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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. If every single car flashed you, that is not a good thing. That is a very bad thing. First thing you must do is to aim that light correctly. If the beams cut off is so bad that it can not be aimed correctly, then it should not be used. Brightness does not blind oncoming drivers, poor aiming will. Do you really want to be blinding something that is coming at you with a closing speed of over 100MPH and is way heavier than you. Most people when being blinded by bright lights close their eyes and hope for the best, it is the natural reaction of the eyes to protect themselves, not to mention that you just wiped out their night vision so they will be blinded for a few minutes whiles their eyes readjust. I have never yet changed a headlight and not had to make some adjustment to the aiming. My truck has over 300 watts of HID lighting which is many times brighter than your LEDs and I have never been flashed, but I took the time to aim them all correctly. Sorry for the rant, improperly aimed lights are a pet peeve. Please, if you are going to do it, do it right. If you are going to at Dons MD I will be happy to help you get the aim correct.
  2. If the tach ever drops to zero while the engine is running, even while the engine is running very badly, it does indicate an electrical problem. A fuel problem will never make the tach drop to zero with the engine still running. There are a lot of things that can have an effect on the TCI. As mentioned a god place to start is the TCI connectors. Clean the contacts, dry it out and give each wire in the connectors a gentle tug to check for a good crimp. If that does not fix it we can move on to other areas to check. It takes a while to go thru everything, but we will help you find it. I HATE intermittent issues, if it does not act up for the dealer at his shop, all he can do is to throw YOUR money at the problem until he happens to hit the bad part. I hate throwing money at a problem..............
  3. I am planning to leave here around 3-4am on Friday June 10th. This gets me just over the state line into Indiana by 6am to miss some of the Chicago lunatics that have not yet had their morning coffee. This timing also gets me to Dons around noon on Friday with plenty of time to set up my room at the Pond monster motel and get in some visiting before heading out for dinner. If anyone is looking to hook up, let me know, we can see what will work out.
  4. Can you get a pressure tester on it to see where it is leaking from? Be real careful that you do not fill a cylinder with coolant and hydro lock the motor. Although that would make diagnosis and the path to follow pretty simple.
  5. https://mobiloil.com/en/motor-oils/mobil-1/mobil-1-4t-motorcycle-oil http://www.castrol.com/en_us/united-states/motorcycle-oil/4-stroke-engine-oil.html
  6. Gary I have played the tie the handle back game a lot, to no avail. I am also contemplating getting rid of the splitter and just get 2 new long lines made up with a double banjo at the master. For the rear I gutted the proportioning valve and then plugged the hole where the rear line used to attach and my braided stainless line is connected to the port that used to go to the front left caliper. I do not know if the different port makes any difference once the valve is out other than it is easier to get to. I also have HH pads in the rear and both fronts.
  7. DOH!!! And this last weekend I cleaned out the shed and threw out all the 28 year old rubber lines I took off the bike when I delinked and went to stainless. Today was trash day so they are gone. It never fails, they were in my way for 2 years.................
  8. It depends on which Mobile 1 you used. If an oil does not specifically say it is for a wet clutch I will not use it. If the oil say it contains friction enhancers or something for economy, it will most likely not work. Others do use certain oils that do not specifically state for wet clutch and it works out ok for them. To me there is not enough of a price difference to be experimenting using oil that was not made for a motorcycle. If it was the oil causing the slipping, it will take a while to flush it out of the clutch, you will not have instant grip. A lot of shifting and riding in the friction zone will help to clear the old oil out of the clutch.
  9. I just put in the progressive springs last weekend and left my 30 year old seals alone. I would still change the fork oil even though it is fairly fresh.
  10. The bikini would be better than nothing...................
  11. It sure sounds like an electrical issue. Intermittent electrical are the worst PITA to find.
  12. If you bring them a panel to match they will match that panel. If the panel you bring is faded the new paint will match the faded paint. If you are repainting the whole bike and want original color then you need to have them mix it to the recipe.
  13. Any good auto paint supplier can do a color match while you wait. A color match will match also match any fading that has happened over the last 30 years, color rite type places will match the factory spec which may no longer match the rest of the paint.
  14. Did you by chance bump the kill switch, you would not be the first.
  15. My rear is wonderful, pads are good, I aint touching it.I can just barely get it to lock if I really make an effort at it. My front has a single line down from the master, that goes to a V-Max splitter and then 2 lines down from there. A 16mm master is a lot less money than the R1/R6 calipers. Even if I do go with the R1/R6 calipers I still need a new master, I think the badly pitted master is a big part of my issue. It seems that I did get some air into the master while the bars were hanging upside down during the steering bearing job. I bled the system at the master banjo bolt after it sat for 24 hours so all of the air could float up to that point. I then bled the whole system normally. The front brake is at least now back to where it was, not great but rideable. I still want to get it better.
  16. Now that is one of the best epic battle stories yet. Hope you feel better soon.
  17. Maybe we can both head up there and triple team it. I can pack my favorite BFH. I also have a puller that has successfully pulled that flywheel. who knows what some flying ability will add to the conversation..........
  18. Man, If you were just a tad closer and/or I did not have to work all week..................... My first opportunity to get up there will not be until the first weekend in June so if you do not have it solved by then.................
  19. OK I had a thought last night. Yea I know, me having thoughts is usually a dangerous thing.................. While working on the steering bearings I may have had the Master cylinder sitting upside down while draped over the side of the bike. this could have let air into the pump chamber of the master. Tonight when I get home I will bleed the master to see if that may be the case. Even if that is the case and it gets me back to where I was, that is still just ok brakes not great brakes. The stock master on the MKIs is a 1/2 inch (12.7mm) bore, the stock master on a MKII is 14mm (9/16 inch) bore. That 14mm bore was designed to operate just the right caliper. So I am thinking that going to a 16mm (5/8 inch) bore like what is used on some bikes with dual front calipers might just work better.
  20. Also the middle gear cover has to come off first. As Marcarl mentioned make sure you have all the screws out, some are good at hiding and even a bit tricky to get to. And yes, Pictures always help us. Once you get the bike running you will understand why we love them so much and put up their issues. I don't think there is a bike made that does not have its issues.
  21. I agree that the oil and heat are not related.
  22. I have an 88 so it did have that bleed point. But since I have delinked The high point is gone comepleely.
  23. Yup, now you got no excuses for not going to MD. Better get over to the calendar and change to a yes + 1.
  24. How can you be trouble Mama. I already have that name................
  25. I thought of this thread as I was doing my test ride today. went by a semi that was weaving all over and driving 10 under the speed limit. as I went by I could see he had both hands off the wheel with just his wrists resting on the top of the wheel cuz both hands were busy texting away.
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