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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Love it when a plan comes together..............
  2. Many time the OP has no clue what the problem is, let alone what to even ask. It is usually all of us asking a lot of questions to narrow it down and then the gory details of how to fix it will emerge. I understand that this makes it hard to find the info for the next guy. There are probably not many questions left that have not already been answered somewhere on this site. If everyone could find all of their answers what would be left for us to talk about?
  3. It is not as heavy as it looks. That is all fairly thin wall tubing. But it is strong. I much prefer to strong to not quite strong enough. According to my CAD software it is only 8 lbs.
  4. I have done a couple of mine now with just uploading the pics over again. The parts still missing is where someone else also put pics in a thread I started, or I put pics in a thread someone else started.
  5. If you are replacing the starter clutch you might want to give @Dano a shout. He has an upgrade that is much better than stock. Yes there are a lot of stories about getting the flywheel off for the first time.
  6. I have fixed the pics in my original Hitch thread. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?52757-Trailer-hitch-project-for-this-winter&p=578623#post578623
  7. This is what a MKII Markland hitch looks like. What I designed and built was to replace the chrome part of a Markland hitch with a receiver hitch. And this is what I built. And some ideas I am still playing with
  8. Those of us that have a passion for flying RC are on a campaign to try to educate as many people as possible on how to play with their new toys in a responsible manor to try to keep big brother from making more foolish rules. Unfortunately due to the foolish people doing foolish things, we now have all of these rules to contend with. And there are a lot more very restrictive rules on the horizon.
  9. The short answer is NO. The mounting points are completely different. A quick look on ebay I saw several for the MKI but none for the MKII.
  10. I wonder just how many drones will need to be shot down. the manufactures said the there were over 500,000 drones delivered just before Christmas. I'll bet that the vast majority of those new owners have no clue on the rules. The FAA needs to make a highly publicized example out of someone. Should we start a contest to see who guesses right? On YouTube there are may examples of dummies flying a drone into places they should not be.
  11. There is a company, I think in Sweden, that is making something mounted on a rifle stock that will electronically shoot down the drone. I am wondering if that is what the FAA is planning to use to shoot down the drones at the Stupid bowl tomorrow. I sure hope they are not planning to shoot into the air with any kind of projectile around that many people.
  12. Jeff I knew that you were also an engineer, That is why I had to and I sure wish I had access to a hardness tester........
  13. Unfortunately that article is no longer good info. It is dated 11-19-2015 as of 12-21-2015 the FAA is requiring registration. http://news.discovery.com/tech/robotics/drones-near-superbowl-will-get-shot-down-faa-160204.htm To see the real FAA rules go to the FAA website. Don't take my word for it and certainly don't take the word of the guy trying to sell you one. https://www.faa.gov/uas/registration/
  14. That is correct, you are just jumping all of the reed switches so that the computer thinks they are always closed.
  15. Oh man, that is a bummer. If there is any way that any of us can help you along please let us know. Until I can walk again I am spending a lot of time sitting around looking for something that can be done from my easy chair. Would it be a help or a hindrance if we went back into posts that we made and re downloaded the pics (IF we still have them where we can find them)?
  16. Since you need new batteries, Look into LiPo batteries, they are much smaller and lighter for a given energy density. They are not cheap, and you will need a special charger but you will also get more range and power with less weight.
  17. Why is the sledge hammer out in the front of the pile? This is a family site, not for posting totally stripped down nekid pictures from at home. Even though we all love pics, especially nekid ones.
  18. A knobby MC tire would be even better.... As mentioned, waiting could be bad, as the ground softens more the bike could fall over. The ground could close in on the tire locking it in place and make future removal very difficult.
  19. What I am wondering is with the home made links if the hardness of the metal is correct to prevent the holes from elongating. Any one here have access to a hardness tester to test a stock Yamaha link vs an aftermarket leveling link vs a chunk of strip metal from the hardware store? Next questions/thoughts; The links in the pic look like they were worn to the oblong shape as opposed to pounded to the oblong. The metal is gone it is not displaced. When the bolts are tightened is the link clamped in place of is that hole a hinge point. I would think the link hole would make a very poor bearing and that it should be clamped solid. But your show obvious movement. Is it possible the the bolts have been loose for a long time? Were these aftermarket leveling links or the factory links? Sorry, I'm being an engineer again, failure analysis is fun............
  20. If he goes to check the level in the gas tank RUN!!!!
  21. You lucky dog you. I guess that living near a lot of barns helps in finding barn finds. Isn't that the same bike that got you into this VRO mess in the first place?
  22. Yes all of the rules have changed for all RC. You do have to register with the FAA to fly most RC anything. On this Lily drone since it is fully autonomous and you do not have direct control it might not be considered RC but may fall under the commercial category which has a lot more user requirements.
  23. I am not sure if it could be used to follow a bike since it has a top AIR speed of around 25 MPH. So if you are driving into a 10 MPH breeze the drone can only do 15MPH ground speed. Or if drive under a bridge or tree a crash is likely. Hopefully it will not find the front of a semi going the other way. The BIG catch with those is that as of Dec 21 you must be registered with the FAA to fly one since it weighs more than 250 grams (about 0.55 lbs) including all batteries and camera gear, most of the drones with camera gear are above the weight threshold, and you must have your registration number in a visible location on the aircraft. The FAA regs also now state that it can not be flown over any person. This is all coming down because stupid people are doing stupid things and posting the vids on YouTube. At the rate people are doing stupid things it will not be long before someone takes down a man carrying aircraft. This specific system I do not know if it is even legal to use under the new rules without getting a commercial drone license which has a similar written test as getting a pilots license. Don't ya just love big brother watching over us.
  24. That sounded like I was just dared to send snow to GA.............
  25. You can only blame me if it is a SNOWNADO.
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