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Everything posted by Flyinfool

  1. Glad things are looking up for you.
  2. If you had an intermittent internal connection in the battery, and it was tested while the connection was good, it would test as a good battery. But then on the other hand an open in the battery should not stop a running engine UNLESS, at idle the charging system output was less than the power demands of everything that was drawing power on the bike at that time. It is common to be running off the battery at idle with everything turned on. Simple check, Measure the voltage across the battery with the engine above 3,000 RPM. as long as it is about 14V you are charging correctly.
  3. Don't you know there is no place for logic or common sense in gubermint.
  4. Well your 87 'burb should be more reliable, it is the newer one after all. I have seen a few 1st gens chopped, bobbed, and even ratted.
  5. Yes I believe it was Randy that put a 2nd gen grans into his 1st gen. BUT He also changed the rear end ratio to a V max to keep the proper final drive ratios.
  6. In WI the only use limitation to Collector plates is that it can not be driven on the street in the month of January. Not normally a big deal for a bike in Wisconsin. Collector plate requires a one time payment of 2 years registration which is $23 + $50 and then the plates never expire, even if you transfer them to another bike. Antique plates are the ones with a lot of restrictions. I will not go that route.
  7. In WI the collector plates have no bearing on insurance. My insurance co does not have a category for old bikes.
  8. Every state has different rules for antique, collector, historic or whatever they call it tags.
  9. #10 is one of the heat shields that goes just above the engine. the rubber lined slots are for the spark plug wires. You are looking at the top of it. I think that is the front one but I am not 100% certain. #26 Yes the battery box #31 is a chrome wraparound for the trunk Was this thing stored under water????
  10. Do you have a link to the video that you watched? In order to adjust it per the service manual the top triple tree clamp will come off so that the locking cage and the top nut can come off.
  11. § Symbol means section. It is made on most windows computers by pressing and holding the ALT key and entering 21 on the numeric keypad then release the ALT key. There are a lot of useful special characters that can be accessed with the ALT key. You must use the numeric keypad and not the row of numbers above the characters. If you do not have a numeric keypad like on a laptop, then you may have a fn button + NumLk that will turn some of the letters into a numeric keypad. Don't forget to change it back or your typing will look funny. Google "ALT Code" The symbols sometimes change with different fonts.
  12. It was determined that Seafoam is Naphtha, Coleman fuel is Naphtha, Isopropyl alcohol, and oil. It was never determined what kind of oil is used or the exact mix ratio. This was determined from the MSDS sheets. Those sheets are always vague on quantity of each ingredient to protect the formula. There was some experimenting going on with various oils. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?32679-Sea-Foam-for-Lawn-Mower&highlight=seafoam+msds http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?50556-Camp-Fuel-V-S-Sea-Foam&highlight=naptha
  13. That is exactly what was missing, and now it has returned.
  14. Glad to hear you are still around and moving forward. I can not even imagine what you have been and are still going thru.
  15. Yea that's the one. I cleaned my glasses and washed my eyeballs and there it is.
  16. I know what Dan is referring to, it was another pull down In the row under the tabs, next to the "Quick Links" pull down. It had an line in it called "My Posts" and another called 'My Threads". It only disappeared in the last couple of months. It was not their in all screens. If you click "New Posts" it would not be there, If you went to the "Forum" tab it was there. I also used to use that feature a lot to find an old post that I did to link to in a new post.
  17. You mean I may have to upgrade to using 2 fingers instead of just one????
  18. I only use electric shavers. I have never bought an electric shaver. I am still using the Norelco my parents bought me when I was a teen just starting to sprout face hair. That would make it around 45 years old. never replaced a single part. The beard and mustache trimmer part died a long time ago and the switch had to be hot wired. but it still goes every morning when I plug it in. See how well this would fit in if there were a separate area................... Then we can get into Ford / Chevy / Dodge debates. That should be about as much fun as oil, tires, politics, religion, and dielectric grease discussions. Maybe even as much fun as 1st gen vs 2nd gen.
  19. Just like you were prepping for paint. Every blemish will show thru the wrap.
  20. Thank you for understanding just how this works................
  21. You are missing clearances. In order for the bolts to go through a hole the hole must be bigger than the bolt or stud. this means that there is a small amount of slop between the stud and the hole it goes through. what you are doing is to use the axle to find the best possible location within the available slop.
  22. OK Thanks Boss Man. I can breath again.....................
  23. The corners are getting crowded...............
  24. I did not say Venture, I said 2nd gen, 96 does have the same motor and driveline and was the beginning of the 2nd gen. So you are desperately trying to squeeze out that extra 3 more years until a Venture is officially old.
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