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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Is this the one you are thinking of? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?77042-MORE-lights
  2. Royal Star Tour Deluxe. It is kind of like a stripped down RSV.
  3. Since this post is from back in '09, a LOT has changed in the world of LEDs in the last 7 years. Most of what is mentioned above is now obsolete.
  4. Just ride on the edges from now on they still look like new. It is only the middle that is worn out.
  5. You want a launch ramp......... https://youtu.be/pCzfTiIp97Y
  6. I do not have the 4 inch long OEM spacer The spacer I am referring to is item 28,60 and its O-ring Unfortunately you can not easily raise the tubes in the clamps. To do that you would have to permanently get rid of the CLASS or air system for the front and seal (weld?) the air holes in the tubes closed. Then you could remove the air collars (item 68, 69 and 74 in above pic) and be able to slide the tubes up in the clamps, and i don't remember if there is even room to do that before the tubes would hit the hit the handle bars.
  7. The turn signal part might be close enough to a 2nd gen to get some clues from that wiring diagram. Just a WAG here.
  8. OK, So I got my progressives installed and they are way better than the worn out stock springs. I used the full 1 inch plastic spacers, and the the OEM aluminum spacer with the O-ring on it. The front of the bike is now about 1.5 inches higher than it was before with zero air in the front. The biggest issue I have now is low speed handling, trying to ride at a walking speed is almost impossible for me now, With the old saggy springs I could ride to a stop and go and not have to put my feet down. I cave tried every combination of how much rear brake and clutch feathering to try to stabilize but to no avail. The bike just now feels really top heavy. I have almost dropped it twice coming to a stop. I am wondering if I take out some or most of the spacer, will that lower the front end and give me back some of my low speed handling. Kind of like many seem to do with the 2nd gens by going with a smaller front tire or sliding the forks up in the tree. I just have never played with bike suspension so I do not know what changes will have what effect. I don't want to fix the low and create a high speed issue.
  9. I'll take a good old fashion northern blizzard over that heat nonsense any day. I can dress for a blizzard and spend the day outside and be safe and comfortable, that heat is just plain deadly.
  10. If the blower is that good at moving dust, hit the car with the blower and that dust should blow right off.
  11. Whew, I thought I was the only one that was clueless and needed to test stuff.......................
  12. I went to do a test in the testing area today. I noticed that there were no other posts in the testing area. Was this simply cleared or do things self clear after a fixed time? Is this something new?
  13. Unfortunately, if a thief wants it, they will take it, and there really is nothing you can do to stop them short of sitting in the yard with a shotgun. The best to hope for is that the neighbors trailer looks to be an easier target than yours. It also helps to leave the trailer doors unlocked and nothing worth stealing inside. This gives them much less incentive to steal it just to see what is worth locking up inside it. So far I have found my trailer to be sitting open twice. Someone was disappointed that they went thru the effort and risk to open it for no gain. Because it was unlocked they did not have to do any damage to become disappointed. No it did not open itself. And it was not worth their while to steal the 2 bungee cords that hold my cooler down or the side stand plates that I give away for free at events.
  14. I tried last year but it did not work out. So I am going to try again this year. The Harley museum has a restaurant on site for the FOOD part. then there are tours available for the museum. If it is something we might want to make a day of, there are packages that include factory tours of some other nearby businesses, Like Palmeros Pizza, with free samples, A distillery, several local breweries, Miller park tours to parts of the stadium that most people would never see. and a bunch of other possibilities. If the timing is right there are even tours of the HD plant. So is there enough interest for me to look into this any farther? Many of the better deals and discounts start with 15 people. How much fun would it be to fill a Harley parking lot with Yamahas.............
  15. If you need to get creative and can not find any lockable storage. You could fold it all up just right, put it in a Zip Lock, and then mount the license plate over it. Yes you will need a screwdriver to retrieve it for a LEO. But needing a tool to get to it is the next best thing to needing a key to get to it. Just be sure to always have the right screwdriver in the bikes tool kit. You could even get fancy and mount the plate using security screws that need a special driver to get out.
  16. Glad you got it, I would find something that will load it to near capacity like a space heater or small window air conditioner, and test it out at home before relying on it. That was actually my first impression also. But then I looked at where Greg is located and translated the English to American and all was good.............
  17. IIRC Barnett offers heavy duty and extra heavy duty springs. You may just need the heavier spring set. Of course make sure that hydraulic side is working correctly first. When was the last time you changed the clutch and break fluid? Old fluid can also cause the clutch to not work correctly.
  18. Based on the wiring diagram, there are 3 yellows because it don't matter. The red and the black do matter a lot. Suzuki_GS750.pdf
  19. I always hate making do unless there is no other option. But this is a good option in a pinch. I bought the set from HF for $12 with a 20% off coupon. Now I have all the sizes so I can speed up the jobs by using an air ratchet on hex drive screws. http://www.harborfreight.com/9-piece-38-and-12-drive-metric-hex-bit-socket-set-67880.html
  20. I just have mine buried in so much junk that it is unlikely that they will find it. I will have a hard time finding it if I ever have to, and I know where to start looking.
  21. Well wave when you go thru Milwaukee on your way to Ohio.
  22. I used that same method for my RV trailer, but I used 4 stands and no weight on the tongue. My stands were tall enough that the tongue jack did not reach the ground, so it would not be easy to use to get the trailer off the stands. The drums might still be the low point, just hook up and pull it off the stands and worry about the tires later. But you are right, nothing will stop someone that is determined to take it, but that will stop the tempted lazy thief.
  23. you have a 4 gallon tank plus a 1 gallon reserve. at 40 mpg you will get 160 miles and hit the reserve. you aint gonna git no 250 miles out of a tank.
  24. Flyinfool


    Sounds good.. BUT
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