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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Well I will be working on a lot of things around the house that would have been difficult to do while taking time out to go to work every day. Some of the projects I already have all or at least most of the materials on hand so there will be no or at least very little required cash outlay. Today will be sunny and around 50° so it will be a good day to go outside and start working on all of the maintenance that is required as my truck turns over the 100K mark. Had I still been working it would have hit 100 K next week. So far this is just a normal weekend, It will hit home tomorrow morning when I am not heading to work. Then comes the dreaded annual task of cleaning the aquarium. I have made a great effort to set it up as close as possible to being a complete ecosystem so that it only needs to be cleaned once a year. There are critters in there that I may only see once or twice a year and then only for a few seconds, but they are there because they have a job to do. So much to do so little time,,,,,,,,,,Oh wait, now I have lots of time. Is this where I get clobbered by having used the excuse "I'll do that some day when I have time". I think I am in trouble cuz I think someday just got here......... At least I have a lot to kep me busy and not give my poor little brain to much time to think. @cowpuc favorite WWW was invented while I was off work on medical issues and was left alone with my poor little brain idling. .
  2. If it is the internal shorting issue, it is easily fixed with one diode for each side. You need to do the checks with the ohm meter to verify if it is the internal shorting issue.
  3. Yup it happened yesterday (Friday) was my last day of work. I was let go indefinatly due to things being slow from the Corona bug. No indication of if or when I might get called back to work. Boy there are slim pickings on the various job sites. This could turn into a LONG ugly stretch. I sent out 22 resumes today and will do more everyday till I find sumpin. Those who know me know just how dangerous it can be to leave me alone with my thoughts, BAD things can happen........
  4. First off I never connect anything to a frame ground unless its design leaves me no choice, I have a big terminal block mounted near the battery for all the ground wires. Steel has a much higher resistance per foot than copper wire does and connections to steel like to corrode over time, leaving you to chase lighting issues. By far most of the electrical issues we chase down on this site end up being ground related. I do not know if the 2nd gens turn signals work like the 1st gen or not. But on the 1st gen the flasher when the in the off part of the cycle shorts the bulb side to ground, with some (not all) LEDs this makes for a direct short from running light power to ground because the running and turn signal parts share LED internal wiring. First test to do is to see if the turn signals are connected internally to any of the other lights. Use an ohm meter to check from each color of wire to every other color of wire (except ground)to see if any of them are internally connected. Second test is to connect a temporary jumper from the battery ground to light ground and ten from battery positive to each of the circuits to be sure that your light is not defective. We can work from here to track the issue down.
  5. My cast iron is more than 40 years old, there is no brand name or markings on it so I have no clue what it is. I have not had to redo the seasoning more than 3 or 4 times in all those years. With all those years of use the cooking surface is worn quite smooth. Nearly as smooth as the ground ways on my milling machine. I do not do anything special for use or cleanup other than to never put it in water. Although sometimes I do have to use some water while cooking but I am sure to boil it all off before letting it cool down. Once you let it get below the boiling point the water will be sucked into the pores of the metal. Cleanup is paper towels once it is cool enough to handle. If I cooked something that may have damaged the seasoning I will oil it before putting away so it does not rust. If I were to get a new pan I think I might sand it with progressive grits to around 320 or 400 before I even start with it. Just like gluing things, a smooth surface is hard to stick to, That is why you rough everything to be glued up with 80 grit for a better bond. Now I am hungry again........
  6. I got my $50 per vehicle check from American Family Insurance yesterday.
  7. In your case it is hard to say since it runs on 4 when you first start it. I never heard of the diodes being intermitent, they are all or nothing. Your running problem may be some other issue. My point is you have the TCI out and opened up it is just a simple visual check while you are there to avoid problems later. The diodes literally pennies each, so they are cheap insurance as long as you are in there. I would start by fixing the obviously bad circuit runs on the board. There is likely more bad runs on the other side of the board to fix.
  8. If any one of the 8 diodes fails the chip and hence the whole TCI is now junk. The diodes are a very common, readily available and cheap part.
  9. I will be in tonight after I get pooped out from jack hammering in the basement.
  10. The corroded circuit runs are an easy problem to fix with some thin bare sold copper wire and some solder. You must first check the 8 spherical blue diodes on the other side of the board near the connector end. There are threads with pictures. If there are corroded and compromised circuit runs on the visible side of the board, I'll bet that are also some on the other side of the board. That green on the board is a coating that must be removed before you can solder to the circuit run. The circuit run is copper and must be bright clean and shiny to be able to solder to it (or connect your testing jumper wire). I use a wearable magnifier and a new sharp Xacto blade to scrape the green stuff off where I have to repair a circuit run. The cover on the other side is not easy to get off. If you take out the screws holding the board down you may be able to sneak a peek at the diodes, the stock diodes suffer from severe corrosion and will look all puffy. Normally once the TCI stops working due to diode failure it is dead, when any one of the 8 diodes fails it takes out the chip that has the program and there is no way to get a replacement, but since yours is intermittent there may be hope. The diodes can look really bad and corroded but still be working (FOR NOW). There are only 2 ways to get to the diodes on the other side, One is to desolder all of the connector pins to be able to remove the cover, the other is to cut thru the cover next to the connectors all the way across and just remove most of the cover. Cutting the cover is by far the easiest method. Just put a bead of RTV along the cut for reassembly.
  11. My puter is supposed to make noise when someone post or enters the chat room, for some reason that is not working and I have not yet figured out why???????
  12. I am in chat all lone right now. I think I will be later when MAMA comes home. I'll bring the RUM BALLS, ain't no virus can survive those...........
  13. So far so good here, The state is all but shut down. Although my job has been declared "necessary and essential" so no real change for me. In my drive to work I see very few factories with empty parking lots, so I am thinking that the "necessary and essential" classification is pretty broad.
  14. Here in Milwaukee they tried the no chase game. That was one of the worst things the city could have ever done. It very quickly became automatic that if you get lit up stand on the gas, and or run a red and the chase will end, now you are home free. Crashes and casualties actually went up because the bad guys knew they would not be chased so they could do anything they wanted. Recently the law has changed back to allowing high speed chases and things are very slowly starting to get better. now after the runners crash it is often said that they thought they could not be chased.
  15. I do gotta share the wealth ya know, Just you cant have all the fun.
  16. Thank you Tom, I always appreciate when someone notices a job well done. When You least expect it.................... Besides, I is getting . It is getting harder to run out and fire things up. That is why I working on a remote control........
  17. You are moving to MN on purpose ?
  18. So you are saying I need to double my output so that a one eyed person can get the full effect. OR I need to invent snowflakes that are 10 cm or about 5 inches in diameter.......... Sounds like some interesting challenges. You know it is dangerous to make me think.......
  19. I once had a Desert Eagle in 50AE. I had to sell it but want / need another one. But then this S&W 500 Magnum appeared on the scene and now I can not decide which of the two to get. First........
  20. It has been around 35 years since there has been a passenger on any of my bikes. Erika was in a BAD bike crash as a teenager that had her in the hospital for 3 months, It was right after a "Watch this". She has been terrified to get on any other bike since. This is one of the reasons that I sold my bike since I like being with her but that means 4 wheels. I am kind of looking to get a small fast convertible to still have the acceleration and wind in my hair.
  21. A box of Twinkies a week???? Where do I sign up????? I have been known to be a bit warped at times, even dyslexic at time. So a lot can be a little or a little can be a lot, Or I could just try to fill one specific lot....or......or......or.......
  22. Well I have been playing with the idea of dramatically increasing output while at the same time also increasing dispersal. I kind of means that everyone gets some but no one really gets a lot. Now granted a LOT is a relative term, What I consider a littel others may call a lot. ANd I am sure there re even some that will take what I call a lot and refer to it as just a little bit.
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