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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Hey, Some of us still type with 1 finger.........
  2. It will not be long and those outdated, obsolete, discontinued, 2nd gens will be having age related issues coming up. I think there will always be activity with keeping them alive. Just like there is a strong following of 1st gens being kept alive by this site. As far as a format change to "bikes only", It is my opinion that that would kill this site faster than anything short of pulling the plug. Where else can you talk about your favorite toy, get correct information on your issue, Usually in a timely fashion, and still be able to get picked on and do some picking back and everyone walk away with a smile, AND come back for more. I belong to many other special interest web sites for my varied interests, I have never found any that come even close to the very special group of unique individuals we have here. Sure there is the occasional ruffled feathers, but with very few exceptions, it gets smoothed out and everyone gets back to being friends. Keep doing what you are doing Don, You have something special here. We all really do appreciate what you do for us even if many have no idea just how much time and effort you put in to this site.
  3. Maybe at a meat and greet...........
  4. And that is why she was in such a hurry to get yours fixed, before you broke hers......
  5. And he will never see it coming.....
  6. You obviously do not know what your favorite color is.......
  7. Another option is to call the dealer to explain what happened and see if you can exchange the tire after Christmas without her knowing. Then everyone is happy.
  8. And that is why we have choices. My time is also quite valuable to be, but I enjoy changing and modifying things, some people do not. Once I am done, my trailer will be a one of a kind and I can say that I did it. Besides, I have to have something to play with all winter to be able to take a break from throwing snowballs across the lake at @cowpuc.
  9. And now it is even the bestest color..
  10. Cute, but they cheated.
  11. Sometimes you just need a base to start with and then you can modify to make it yours, or I can modify to make it mine. Besides, the Dart is 10X the cost of the HF. Even with all of the mods to make it great, the HF is no where near the cost of a Dart.
  12. You just got a touch of some side scatter. The best is still coming. I have not even aimed east yet.
  13. Must be a nice tender one, didn't even use ketchup.
  14. I think your readings are fine. It is normal to be partly running off the battery at idle on these bikes. Mine droops to 12.3 at idle with every thing on. As long as the voltage is up to 13.5 to 14.5, at the battery, at cruising speed, then you are good. Since I changed to all LED and HID lighting, the amp draw is down to where it now holds 13.5 at idle with everything on.
  15. That is an odd place for a leak with sign of impact damage. Time to snag a radiator pressure pump to track it down. Maybe that spot just got splashed somehow.
  16. And since the last Buell auction fell thru due to the winer not being able to secure financing, The local rumor is that Polaris is still interested in picking up the Buell line. That would certainly fall in line with wanting to go fast.
  17. Well she gets everything she wants right.........
  18. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?77042-MORE-lights
  19. Its only money, AND she told you to go toy shopping......
  20. I went the other way. I replaced every bulb on the bike and trailer with LED, The stock system now has plenty of spare power. With everything on the bike turned on it is still charging at idle. The electric brakes take less power that the Electric Anti Dive on the bike. so if you have gone progressive springs and unplugged the EAD, there is the power that the brakes need. How is that for swinging a hijack back on track?
  21. Yes it will need a controller. I found a brake controller that I could mount on the trailer tongue in a water proof box. It has a wireless remote that I can put on the handle bars. This way I do not have to have the controller on the bike all the time when I am not using the trailer. Most of my riding is without the trailer. Brake controllers have a 4 wire hookup, power, ground, brake lights, and wire to the brakes. Power I can get from the running lights since they are on anytime the bike is running, Ground is obvious, brake light I can tap off of my high center brake light. Technically if you have trailer brakes you are supposed to have a breakaway switch (or device if you have surge brakes) and a battery on the trailer so that if the trailer ever comes off the hitch and the safety chains do not hold, it will lock the trailers brakes. I have not decided if I will do that or not. I may since I normally pack a battery for powering stuff in the tent. Having the battery wired in, it will be charging while traveling.
  22. With the O-Rings it is an age thing, some of the 2nd gens are getting old enough now to start exhibiting age related issues.
  23. There is another possibility. A slipping clutch. Get the bike going around 60 MPH in 5th gear, crack the throttle wide open. The tach and the speedo should both rise at the same rate, If you are getting a bit of slip or creep the tach will rise faster than the speedo.
  24. Those nice square packs will also have a lot more wind resistance and you will notice that at the gas pump.
  25. I still want to build a new axle for my HF trailer. It will then use standard bearings and seals available everywhere, and it will have electric brakes.
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