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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. I have a Tevo Tornado. I have read a lot of good reports on it so that is where I am starting. It will be getting a lot of mods and upgrades. The print area is 300mm x 300mm x 400mm (Approx 12 x 12 x 16 inches).
  2. ITS HEEErrreeee!!!! Still in the shipping box, I have to finish the electrical for outlets and lights to where it will reside. Then I have to build it.
  3. Some people have all the luck. I wish I could do that. It may be a while before I learn to drive this thing. But that might be an interesting project.
  4. Naaaaa.... If my mower needed a cylinder head I would more likely machine it out of billet so I know it would last forever. I know cheap plastic that is almost glued together will fail. But I do have a lot of plans for it.........
  5. That moose only needed to go about 6 inches deeper to end the attack. I am not sure if the moose stumbled and fell to dunk the wolf, or it figured out that the wolf could not breath under water.
  6. This sounds like a request for more........
  7. Well I have been looking at some new equipment for the shop. I just pulled the trigger on a new 3D Printer. It should arrive into my grubby little mitts early next week. A couple spools of plastic should show up here on Friday. The one I am getting will have a working area of 300mm x 300mm x 400mm. That is almost 12 x 12 x 16 inches. Just think how quickly I will be able to conceive, make and test new WWW nozzles just for @cowpuc. There will be more pics and info once I actually get it into my grubby little mitts.
  8. OH but those boots could walk all over me.......
  9. The factory torques the flywheel bolt to around 5 million Lb/Ft. So if this is the first time getting it off then it is very difficult. Either way a really good quality puller is needed, as mentioned above. There is a hex on the the end of the flywheel that can be used to keep the crank from turning while you are torquing the puller bolt. Patience young grasshopper will be rewarded.
  10. I do not have a google account, and never do anything personal on the work puters, cuz I know the company records and looks at all computer traffic.
  11. Even though the name, login info and security systems, at home and at work are completely different, things that I research at home will appear in adds on my puter at work the next day and things that I research at work will appear in the adds on my home computers. So big brother was able to make the connection somehow. It could be that they are reading all of my emails from both home and at work and were able to mine enough out of them to make the connection. Or is it they are mining banks and other financial institutions, because every everywhere you apply for anything to do with money they ask where you work.
  12. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I am still using a 20 year old laptop running XP Pro SP 2, and Firefox. It still works fine. There are a few websites that will not work with it, but not many. I wont get rid of it till something I need will no longer function. If this one stops working I will "upgrade" to the wife's old win 7 laptop if this one dies and I will run that till it wont run no mo.
  13. As mentioned use the Teflon tape or thread paste made for gas. It is more than just a color difference.
  14. Another you may want to research is the Tikka T3 in 7mm-08. Very lightweight and accurate out of the box. The loads that work best on deer are not great for bear, and the loads that are great on bear do not work well on deer. Plan to stock more than one loading. I am deciding between the Tikka T3 and the Ruger American in 7mm-08 as my new lightweight deer gun for next year. for hunting I like Stainless and synthetic. I really like the ballistics of the 7mm bullets. My favorites are 140g Nosler Ballistic Tip for deer and 150g Nosler Partition for black bear.
  15. Boost starter referring to one of the battery chargers that has an engine start function that can supply 50 or more amps so that you do not have to wait for the battery to charge, the charger can supply the amps to crank the engine. The problem is they supply a much higher voltage to get the amps up there and the small electrical systems in our bikes can not handle all that power.
  16. Another thing to watch out for. Some boost starters put out a very high voltage when boosting but not cranking. I have seen some at over 25V. This is not good for anything on the bike. A dead car battery can put enough load on the boos to pull the voltage down to an safe level. A small bike battery can not.
  17. I'm not just older than dirt, I was one of the engineers that worked on inventing dirt. .......
  18. I'm not getting old either, I am there already. Four GREAT grand children, that are getting close to the child bearing age, will do that to you. That is not GREAT as in wonderful, which they are, it is great as in 4th generation...........
  19. I enjoy anything that flies. My fleet ranges from tiny electrics that weigh less than ONE ounce and fly so slow that there can be no wind while you fly. Yes I fly those around inside the house too. All the way up to big planes with gas engines, jet turbine engines and then this monster that I am building.
  20. Unfortunately yours is not an uncommon scenario. There are very few people that can successfully fly without the aid of an instructor. With the aid of an instructor crashes by beginners are are pretty rare. It is after you learn to fly and start doing silly things that the crashes start happening.
  21. Crater??? Craters are made by blunt objects, this is more like a lawn dart, We will have to look for the tail sticking up in the air........
  22. I also started out in Control line combat, more than a half century ago. I also did .049 and fast and slow combat with the .35 size engines. What a blast that was, I don't know if I am even still physically able to that if I wanted to. But I fly and enjoy RC combat. Part of the safety protocol is that there will not be a lot of people around for that first flight.
  23. I am hoping for mid summer to "Let Her Rip". I do not have any cameras lined up for the maiden flight , that does not mean there will not be some there....... I still have to install the electronics inside it, design and build the compressed air/propane mixer for starting, and test fire the engine on a test stand to learn how it works, and remake all of the mounting hardware out of Titanium and then get it all mounted and then get the balance point correct. It will take a lot longer to do each of these than it did to type it all out.
  24. I guess we will find out if this paint is good for 250 MPH. Well at least it don't look like a high speed snowflake no more. But then it could just be a delivery method for the new High Temp Snow................ There is no shifter, it is an automatic........ As for where you sit, I am thinking the best place to sit may be on the $hitter, This thing may just scare the $hit outa me. I was thinking of doing the first flight up at the Fon du Lac field, They have 4 times more runway and no trees.
  25. And now for the drum roll please................,..., The pics of the paint job you have been waiting for...................... This was the first time the sun came out since I painted it. It looks good as long as you don't look closely at it anywhere. The camera did not capture the metal flake in the red very well, that part looks better in person.
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