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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. That is the one that I have seen referred to. Someone on this site tried it and also had issues with low speed performance. But I can not find that post to see what the final result was. It was a long time ago.
  2. I'll honk back just as loud as I can, Butt Erika might not like it. I am starting to think That I might actually be able to make it to the family Christmas. It is the 2.5 hour drive each way part that I am not sure if my foot will like.
  3. I am so glad to hear that no one was seriously injured. I hope you can still have a merry Christmas out of this. The police issuing a ticket and sending the uninsured driver on down the road is not the decision of the police officer, the police department or the city, That would be at the state law level. I like your suggestions, write that up get a bunch of people to sign the letter and send copies off to all of your state representatives and governor, they are the ones that have to make the laws. No lawsuit would ever find a judgment against anyone for following the law regardless of how stupid the law is.
  4. I have had the same insurance for almost 30 years. Every couple of years I shop around but no one ever beats their price. I have American Family. I have no idea what their service is like since I have never had to file a claim. Every year my rates go down a little bit.
  5. Flyinfool


    But WHY can a WHY get sleepy?
  6. A puny little 32cc weed eater motor? I thought you knew me better than that? When I have a basement full of much bigger cc motors for various aircraft, Turbine jet motors, pulse jets, and the like. But you are correct I was thinking of pulling the motor out of pucs favorite machine to power my scooter, I should not dismantle a working machine, and just use one of the other power sources that I have laying around doing nothing (kind of like me) anyhow. Is it starting to show yet that I am going stir crazy with all of this sitting around not able to do much of anything..........
  7. As my Father in law always used to say "Don't give me crap about the good old days, When I was a kid I had to work 2 days to fill my gas tank, now I can fill it on an hours wages".
  8. NO! NOPE! I don't care how long the grass gets, it will not be mowed after Halloween or before Easter. Nope it aint gonna happen. Just aint allowed in Wisconsin. NOPE!
  9. Flyinfool


    WHY did this thread go nite nite?
  10. I'm looking forward to a nice green Christmas this year. My lawn is nice and green and still growing. I'll wait a while before I hide it.
  11. My warped mind had no problem reading that. Sounds like a fun couple.................
  12. Its early but so far today I did not even need the OTC pills. I really do not like pills. BUT I may need to make more RUM BALLS!!! They did remove the mystery chunk but I was to groggy in recovery to ask what it was, I will ask that when I go in for the 2 week checkup and get the stitches out on Wednesday next week. I am so looking forward to have the stitches out so that I can take a shower. I might be getting older but I still refuse to grow up. I should be back to walking in a walking boot by the end of January. This getting around on crutches in not much fun. But the little scooter that I have can be some fun, it is just that the scooter does not do steps well. I did manage to climb up the 12 steps to the bedroom last night. I slept much better in my own bed than in the recliner. I had not even pulled the machine out of storage yet. Puc I hope you used a strong enough brine solution. Your favorite machine uses brine to help get the nice fluffy flakes. Just like you use salt to make ice cream. If your brine was to weak then it will make the real wet heavy flakes that set up like concrete. With your addition of brine it should be all primed and ready to go when I can wobble on out there. Thank for saving me the effort of getting it all primed up and ready to go.
  13. There is a lot more to it than just the diameter of the bore. The aerodynamics of the inside of the carb also play a big part in the flow capacity of the carb. Your 300 cfm holly with 2 1.5 inch bores has about 3.5 sq in of area. Yet the stock 32mm carbs have a total area of about 5 sq in. Yet the engine at 8500 rpm will only need about 150 cfm. The stock carbs seem to work well so it means that they must flow around 150 cfm even though their swept area is a lot more than the Holly
  14. The modulated lights are allowed by federal law therefor are legal in all states. The modulated headlights do not actually tun off, They dim to 25% brightness and then back to full power at a specific frequency and duty cycle with a bunch of other rules. Lights that blink as in tun off completely, other than turn signals, are not legal in any state. There are some systems on the market that do not met the legal requirements. There is some good info on this site of this maker with links to the actual federal regs.
  15. Bah Hamburger, I like hamburgers
  16. I already got my gift to, a nice new boot. Fortunately it is not a pair of boots. My honey has already got her present I built her a new laundry area better suited to her physical attributes.
  17. All good to hear. Welcome back.
  18. Having a carb that is to big for the engine will always give poor performance. If the carb is to big the airflow will not be enough to get the pressure differences that the engineer designed into the carb. This will create a situation where you can tun the carb to optimize it for one airflow and it will be off at all others. Yours was probably tuned for best cruise mixture and that is why it is acting lean at idle and WOT. The reaction that you are finding is what others that have done this mod have experienced. Now if you were to replace the carb with a small TBI system, you might just have something, since the computer and sensors will keep the fuel mixture correct at all speeds. I have never heard of anyone putting a TBI on a manifold like yours, If you do PLEASE post a lot as you go through to process, we all like to learn new things. There is someone making an after market fuel injection system that modifies the existing carbs by adding an injector to each carb and necessary electronics. but the whole conversion is not cheap, IIRC it was around $1500 for the kit. Since you already have the manifold, a TBI conversion may be less costly, especially if you have a good relation with a local bone yard to get parts from.
  19. Da foot is feeling a bit less bad today. So far I have done no pain pills today, just over the counter pain relievers. If today goes well I may even try getting to the bedroom tonight. That will make Erika happy till that big boot lands on one of her feet in the middle of the night. My toes still like like a bunch of little polish sausages, it is hard to tell how much swelling is in the rest of the foot due to all the bandages, But doc said i should not remove the bandages, I should wait and let her remove them next week when I go in to get the stitches out. I can wiggle my toes and move my ankle to do the exercises to keep things moving. So I guess so far things are moving along per the plan. I just wish there were a way to compress the 6 month plan to to something more manageable. The repairs to where the tendons and ligaments attach to the bones will not be fully healed for at least a year.
  20. The connector can melt from installing a higher wattage headlight bulb, or a slightly corroded bulb or connector contact. There is a ceramic connector available that will not melt. If it was a higher wattage bulb it could have also melted the adhesives that hold the reflector together.
  21. Did you ever think that there might be a reason he was "sweating bullets"???
  22. Flyinfool

    Planned Mods

    I also have a list for the winter. First is to get ambulatory again so that I can do the rest of the list. I have a set of progressive springs to install. A HO stator and RR to install 1000 LEDs to scatter about the bike. Install the HID fog lights. Build new horns. Not all of this is in the budget but I already have all parts for the first 3 bike projects.
  23. Just makin my list and checking it twice to see whos naughty or nice................. SOMEDAY this stump will be better and I will be able to get out to the shed. And then I will need my list of names and coordinates.............
  24. Yes you are missing the rule. Watch out for @cowpuc and his band of Sounds like you are having a wonderful Christmas this year. Congrats.
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