It will not be long and those outdated, obsolete, discontinued, 2nd gens will be having age related issues coming up. I think there will always be activity with keeping them alive. Just like there is a strong following of 1st gens being kept alive by this site.
As far as a format change to "bikes only", It is my opinion that that would kill this site faster than anything short of pulling the plug.
Where else can you talk about your favorite toy, get correct information on your issue, Usually in a timely fashion, and still be able to get picked on and do some picking back and everyone walk away with a smile, AND come back for more.
I belong to many other special interest web sites for my varied interests, I have never found any that come even close to the very special group of unique individuals we have here.
Sure there is the occasional ruffled feathers, but with very few exceptions, it gets smoothed out and everyone gets back to being friends.
Keep doing what you are doing Don, You have something special here. We all really do appreciate what you do for us even if many have no idea just how much time and effort you put in to this site.