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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. WOW What a story Thanks Puc
  2. It rained on you because you bugged out early.
  3. UPDATE Went back to work today. I can tell from the mountain on my desk how much that they missed me. My foot was down to no pain while resting with the foot elevated, but still hurt while the foot was on the floor. Before I left work I had done some prep work on my office. I got an adjustable height mechanics seat from HF to put under my desk to keep my foot elevated. That helped a lot today. I only stayed at work for a half day and that will be the norm for a while. My foot was hurting pretty bad by the time I got home. The worst part was driving. It is hard to have your foot elevated while driving. I keep doing my assigned exercises and my range of motion is improvising, no where near where it needs to be, but at least headed in the right direction. I go back to doc again next week to see how things are going.
  4. Best place to stay is by the pond monsters.
  5. That is the plan. I posted on a neighborhood watch website and have since exchanged a couple of texts with his dad. Dad has spoken to son and son is willing to do the job. Now we just need to get together to iron out the details. This is Wisconsin. at $50 per visit for a "PRO" I could be bankrupt by spring.
  6. Using a solvent based adhesive that melts the plastic together will give the strongest possible repair. Heat welding can equal or even exceed the strength of a solvent bond IF you add additional material to reinforce the joint so that the filler can make the joint stronger than the original material and you get a full penetration weld. Adhesives that do not melt into the original material require a lot of surface prep so that they can grip the surface to try to hold it together. My favorite for cracks in ABS is to first use a thin solvent adhesive that will wick into the joint and melt the 2 parts together. If the original ABS was broken into two pieces, I use ABS pipe cement to glue then together. I let this dry completely so I now have a part that will retain its shape while I work on it. I then lay down a film of ABS pipe cement and into that I lay fiberglass cloth with another layer of the ABS pipe cement rubbed into the cloth. This softens the surface of the original ABS and actually embeds the glass cloth into the original ABS making it stronger than the day it was molded. Face it, if it cracked once that means it never was strong enough as designed. Adding in the glass cloth will make it stronger than designed and hopefully will not break there again.
  7. It is looking like I might have a teenager lined up. He just needs to stop over and discuss what exactly needs to get done and a price.
  8. 11th can work, gives an extra week of healing time. Even if I ain't healed, I still got the big red truck.
  9. MD is usually the weekend after Memorial day, that would be June 4th this year, that would work for me.
  10. Flyinfool


    That's my point, there is no "User Gallery" under my username. Yet I know I have an album with pics that I can find with a lot of effort.
  11. Flyinfool


    OK Now riddle me this. In the VR gallery, My album is named "Tools", if I search for "tools" there is nothing. BUT if I search for "tool" it will find some of my pics?
  12. Flyinfool


    OK, now I am confused. I do have an album called Tools. If I go to the "VR Gallery" sort by member name and just keep hitting the "NEXT" button I can eventually find the pics that are in my album called "Tools". The gallery search function does not seem to work. On my profile page there is no gallery on the left side and in my posts, under my name they is no gallery option.
  13. Flyinfool


    Good question. When I go to add a pic to a thread in the manage attachments I see all of the pics that I have uploaded. But I can not find a way to get to them other than thru manage attachments while writing a new post or replying to a post. More playing is in order.
  14. Nice Its even the bestest color. first things to do are safety related. Change all fluids, check brakes, check age and condition of tires. Next thing is to get it running right. Start with new spark plugs and a heavy dose of Seafoam. The rest is gravy that can be done as you go.
  15. I sure hope those troublesome pygmies are in a very secure location. Welcome Back
  16. The screws / no screws in the case only applies to Yamaha starters. There some other brands that are interchangeable, will fit and function but are still a 2 brush with no screws in the case. I do not know which brands are the 2 brush with no screws. FWIW, I still have the 2 brush in my 88. I did do the @Dingy cable upgrade and the Dingy brush ground upgrade and have no issues starting a hot engine.
  17. Man that ride brings back memories of the good old days. It has been a LOT of years since I peddled a bike. Must be close to at least 30 years. Yes I peddled thru a LOT of snow and cold in my younger days. It is amazing just how good a bike can handle even deep snow, those skinny tires just cut right thru to the pavement. In High school the maintenance dept did not like me because they always had to shovel out one end of the bike rack for me to park. 400+ kids in the school and just one bike.... Now that sounds like a challenge............... Time to design a power boost.............. Sorry Puc, you are in the line of fire for the UK.
  18. That is interesting.
  19. Go back and look, I never said there were HOT DOGS IN the snow. Actually any dogs found in this snow would definitely NOT be hot. I said I was offering free HOT DOGS to those that would help me shovel. I got a big pile of them in the fridge ready to cook up. Cold is not my department, after much research we did determine that it is the @Saddlebum character that is responsible for leaving the back door open up der in dat der Canada. I keep trying to close it. That might be fun Carl, Maybe you should come here for a visit. I have a lot of shovels and HOT DOGS. I will have to continue my search for shovelers on Monday, everyone seems to have been closed for the long weekend.
  20. Its not far. If you came here you might just like it and stay. I even tried to offer FREE HOT DOGS and that Cowpuc character has still been suspiciously quiet. Some how I think there might be a monkey wrench involved here..........
  21. I guess all these places are closed on New Years eve. BUT, BUT BUT,,,,,,,,,,Ifin I turns it off the skiers and snowmobiles will be camped out on my doorstep. Even our fearless leader @Freebird just knew he had to come to Wisconsin to get in some snowmobiling.
  22. Happy NEW YEAR!!!!! May every ones new year be better than the last.
  23. Welcome back Doug. Didn't anyone tell you that just cuz you do not have a Venture or even a bike at all is not a valid excuse to leave. Yes you need to get some pics up or the otherly know as @Cowpuc will be after you.
  24. The helmet don't fit in the trunk cuz you are in AZ, it is so bloody hot in the summer that the trunk in melting and getting smaller just like the old Shrinky Dinks. (I think I just dated myself....) You keep riding in that heat and that whole Venture will shrink down to a Moped...... You should move up here where it is not so hot........
  25. I looked at the crash bar design when my bike fell over on the side stand and landed on the faring. From what I could determine, to get a crash bar that would stop the bike from landing on the fairing but yet still work with all of the existing plastic, I think you would have to be willing to give up some lean angle in the twisties.
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