. Hmmmmm Seems I will need gas to get to work tomorrow mornin.
  7. It is normal to see 12V on both horn wires. The Horn is wired hot. The horn switch supplies the ground for the circuit. Pull the 2 wires off the horn, now only on of them will have 12V, connect the one that is still hot back onto the horn. Ground the other terminal of the horn and it should blow. Your compressor should be hooked up thru a relay, the horn switch can not handle that many amps for long.
  8. Let no good deed go unpunished.......... I would weld it for ya if ya bring it over here.......
  9. My little Chinese guy is not allowed to take breaks. He is always working. If you go to "settings" top right corner of screen. Then "General Settings" in bar on left of screen. There is a section for your preferences for PMs.
  10. That is exactly how some compasses are set up to work. You see the E because you are headed east. Aviation compasses are set up the same way. Take your compass and walk in a circle while holding the compass in front of you at near eye level. You will always see the direction you are headed. Yes in reality it means the W is pointed east. but you are not supposed to look down on it.
  11. 2 weeks ago was the last time I got a PM. It popped up in front of me just like always.
  12. A magnet is a magnet, cheap or expensive they all work the same. Some of the really expensive ones like used on aircraft have the ability to adjust where north is to account for the magnetic field of the vehicle.
  13. It was only some bikers...........
  14. Usually bad solder is the E4 code, But others are possible. I don't have any class so I do not know the codes.
  15. I did, Its called a MIG welder......... But I am afeared that they also have a cutting torch up there. Well Maybe it will slow them down a bit. at least the door stayed closed this week....... I was worried about your saltwater idea, what if they opened the door before the hinges rusted solid and then the hinges froze with the door open?????? Just to risky for me.......
  16. Flyinfool

    Biker hit

    There are places where driving the speed limit is close to commuting suicide. In Chicago, traffic flows is at 20 over. If you go the speed limit there you will be followed at a distance of 3 inches in front of your back bumper.
  17. For "not being cleaned up yet" that is a whole lot cleaner than my bike. I would try a can of Seafoam in a fresh tank of gas and see how it runs. If it runs good enough to ride it, then run that tank thru it. You may not have to pull the carbs. There are several issues with the starter and hot starts. Being sure that all connections at BOTH ends of the wires are clean, is critical. Not just the terminal faces but check for corrosion where the terminal is crimped to the wire. Also be sure the surface where the starter bolts to the engine is clean, this is your ground path. Doing the ground wire mod to your starter will help. Upgrading all 3 power and ground cables to 4 AWG welding cable will help. Putting in a 4 brush starter from the newer bikes will help a lot. Doing any one of these things will make it better, doing all of this is the final answer. I cant help much with the other stuff since I do not have a Royal.
  18. Funny you should mention the afternoon off, I just got done warning the cafeteria that I am leaving work at noon........ Yes I rode the bike to work today. I have dark glasses on and a full tank of gas, but it is not dark out......... @cowpuc, since I have not been riding all summer I have had a lot of time to play with technology. So far my modifications that I made to @saddlebums back door while I was up in the UP last week, are holding. I know he is pretty stubborn and will figure out a way to get that door back open yet, and you just know what I can not resist when those Canuks send that cold air pouring down here. And then there is all this new technology that I have to play with. And that Snowpercharger from last year is all polished up and oiled up purring like a fine swiss watch, and ready to play.
  19. Flyinfool

    Biker hit

    I can honestly say I have never passed on a yellow line. I have never passed more than one vehicle at a time. I do often "slightly" exceed the speed limit during the pass, in the interest of a quick pass for safety reasons of course.
  20. Well I had to buy gas again today. I got 300 miles in so far this year.........HEY gotta start somewhere.
  21. I went to a local locksmith that had blanks. They are not pretty genuine Yamaha with the fancy logo, but functional.
  22. Well maybe with 3/4 of a ton of hot dogs in the back. Careful Dan, that 8.1 and the towing gears might just PO the Saab or BS......It can get out of its own way.
  23. AND while you are in there, if you have the plastic impeller, put in the metal one.
  24. Or you can attack it from the other end. I do not have a lift. I put the bike on the center stand. Use a ratchet strap or even my belt to lock the center stand down. Put something heavy in the trunk to hold front wheel off ground. Remove front wheel. Lower forks onto a piece of wood to protect them. Now the rear end is sticking way up in the air for easy rear wheel removal. Reverse for assembly. There was/is a write up on this sight somewhere with this method as part of servicing the drive shaft (I think). I have used it several times now.
  25. Maybe remove the ignition switch and with a good whack upside down on a piece of wood the key will move far enough to get a hold of it. I keep a spare key hidden on the bike for if/when I lose my key ring while away from home. Just don't hide it where you need the key to get to it..... I also replace the tie wrap that holds the spare key in place every spring with a new black tie.
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