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Everything posted by Gunny

  1. Great documentary here's a section I found out in the middle of nowhere Utah a little south of I80
  2. Happens when engine is warm and try to start I can smell gas even before turning on the key, it will crank and crank then finally catch and slowly rev then smooth out and run fine but it only happens occasionally some times 3-4 times in a row other time it well do it once then not again for the next 10 or more starts when the problem is not occurring she'll fire right up. and of course it always seems to happen at the most inopportune times usually in a busy store parking lot when there are lots of people around watching me struggle to get it to start:bang head: other than this its been running great, got home on Tuesday from around a 1000k ride while ridding through Mesa Verde it started doing this and I was having such a tough time starting it I finally just left it running at a few stops which made me nervous to leave it and go see the sights but got a one that had a fair walk to go see, shut it off was gone for 10- 15 min. got back and it started right up and did so the rest of the day So looking for suggestions for what to check.
  3. Yah that makes sense Jeff it wasn't supper low but low enough to make the light come on guess I'm still getting to know her habits and quarks Hay Dave good to know I just may take you up on that
  4. so on a related note yesterday the battery light started blinking every now & then and today it came on solid and would not go off so I check the water level in the battery and it was a little low so add some distilled water and all is good but the battery is only 2 weeks old... this is the first bike I've had that had a water level sensor so is this is normal?
  5. It's working took it all apart and cleaned all the connectors put it back in and it plays out of both side not sure what the problem was didn't see any loose connections, just glad it's working It is doing something new though if I turn off the power and then back on I have to eject the tape then put it back in to get it to work where before it would just work but I can live with that the sound quality isn't to bad either (better than the radio) so over all I'm quite happy with it. Thanks for all the replies. Lot of good info on here
  6. well I remembered my parents car still has a cassette player so I hooked the adaptor and GPS up in their car and it all work fine so the problem is not with either of them put it back on the bike and still right speaker only there is a hissing sound coming from the left but no music. I'll check the connector at the tape deck again and see if 1 is bent http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...ow-do-I-fix-it good info:happy34: in the future I'd like to hook up a USB port but I'm kinda funny about keeping things original too so I'll have to put some thought into it
  7. The previous owner mentioned that the cassette deck did not work but that's no big deal the stereo works fine even the auto volume adjuster (side note the volume goes up sitting at a light with a guy on a Harley idling in front of me) the thing is for longer rides I simply plug in headphones into my GPS which also has an MP3 player allowing me to listen to all my favorite songs but its a lot of hassle to go through for short rides so I went over to Best Buy and picked up one of those cassette adaptor to plug in to the GPS and hopefully play through the stereo... well it works but only plays out oh the right speaker? the radio plays through both and I don't see any balance adjustment so I pulled the cassette deck out and using this write up http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/ I took it apart and cleaned the head put it back together but same result right side only. I cleaned all the connectors with electrical cleaner and blew out everything with compressed air before putting it back together. honestly I have no knowledge of how these thing work so I'm looking for advice on what else to check
  8. I like this need to get me a set Diamond Grip Terminal Cleaner. http://www.ipatools.com/products/ind.../ipa-8040.html good point Condor so I just got done checking new battery key off 12.69 key on 12.14 low idle 13.10 idle little choke about 1000 rpm's 13.75 + or - 2 to 3 volts 3000 rpm's 13.90 brake on slow drop to 12.50 + or - 2 to 3 volts so 1.25 volt drop so charging system seems to be working but now I wish I had checked it with the old battery and thanks for the info on the seat removal Donvito I never would have guessed the seat is bolted on all the Hondas I've had either a lock or a lever you had to pull which is what I was looking for.
  9. I knew mine was a CA bike the guy a bought it from was the original owner and bought it at Hayward Yamaha in of course Hayward California or so the license plate frame says. That's cool to know
  10. just installed a new battery seems better but still dims a bit when brakes are applied cleaned as many of the wires and connectors as I could some are tough to get to with out taking the firing apart you know I have yet to take the seat off this thing I have looked (not real good) for how to take it off but to no avail guess I need to look in the owners manual and see how if not happy I'll try disconnecting the anti dive solenoids and see if that fixes
  11. Thanks good to know Much rather replace a battery than chase down an electrical problem
  12. Had the bike for about a month & 1/2 now and I'm really starting like it after putting over a thousand miles on her she's now running much better and now pulls pretty good even in 5th. last weekend I took it on a ride up to northern Wyoming / southern Montana up over Bear tooth pass and Chief Joseph Highway among other fantastic roads and she ran great but boy she drinks a lot of gas when blasting up steep windy canyon roads LOL However one thing it's done all along is at an idle and especially when the brakes are applied the voltage drops A LOT here is a quick video showing what I mean http://i445.photobucket.com/albums/qq178/VF1100/th_VID_20150725_213055.mp4 Not sure how old the battery is but I did have to and water to it so I'm guessing 1-2 years old but cranks OK and seem to hold a charge but what worries me the most is how much juice the brake light is taking, is this normal or do I have a possible electrical issue in the brake light system?
  13. 1993 Build date 9/92 VIN JYA1UNCO3PA012127 84101.7 miles
  14. Thanks for the replies. I'm sure your right Venturous Randy so I just paid the $12 checked each exhaust with an infrared thermometer and all 4 heated up the same so I don't think it was a dead cylinder but I think I will throw in a new set of plugs, fuel filter & check the diaphragms which I hope are still readily available cause there not on the Hondas.
  15. Not new to motorcycles been riding for 40 years but this is my first Yamaha been a Honda man and actually the Honda's I've come to love is what brought me to the Venture Royale I currently have an 83 V65 Magna and an 86 VF500 Interceptor and I love the power and performance of the V4's and now that I'm getting older I really wanted to get something a bit more comfy and since Honda never made a V4 powered touring bike (sure the V65 Sabre is technically a sport touring bike but it's just so ugly kinda like a dump truck) so after some research and a fair amount of shopping I picked up a 93 VR a couple of weeks ago the guy I bought it from was the original owner and put over 82K miles on it but he is now in his 70's and just can't ride it any more, always garage kept and very well maintained, to be honest the mileage kind of scared me tell a saw it and talked to the guy the bike was in the best shape of all the bikes I've looked at however he only rode the bike few times last year and not at all this year so the gas that was in it was from last year so it was running rough so when I got it home I ran a half a can of seafoam and a fresh tank of gas through it and I now on my 6th tank and its now running much better. So far I'm pretty happy with the bike overall the ride is nice and it handles surprisingly well for such a big bike however the performance is just not what I was hoping for its got great power in 1st & 2nd ,OK in 3rd & 4th but kind of a dog in 5th even riding 2 up the Magna still pulls like a freight train in 6th gear. today I went on a 250 mile ride up in the mountains a ride I've taken the Magna on several times, and on every up hill it was in 4th and it just doesn't seem to like 75 - 80 mph which is what the speed limit is on some parts of the freeway around here. other than that the bike ran great, smooth and not so much as a hiccup, it got 48 mpg on the first tank which was the high speed flat part and around 40 on the hilly high altitude parts a little better than the Magna. So my first question is this normal performance for these bikes or is there maybe something wrong with it? if so what should I check? Second question is the starter sometimes misses and makes a clunking noise now on the Honda it's usually a broken little spring on the starter clutch and a fairly easy fix so is there something similar for that I need to fix for this? Also how is parts availability? I'm missing a few things for the most part just cosmetic but I'm really curious about carburation & ignition parts on the old Hondas for most of these parts are used eBay only so I'm hoping Yamaha is better. any help / advice will be greatly appreciated. Anyway kind of a long first post (sorry) but looking forward to what I hope will be many years of riding enjoyment from what I thinks is a beautiful bike and making some new friends along the way
  16. Gunny


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