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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. A while is a long enough ride to thoroughly heat it up, at least 10 miles. I never got to the point of too much, I just dumped a bunch in there, I never measured.
  2. Use a heavier dose of the Simple Green or Dawn dish soap, let it run for a while, then let it sit overnight to give it time to break down the oil.
  3. I have no etiquette or sense of fair play...........All is fair in hugs and war.
  4. When using my internationally famous Rum Balls, all women will just have to have repeated test hugs from me to be sure that they are still safe for others to hug.:bighug: If I determine that someone is not safe for hugging they will have to stay by me for additional hugs until it is safe for them to again go and hug others. This way we can prevent any chance of injury to either hugers or hugies. I'm all about being safe.........
  5. I was trying real hard to not go there.........
  6. Anything that is a new sound that the wildlife has never heard will get their attention, once the hear it a few times they will learn to ignore it. That is why they don't react to the sound of a car, that has become a normal sound, the old deer whistles don't work because they have heard it so often it has become a normal sound. This whistle too will quickly become a normal sound as soon as they realize that hearing it does not get them chased. Deer also have a tendency that when startled, they run in the direction they are pointed. This could actually cause a deer that would have stood there to let the normal sounding car go by suddenly get frightened by this new sound and jump in front of you. There is not much predictable about deer behavior. Just when you think you have them figured out they change the rules.
  7. Now you really need to do a reenactment with multi angle video.
  8. This was just a test run to prime the systems. We kept all the over here for now. I never said nuttin bout your first of the season, that's still comin.......... I haven't decided when just yet. I'll surprise you.
  9. HA! I win! Only I can do a hug AND a real Rum Ball or 3.
  10. Nice going. A buddy of mine finally quit, he is taking the cigarette money for a carton per week and setting it aside, that money over the course of a year will pay for a trip for him and his wife to some far away place, first trip will be to Cancun. That will also make this the fist ever smoke free deer hunting camp for us, it will be wonderful.
  11. I can see where in testing a robot can measure actual steering forces, angles and other rider data where a driver all would be subjective. The robot would record subtle inputs that would be part of the automatic responses for a human that you don't even know that you did.
  12. It depends on if you are putting it in for maintenance or to fix a problem. For maintenance follow the directions on the can. If you are trying to get the goo out of something, people have used anything from a half can of SF to a full tank of gas up to a full can to a half tank of gas. depends on how bad your problem is.
  13. AND I'll bet that MAMA can do a great job of judging the hugs for quality....... It is not just quantity that matters. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/sipsik11/Smilies/smiley-hug-group.gif
  14. Sounds like one of these. http://www.grainger.com/product/TITAN-PRO-Round-Motor-Run-Capacitor-30D627?s_pp=false&picUrl=//static.grainger.com/rp/s/is/image/Grainger/30D613_AS01?$smthumb$ Even your local hardware store or anyplace that sells motors, might have one. Start and run capacitors are pretty common. Odds are that the replacement you find will look different, it is all the numbers that matter. The 7.5µf sometimes written as MFD or micro farads, as long as the tolerance is at the +10 -5% or lower, and the voltage is 370 or higher. The shape does not matter much as long as you can fit it in there. You can use a run capacitor for a start capacitor, BUT you can NOT use a start capacitor as a run capacitor. The reason is that a run capacitor is rated for continuous duty and the start capacitor is for intermittent duty only, The start capacitor will be damaged (like the one you have) if it is powered for more than a few seconds. The motor should have an RPM rating on it, if you can, check to be sure you are getting close to the rated RPM while running. if the run capacitor is not up to snuff the motor might be running slow causing the start capacitor to be on all the time. It is possible that the motors start winding or switch failed and that took out the start capacitor. Start capacitors are also the most common thing to fail just all by themselves on a motor.
  15. The radiator does not have to come out, but the thermostat housing does have to come out. Other than that it is not that bad of a job. I would not put any money into the starter for a rebuild unless it is already a 4 brush starter. If you have a 2 brush starter, just replace it with a 4 brush.
  16. Yup @saddlebum pried the back door open again and let the cold air out of Canada.
  17. Yes it is. On average today is the first SNOW of the season. Guess what is forecast for tonight? :snow2::snow2: :snow2: :snow2: IT'S COMING! THERE'S NO STOPPING IT NOW.
  18. ..................... .......... ................. ................. Thats all I got to say, This site is PG rated...................
  19. Then I get arrested.........
  20. I did get the valves done and the center stand dolly built. I made some good progress on the old ticker. The rest from last year is still on the list. Add to that list; Tto redo the passing lights with an upgrade to either LED or HID. Some potential upgrades to the SC........ California is within range.......................
  21. But the best way to summerize your bike is to move to Wisconsin....... Cuz we all know it is to hot to ride in the summer down there.
  22. So did any of the many options presented here get that key out? If so which one? Curious minds need to know.
  23. The manual switch is common only in cases where the thermostatic switch has failed, or the owner is freaked out by the temp gauge normal reading of just barely under the red. The fan does cycle on and off as required, running it all the time will just wear it out quicker, and abuse an already weak electrical system, and give you a better chance of over heating if you forget to turn it on when needed.
  24. Elevator Most people = device in buildings to move you between floors. Me = control surface on an aircraft for changing the pitch of the aircraft. Cowpuc Most people = a pile of nasty stuff in a dairy farm field. All of us here = That wacky, crazy, goofy, lop eared varmint we all love just the way he is.
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