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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. That will only last till the first person crashes and their lawyer points out during litigation that they were unable to download an Owners Manual to tell them how to safely ride and operate it. That is why some guns have half of the owners manual stamped into the barrel. AND you can download the manuals for any gun they EVER made. It was part of the lawsuit settlement.
  2. Well I been masking and paintin like crazy. I never realized just how much masking this paint scheme required. A painter I am not, and never will be. I just squirted on the final coat of color, Now I just need to cut and apply the vinyl graphics then clear the whole thing, then apply the final heat shields and trim tape and the finish will be done. It does not look anywhere near as good as what most of you do. There are a lot more bumps and divots than there should be, but at 250MPH, no one will notice. I just put the last color down a few minutes ago and will unmask it to see for the very first time tomorrow. Hoping to get to the clear coat this weekend. I did order some Titanium bars to remake the engine mounts. I was concerned that the aluminum will be to close to some very hot parts and did not want to risk it softening while near red hot stainless steel. The other option was to make the parts out of steel but they are mounted right at the trailing edge of the wing and weight added to the tail has to be avoided, I an anticipating having to add a ton of nose weight. The TI will save some weight over the steel and be more than adequate to handle the temperatures. Hopefully I will soon have some pics out in the sun (IF the sun EVER comes out here again)
  3. Such a beautiful picture....... I just love winter wonderland pics. Ole @cowpuc does not even know the half of the booby traps.... But you are certainly welcome to stop by and spin the aiming wheels to see who gets it next. Wouldn't it be funny if you dialed up your own number?
  4. I added more power, it may take a while to learn how to drive it again. I guess I will need to do a LOT more practicing.
  5. Puc, Puc, Puc, Puc, Puc, Are you trying to psycho analyze me again? Just remember the last time you tried to figure me out you ended up blowing a gasket and had brains leaking out.
  6. Some are working on it, just not Yamy, Or if Yamy is working on it, you know how tight lipped they are. https://www.topspeed.com/motorcycles/motorcycle-news/tvs-motors-unveiled-a-brand-new-hybrid-motorcycle-the-tvs-zeppelin-concept-ar179901.html https://motorbikewriter.com/kawasaki-hybrid-motorcycle/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjwssavsOPlAhUKVN8KHYRVDlUQwqsBMA16BAgOEAc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLJniMsvHvb8&usg=AOvVaw07fgD4ALnsgAgbdGHAXJlO
  7. That's an awful lot of cipherin for a guy like you. You better take a nap toooo
  8. Anyone watching the nice pretty snow in the Packers game?
  9. Weeellllll Since as of today I am officially unemployed. Today was the last day at my old job. The new starts next week. So guess what, that means I have a bunch of idle time on my hands......... I have just been doing the fall tuneup on the WWW. I have not even engaged the snowper charger yet. Just the fine tuning has broken 3 snowfall records in the last week. This is gonna be a FUN winter at this rate. @cowpuc, you better get your ready quick. Mine is ready so that means I am to.
  10. Congrats on the move. BUT please be aware that you are not out of range for @cowpucs favorite the infamous http://WWW.......
  11. I am at 2890, at least I do not have a 1, 2 or 3 digit number to brand me as an old fart.
  12. :rotf: 70s ..........30s?????:rotf::rotf: ,6-8 inches of snow yesterday that is now all ice as hard as concrete. Low Teens tonight not even a 50 in the 10 day horroecast.
  13. Fall has been canceled due to lack of interest.......
  14. This is actually a great color pattern for spatial orientation. Each side has highly contrasting colors so it is visible against any back ground light or dark, the top and bottom patterns are very different so that you can instantly tell if you are looking at the top or the bottom, and the shape itself will indicate what direction it is headed.
  15. The "required" part of the health insurance is only for companies with more than 40 (or 50, I forget) full time employees. And if they do not provide the insurance there is only a fine at tax time. The fine is a lot less than the cost of providing insurance. Some companies are finding it cheaper to stop the insurance, give every one a dollar an hour raise to keep them from being POed, and pay the fine. The companies laugh all the way to the bank.
  16. I am just so happy that I think that for tomorrow to celebrate, I should whip up a little snow storm just for you guys......... That always makes me feel better .........
  17. Slipping is easy to fix. just put a screw thru the antenna and mast to act as a shear pin, and they will never slip again. You can do the same at the top and bottom of the rotor and the tripod. If it is the gears slipping, then only a new rotor will fix it.
  18. I have finally decided on a color scheme for this beast. The computer does not do the colors justice. The yellow will be the very bright Corvette Yellow, The red is a very bright GM Fire Red (same as my truck) and the darker red along the leading edges will be a bright Metal Flake Red. In the top view the gold area in the center will be a gold heat reflective material. The same gold stuff that NASA uses to protect spacecraft from heat. On the bottom it is just a very bright white and black stripes with the same Metal Flake Red wrapping around from the top. All of the priming is now done. it is in white primer so that the colors will be brighter. I am now in the process of accumulating all of the painting supplies that I will need to get the whole thing done. TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW SIDE VIEW
  19. Well for a change I think/hope that I am taking a step in the right direction. Things have been getting pretty shaky at work this year. First they did an across the board 20% pay cut. That was pretty bad to get used to. Then on Oct 1 we were informed that as of July 31 we no longer have health insurance. OUCH!! That is a really scary feeling when one has a lot of assorted and very expensive health issues. That was the final straw and I spent all of this month job hunting. Finally The news is getting better, I was able to get a special enrollment to sign up for health care with the Govt health exchange that will start up on Nov 1. Today I went for an 8:00 am interview for a new job and the interview lasted till 10:30am and 2 hours later they called with an offer that I excepted. So I start a new full time job on Nov 12 (2 weeks notice). I also had applied for a part time job at Menards as a kitchen designer and I got that job too, I start there tomorrow (Oct 30). So things are finally starting look a bit less scary around here. There was even a nice fresh layer of snow on the ground to greet me this morning, It don't get no better than this. :dancefool::stirthepot::thumbsup: @cowpuc This makes me so happy for a change.
  20. I talked to a place that does nothing but antennas and they recommended a few things for me to try. One was to move the antenna to the back of the house so that the backside of the antenna is right up against the wall of the attic. They said that in testing the closer the antenna is to a wall the more the wall attenuates the signal. Then they said to cover that wall with aluminum foil or screen and make sure that shield is connected direct to a ground rod and not just the ground of an outlet. If all that fails then they said I will need to go to a really big, very directional antenna with a selective filter/amplifier. So I will try the free or cheap stuff they recommended first. I guess I trust them since they said to by stuff from them was the last resort. So I now have a direction to follow. We will see what happens this coming weekend when I have some time to work on it.
  21. Flyinfool


    Glad you are feeling better or at least less bad, both are steps in the right direction. Yup, I'm late too. I always miss the good stuff.
  22. These engines run amazingly well of 3 cylinders. There are members here that ran for over a year and never knew that they were only on 3 cyls. it is still nice and smooth. As mentioned these engines love to rev, If you ride it like an air cooled V twin, it will feel very anemic and get lousy gas mileage. Do not be afraid of the rev limiter. Bouncing off the limiter once in a while will not hurt anything. If you are in a hurry you want to shift just before the limiter. Many have added a tach, this engine like to cruise around 4200 RPM.
  23. Thanks David. I even tried turning the directional antenna that I now have around and pointing it at the water tower that is 1 block to the west of me. While I actually got 12 more channels with the antenna pointed that way. The airplanes cause the TV to go blank with the loss of signal message with every plane that went by. Someone mentioned that I should try turning the antenna so that the elements are vertical as that may also help my issue. Heck it dont cost nuttin to try different spots and orientations. Some one else mentioned that seeing as how close I am to the transmitters, adding an attenuator may knock the multi path down far enough to not be seen while still leaving enough real signal to get the job done. While it could be a poorly designed tuner in my TV, this does affect all the TVs in the house, and my big TV is a fairly new high end Samsung so I would hope that is OK. Another thought is to spend some cash on a much bigger, more directional antenna. $100 for a big antenna is still only a bit more than one month of cable TV bill.
  24. You have a gas gauge, you do not need a reserve unless you never look at your dash. Just get it to reserve and forget it is even there.
  25. As I stated in my first post, I started with a Omni and then switched to a directional antenna. The directional helped but did not fix the issue. I do not think that it is a TV tuner issue. If you have 2 or more valid signals all originating from the same antenna, there is no way for the TV to know which is the correct one. At the moment I have the antenna in the attic, strength of signal is not the issue, I get 40 channels. I just need to find a way to block the multi-path signals. I hate to go and spend a couple hundred bucks on a big very directional antenna and have it not work. All the TV antennas are in the same direction from me so I do not need a rotator. I do not know if mounting it 0n the roof would buy me anything. I was wondering if it would help to build a grounded wall of aluminum foil or screen behind the antenna to try to block or at least attenuate the unwanted signals. All TV antennas including all of them made before HD was invented will work equally well for receiving the signal. The term HD compatible antenna is nothing but marketing. The antenna does not know if the signal is digital or analog, it is no different than if the transmission is in German or English, it is just an RF signal and that is all that the antenna cares about. @cowpuc You sand dunes will not help against ELF radio signals, ELF has no problem penetrating ground. Even a mountain will not help. :stirthepot:
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