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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Are you sure you are not riding a Harley where you have to tether all the parts so you don't lose them............
  2. That looks interesting
  3. Oh come on now, where is the challenge in that?
  4. But you Michiganders get your meat from WI where we really know about such things, After all the headquarters of Johnsonville sausage, Klements Sausage, and Patrick Cudahy are all from here. The most liked football team is from WI and even named because of meat packing. You are just going to have to come here and findout for yourself. If you plan your trip to Orlins MD to travel through Milwaukee, I will be happy to introduce you to Leon's and/or Nite Owl, and/or Kopps on the way to MD. Better come hungry, there is a specialty shop that does nothing but Hot dogs that we would have to ride right past on the way to any of these other places. we might have to stop to eat dogs and cream at least 4 times before we escape Milwaukee.
  5. Cool that means mine is not used so I will not get blamed for as much stuff............. The chat was working pretty good last night up to the point I got "Silenced". And then I got called a dirty rotten spammer by the system.
  6. I have used Remington Rem DriLube. It leaves a Teflon coating that is dry to not attract dirt, it will not make a mess of a jacket or you if you brush against the rail, and even the south pole does not get cold enough to matter. I only use it on sliding metal to metal like the rollers and rails. You do not want to use it in a rotating bearing.
  7. It is snowing here now, I we are expecting up to 1 inch here. I have saved the best for someone else.
  8. Those still scare me. They use lithium batteries. The same type of batteries that are starting on fire in the hover boards. The same type of batteries that were starting fires in the new Boeing 787. If all of the engineers at Boeing cant figure out how to make them safe, they scare me. There are just to many confirmed cases of lithium battery igniting while not even plugged into anything. Yes there are a LOT more of them that are used safely every day. But it is the small percentage that scares me. Lithium battery fires are very difficult to put out, the battery chemistry gives it its own oxygen supply, so it burn happily away even buried in the bottom of your saddlebag. Search YouTube for lithium or LiPo battery fires.
  9. Nope, Kopps is good, Night Owl is better, but Leon's is even better yet. Leon's This should get @cowpuc going, A place that does Premium Custard AND Worlds Finest Hot Dogs. It was last remodeled in the 50s so it still looks like a 50s drive in ice cream stand.
  10. HA! It will be at least another month before I can wear a pair of shoes. But I am in there chatting with myself............ Getting some really good answers toooo...........
  11. I have the 5 in 1 from harbor freight. I use it a lot during the summer. I use the air compressor to put 120 PSI in my airplane to power the pneumatic retractable landing gear and the brakes. I use it to recharge the flight batteries on multiple aircraft. I never tried to start a bike with it but it will start my truck. As mentioned, you need to keep it charged. Leaving it sit with a partly discharged battery will kill the battery. I keep it in my truck unless I am off on a bike trip then it comes with me. In the truck I have a charge port rigged with a relay so that when ever the truck is running it is being charged so that it is always ready to go.
  12. Ummmmm I have.............. But it was mine................. I guess we all knew I was not "normal"................
  13. I wonder just how many of us jumped on those links to get tires quick.
  14. DOH I am a day late and a dollar short again............. Dang meetings........... I will be in chat tonight to dip my toe in the water.
  15. I did not mean the trailer into the back of the rack, I meant the rack mounted to the trailer tongue just in front of the cargo box where a cooler is normally mounted. I think it would be bad to try to plug the trailer into the back of the rack. It would be way to easy to have too much weight back there, and the trailer would then also have even more leverage to adversely influence the handling of the bike.
  16. We have an ice cream stand up here that is so good that people will still be standing in line when it is -25°F and a howling blizzard going on.
  17. Awesome I will be in chat tonight to see how much trouble I can get into. All those new buttons to play with.................
  18. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?82-VentureRider-Vendors
  19. Us Panic over the site going down. Oh come on Don. You know how we are. Us Panic over the site going down. HELL YA WE WILL................ My fingers are crossed that there are not toooo many bumps in the road for you to deal with.
  20. @Larry1963 there is a lot of drinking in the chat room. @Yama Mama is a great host and tarbender......... Just watch out if Don can find her whip for her. From some of the conversations I am sure there was something being smoked in the chat room. There is also a lot of food in the chat room. Then there are the toga parties, naked chat, etc......................................
  21. The story is already posted from Pucs trip summer of 2014(?) (or was it 2013?) that was posted last winter or the winter before. My CRS is kicking in again..................
  22. Interesting. I never thought of putting the rack back there. I went a different route where I am planning to mount the receiver rack in a receiver on the tongue to act as the cooler rack, then when I am at my destination I can leave the trailer and pop the rack back in the back of the bike and have it for day trips from base camp. But now I may have to rethink my plans. My only concern with the rack that far back is keeping the tongue weight correct.
  23. I believe it was since this old post that @Cowpuc and Tippy while on TWEEKS, got a $500 ticket for impersonating an officer with a white shorty helmet in California. They had to get a buzz bomb and change the color quick, but still had to pay.
  24. Yes there are some of us that sleep at night. I will be in there. I loved chatting with my VR family. I realize that even the old chat was not "private" but you had to make an effort to see what was being said in there, With the Facebook chat or the Shoutbox, everything you say is right there in the worlds face where you have to make an effort to not see it. Naked chat just is not the same out in the open........ It gets chilly........ I think that once the day wakes up there will be more people see this thread.
  25. @Chaplain Dusty If you can make it you just might win the prize for farthest attendee. Not to mention you will meet a bunch of us northerners.
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